Would the Zetas care to answer more questions about the waterworld that many of us are scheduled to reincarnate in?
Does this waterworld have "technology"? Does it have a crystal or magnetic power sources equivalent to electricity? Does it have a "civilization" as we would know it - with a history, laws, art, governments, music, architecture, and organized armies? Are the depths of the oceans lit with lights or does everyone live in a dark hole?
Can they give us a more comprehensive picture of what that world is going to be like?

Before we have the Zetas address this, I'd like to give a bit of background on life on other worlds.
We on Earth tend to think of aliens as hominoid, like ourselves but with some slight difference,
But this is hardly the reality out there in the Universe, according to the Zetas.

ZetaTalk: Percentages, written Dec 15, 1995
If one were to take a census on intelligent life in the part of the Universe the Earth goes around in, the results would probably shock humans.

On a world by world basis there are about 1,000 dead worlds for every one that holds life. Humans are familiar enough with their surroundings to understand conditions on other planets, and if anything, would be surprised at the percentage capable of life. Not every life bearing planet sustains life that can develop to the level required for conscious and intelligent thought.

There are about 2,500 primordial worlds for every one that can support an intelligent species. Your Earth, for instance, had many such species with this potential.

Of these worlds that hold intelligent species, the vast majority, perhaps 75%, are water babies, as the vast majority of habitable planets are essentially water planets. These species may be crablike, fishlike, squidlike, or formed like almost any of your ocean inhabitants - an almost infinite variety.

Of the worlds that sustain land dwelling intelligent species, the greater share, just under 60%, are reptilian. Reptilian life forms appear first, and thus better their percentages. A minority are mammalian, above 10%, but whenever these life forms are a candidate they beat out all other candidates as mammalian existence is highly interactive and thus a good spiritual schoolyard.

The remaining land dwelling species range between birdlike or insect types, the latter more prevalent at about 30%.

The overall percentages, then, are
- 1 / 1,000 planets that can sustain life.
- 1 / 2,500 life bearing planets that evolve intelligent species.
- Of these, 75% are water babies, 15% are reptilian, 2.5 % are hominoid, 7.5 are bird like, with an infinitesimal percentage insect types.

Not all worlds are habitable,
but many that we, on Earth, have assumed incapable of sustaining life do in fact sustain life,
per the Zetas.

ZetaTalk: Habitable Worlds, written Feb 15, 1997
Life only evolves where something akin to DNA can develop and be nurtured. Where the physical processes are essentially explosive, as within suns, or immobilized, as on your frozen outer planets, any DNA type structure would either be torn apart or fail to grow. What kind of thought process could a single atom maintain?

Habitable worlds are:
1. Those that are not undergoing an essentially explosive process, such as suns undergo, or are not in such close proximity to such a process that they share the same environment.
2. Those that are not so far from a heat and light generating process that their atoms are essentially immobilized. There is more variety in these types of worlds than mankind currently surmises. As long as a DNA type structure can form and not be destroyed, life can exist. However, such slow-motion worlds are poor school houses and souls fail to spark in such a boring environment.
3. Those that contain a heavy preponderance of a liquid, such as water, to encourage mobility. Mankind assumes that life requires water, and they are not far from the truth. There are other substitutes, just as there are other substitutes for carbon in the chemical chains that form into DNA type structures, but the stage must be set, for any type of complex life forms to develop, for mobility.

* worlds such as your outer planets are too cold;
* worlds such as your planet Venus are too hot;
* worlds such as your planet Mars do contain enough water to support the development of life, which did develop but has now been frozen out;
* moons such as Europa could support life in slow motion that would scarcely develop;
* gaseous planets such as Saturn or Jupiter could support life if the chemical mix is such that DNA type structures can develop, the heavy atmosphere acting like a type of ocean

However, within your Solar System, only the Earth currently supports complex life, with ample water and heat from a molten core and the right amount of sunlight from a moderate sized sun.

Both Mars and Venus and a number of planets formerly in the Asteroid Belt supported life in the past. The Asteroid Belt had water planets capable of developing complex life forms, but were dashed to pieces by the trash and Moons that accompanies the periodic passages of [Planet X].

Your gaseous planets have a chemical mix that aborts, rather than supports the building of DNA type structures. And Planert X, also a member of your Solar System, has a slow and very controlled explosive process that supplies it with its own heat and light, which emerges through deep rifts in the oceans and scatters in the atmosphere to form a diffuse light around this traveling planet.

