- April 16, 2004
- What are Israeli Army Reconnaisance Teams doing in Patagonia? They always travel in groups of 5-7 persons,
always one or two women among them, every group has an officer, and they reduce contact with locals and others
to the necessary minimum. A Chilean with some knowledge in these matters told us that they travel in
configurations which would correspond to missions of "reconnaisance and insertion" in military terminology. This
person confirmed to us that the exploration of the Patagonia under guise of tourism has been going on since 1976,
intensifying after about 1982.
- April 6, 2004
- After Irak, Argentina, Brasil and Columbia (photo at left). 'Marines Ilegales en Argentina : El presidente Eduardo
Duhalde aseguró este mediodía que el ministro de Defensa y los jefes militares "no durarían un minuto" en el cargo
si hubiera efectivos de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos operando en la Argentina, al tiempo que volvió a
definir como "un manifiesto error" una versión en ese sentido.' Bush's plans of getting Patagonia. Marines did an
excercise w/ big boats , choppers and planes over a small island in the Argentinean delta. (photo at right).

- January 7, 2004
- Im located at Cordoba Argentina. There is an incredible amount of international tourism we are having down here,
from Europe and USA. They are heading to Neuquen and Cordoba. I think they are relocating!
- February 16, 2004
- International Tourism here in Cordoba, Argentina is so obvious that even the news teams are facinated, printing
storyies almost everyday. People leaving big crowded cities like Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, NYC, selling everything
they had back home and relocateing here in Argentina.
- March 25, 2004
- I have never seen so many C-130 Hercules flying around here. Our Cs are much older and they usually land at the
Military Base (Fuerza Aerea). These come from the north and they land at the Cordoba International Airport.
- December 17, 2004
- Many members of the Israeli establishment are making preparations to relocate to South America, most likely
Patagonia where huge tracts of land have already been purchased by the Israeli government with funds supplied by
the United States. Indeed, we estimate that around 20% of the defence budget allocated for Iraq has mysteriously
disappeared into this account
- August 23, 2006
- Last week, (mid August 2006) a very serious event transpired at the Buenos Aires international airport which the
local mainstream press did not however bring to the attention of the public. On Wednesday 9th August 2006, Ezeiza
airport police arrested an important Israeli diplomat carrying a considerable quantity of explosives. The Zionist
representative was en route to Chile and was detained minutes before boarding a plane. Despite his protests,
airport police arrested him and informed the Argentine interior ministry of the situation which ordered that the
situation be contained.F or years, various reporters and independent researchers have been highlighting the false
nature of the "attacks" on the Israeli embassy in Argentina and on the headquarters of AMIA (Argentine Israelite
Mutual Association which was "truck bombed" in July 1997 and the blame placed on Hizb'allah). For example, the
online magazine "Libertad de opinion" conducted an exclusive investigation into the Israeli embassy truck bombing
in Buenos Aires in July 1997 (blamed on Islamic Jihad) in which it revealed reports submitted to the Supreme Court
by engineers who had studied the scene of the embassy bombing and who asserted that there was in fact no truck
bomb, that the building was destroyed by an implosion from within the building and that a crater was created
before hand to provide evidence for the claim by local Zionist organisations that a truck bomb was the cause. In
May of 1999, the print edition of the same magazine (Libertad de opinion) published another shocking article in
which it revealed the clues and questions that led many investigators to dismiss the "Islamic terrorist" hypothesis
and to conclude that the previously mentioned AMIA bombing in July 1997 was also the result of an internal
implosion, on this occasion caused by the detonation of a box full of explosives that had been sent to the AMIA
building by an Israeli community in Cordoba. According to sources, a dramatic "attack" is being planned for South
America, in order to neutralise the growing rejection of Zionist barbarity among South American governments.
During the recent conflict, no South American government desired to come out in favor of Israel, and likewise, none
wanted to openly criticise Hizb'allah.