I have been given what is called a life form orientation, as a contactee,
in preparation for my role as a communicator, being in the media and relaying this information.
The first lineup was a lineup of hominoids, not too much of a shock.
Here's what I recorded as a result of that lineup:

Greek God
Greek God was presented in the lineup of hominoids. He was an example of the 8 foot tall giants that live on Planet X, and came to Earth to mine for Gold when their planet was passing through. He made Arnold Schwartzeneger look like a 97 pound weakling. He was wearing a Roman legionnaire's outfit and was attractively proportioned. What a hunk! My comment to him was, "No wonder they thought you were gods."

Chicken Man
Chicken Man was presented in the lineup of hominoids. He looked just like a flesh-colored chicken without feathers, but upon close examination I saw there were toes on the feet and fingers on the end of wing-like arms. There was no beak, just a pointed face. When I asked what his planet was like I was given a telepathic view of a bleak rocky place. I was told this was a female who was hugging and protective of the next hominoid, a male.

Tiny Man
Tiny Man was presented in the lineup of hominoids. He stood about a foot tall, and was flesh colored with a rounded head and short limbs. He seemed terribly shy, and when spoken to would titter and look at the floor. Chicken Man did all the talking.

Horned Toad Man
Horned Toad Man was presented in the lineup of hominoids. He was less than 4 foot tall and wore clothing. His skin was covered by large humped plates similar in appearance to the top of a turtle shell, but with more flexibility. When asked, he explained that his home planet was a dry, rocky place. There were two of these, one smaller than the other, but I failed to ask if they were from different planets or were different sexes.

Broom Stick Man
Broom Stick Man is the very tall and skinny alien from Close Encounters, the one with a small thin head. He appeared to be in charge of presenting the hominoid lineup. He seemed responsible and sensitive to the varying discomforts and expectations of the group.

Little Green Man
Little Green Man was presented in the lineup of hominoids. He was less than 4 foot tall, had a round green face but thin body, and had splayed fingers from a small round hand. He wore a plain blue outfit.

Slinky Man
Slinky Man was presented in the lineup of hominoids. He was short and appeared to have no neck, wrists, or ankles - all was one round tubular shape like connected slinkies. He wore an outfit with a high collar and his hair was clumped and still, black, standing straight up along the back of the head in peaks. I asked about his home planet but received for an answer this movement. His right leg stretched out to twice its length and landed to the side, then retracted and came back. He stretched like a slinky, without sign of bones inside. Persevering, I next got the following motion. His head rose up on a stretching neck 2 feet above the shoulders. His neck didn't get thin, all just rose up like a slinky.

Broom Stick Man explained telepathically that I had offended Slinky Man, because I hadn't bowed before talking to him. I bowed deeply from the waist and begged his forgiveness, and got warm, happy vibes from Slinky Man telepathically. I never did get my question answered. I asked the Zetas about him afterwards, and they explained this race is from a 3rd Density planet, not mature as our planet is not mature. Where we are violent, they get into a lot of posturing and political chits. The Zetas said "Very tiring."

Swamp Creature
Swamp Creature was presented later, after the presentations of hominoids, where the presentations were moving to other variations of intelligent creatures. He looked like the Creature from the Black Lagoon except that he was green, not black. A gentle giant, in and out of the water.

Then we moved on to later presentation, getting progressively more shocking:

Vampire Man
Vampire Man looked like a hominoid flea. He stood 4 foot high with stubby little legs and arms and gray leathery skin. The outstanding feature was 2 long, gray tusks coming down from his face about 4 inches apart. My understanding was that this was the equivalent of our vultures, in that it eats the dead by sucking fluids from a corpse. He seemed negative to me in that he wanted to intimidate, but like most bullies backed away when really confronted. I grabbed a tusk and flipped him onto his back. Not being agile, it took him some minutes to right himself, his stubby arms and legs flailing.

Dino Man
Dino Man looked like a small Tyrannosaurus Rex, but was no taller than a large man. He was dark green, with a ridge down his back, and stood erect while leaning back on a large fat tail used for balance. The end of his tail had a couple of pointed yellow barbs, which looked fluid filled and puffy. The mouth was lined with many teeth. He was not a telepathic conversationalist except to insist that I was to obey him, a command he repeated several times. When this was refused he opened his mouth to show all his teeth, leaning toward me. When he found he could not intimidate me, he lost interest and turned his back.

Octopus Man
Octopus Man had a body and tentacles like an octopus. He was chocolate brown on the outside and cream colored on the underside of the tentacles. I was delighted to find him very chatty. I asked what his home planet was like and was telepathically shown a planet of water with only an occasional rock sticking out - very windy above the water line and inhospitable where the water was warm and inviting. We shook hands at the end, hand to tentacle. He had a special pink tentacle like a long earthworm that wrapped around my wrist, to improve communications it seemed. I had no problem with that. It's not the life form, it's the vibes coming from the soul within that matters.

Bean Bag Man
Introduction to this intelligent alien caused me to faint for the first time in my life. The Zetas dragged me to my feet and the introduction proceeded. Bean Bag Man has 2 eyes in a broad round head, and a single mouth. Asked what his home planet was like, I received a telepathic explanation of a green hothouse kind of place. Bean Bag Man looked like a round green blob with no bones. When I asked what he ate, I got a telepathic view of a bug like a beetle being crushed. I gave Bean Bag Man a telepathic view and explanation of our custom of shaking hands, and he extended one of about fifty little claws that fringed around his waist. After a moments hesitation, and I took and shook one of the claws.

I asked about technology, and didn't get anything back. He did not come for this visit on his own power. I asked about housing and got a telepathic scene of Bean Bag Man sort of flowing along the ground toward a sheltered place along an embankment. Saying goodby, Bean Bag Man moved away from me, flowing along by heaving parts of his body forward or backward along the ground. Bean Bag Man was all green, except for his bottom where he abutted the ground, and this was black. A pleasant fellow, meaning me no harm.

Cockroach Man
Cockroach Man emerged from a blue/green pool, where he had been floating face down. The pool appeared to be thick with algae. His back was smooth and rounded like a turtle shell, with no sign of wings, and he was gray all over. He stood erect on a rear set of legs, looking like a giant cockroach on the front with several sets of leg/arms ending in two toe/fingers and with a couple of round eyes at the head. He was not particularly communicative.

Amoebae Man
Amoebae Man was light green and without form or distinction. He had no markings. He was on the floor, and flowed parts of itself around my ankles so communication could occur. A picture of a rocky world where life only occurs in the crevices was relayed to me. Amoebae man had to lay low to survive.

The Zetas explained to me why many in the lineup seemed about the same size and shape.

ZetaTalk: Size and Shape, written Aug 15, 1996.
Where intelligent life forms come from all possible stops on the evolution scale, they are fairly consistent in size. The reason for this rule is simple - on the inevitable encounters, intimidation would be minimized. Thus whether a life form is similar to an insect, fish, octopus, snake, lizard, monkey, bird, or hominoid they have all been genetically engineered to be of the same approximate size.

Within these parameters there is great variation on other facets, however, as the life form must live on the world they evolved on, and this cannot be ignored. Thus, on those worlds where the mass of the planet is such that gravity exerts a great pull, the life form will evolve with enough strength in bone and muscle to move about. Thus the giant hominoids from Planet X are large, heavy boned, and strong in comparison to humans, as their planet exerts almost twice as much gravity pull as the Earth.

Thus we, the Zetas, are stronger than humans as our planets also had more mass and resulting gravity pull. Where skinny, our bones are bolstered by wrap around ribs and joints that move in fewer directions than human joints, thus preventing strain.

The evolution of a life form and the home planet determines to some degree where the life form can travel and work. Beyond the obvious differences in ability to tolerate high radiation from a hot sun or the need to breath air or water or the base chemistry of the DNA, there are issues of gravity tolerance.

Beyond approximate size, the life form may be carnivorous or vegetarian or if the planet is lush with watery nutrients even simply absorb nutrients through the skin as many single cell organisms do. They may
- have teeth or no teeth,
- eyes or no eyes or multiple eyes,
- skin that is dry and tough or covered with slim or oil,
- bones as an interior or exterior skeleton or no bones at all,
- able to generate their own sugars as do plants or be completely dependent upon food located and eaten,
- breathing through lungs or gills or absorbing air or water components through the skin,
- covered with feathers or fur or scales or without an outer garment.

Life forms come in all shapes, and humans embracing the Awakening should be mentally and emotionally prepared to encounter them. Bear in mind that they think of the human form as strange, too.

It took me some time to come to grips with Cockroach man, as I did not want to remember.
All those many legs, wagging at me.
Where I had telepathic communication with all the other life forms I was presented with,
nothing seemed to be passing between us.
I presumed this was because our DNA was too different, preventing a shared communication, brain wave to brain wave.
The Zetas state that very few worlds have intelligent insects as the evolved intelligent species, for a reason.

ZetaTalk: Intelligent Insects, written Dec 15, 1996
* On water planets, where no dry land exists, the life form that emerges as the intelligent species is most often a type of octopus, as their tentacles allow manipulation of the environment and intelligence eventually develops due to that capacity.

* On planets where reptiles prospered well, where a rapid rotation of the planet toasts the environment evenly and allows cold-blooded reptiles to be constantly active, the reptiles simply eat the emerging mammals.

* On planets where a mammal life form emerges routinely have an environment that is harsh in some way to reptiles. Your Earth is such a planet, with a slow rotation that creates cold nights, winters, and poles such that cold-blooded reptiles are sluggish and slow.

* On planets where insects develop as the dominant intelligent species the planet has land but does not have a generous food supply in its waters or as vegetation on the land. Insects eat anything, in tiny bites, and can live on dung, rotting tissue, crumbs, and the slime that may cover rocks along the edge of water pools.

In the case of planets where insects emerge as predominant, some insect forms begin to eat other insects, and thus can grow larger. Humans, used to insect forms that are tiny, are seeing what occurs when all insect forms are consumed by others. On Earth, insects are consumed not only by other insects but also are the favorite food of birds, reptiles, and rodents.

For any insect to evolve as a large specimen on Earth would require a protected environment where none of the other Earth creatures could discover it. This is simply not the case on your Earth, but is the case on those rare worlds where insects evolve as the predominant, and eventually the intelligent, species.

Where reptilians have the repulation of being cold blooded and cruel,
the souls incarnating into reptilian life forms are as likely to be empathetic and kind as humans.
Cold blooded does not necessarily mean cold hearted!

ZetaTalk: Reptilians, written by Jul 15, 1995.
We ourselves, the Zetas, have been described as lizards, where we do not have a genetic affinity for what Earthlings know to be lizards at all. Our genetics are similar to humans, from the same base, and we are warm-blooded. There are cold-hearted humans, who are warm-blooded, and there are warm-hearted reptilians, who are primarily cold-blooded. However, as the reptilian genetics allow for less empathy, or telepathic awareness of others.

There are numerous reptilians at work in the vicinity of Earth. Some of the forms are humanoid, with arms and hands with fingers and opposable thumbs and legs and feet with toes, eyes forward on the face, rather than facing to the side, and a bi-pedal stance. Others take the form of what you would call snakes, with some development of limbs in varying numbers. Others have forms similar to lizards, and walk on four or more legs, their bodies too stiff to allow a stance. These alien forms can rear up to perform functions, but essentially work at the floor level.

A reptilian form familiar to humans is the Dino. Where not as large as the Earth's dinosaurs, this reptilian looks like a miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex, and stands at least as tall as the average human.

The Praying Mantis, considered by many to be an insect looking alien, is in fact a hominoid.
Nor are the Cat People, who are also hominoids.
Hominoids come in many varieties.

ZetaTalk: Cat People, written May 15, 1996.
Humans think of hominoids as bipedal and hairless - the naked ape. Hominoid forms evolve naturally on many worlds, and just as the proto-hominoid on Earth was a hairy ape, the proto-hominoid elsewhere can take many forms. Due to the genetic engineering that takes place, grafting genetics from existing hominoid stock, the hominoid visitors that humans have encountered look similar to humans in the main, and thus have given the erroneous impression that this is the hominoid form. The naked ape is but one variation of the hominoid form.

What is termed the Praying Mantis is a hominoid, and what many contactees take to be the insect forms of their visitors are almost invariably hominoid. There are alien hominoids that look like monkeys or apes to humans and a variation on this form is a furry hominoid humans take to be a bipedal cat. Humans have whiskers, but not the stiff sensing kind that rodents and their pet cats and dogs possess, so seeing whiskers on the delicate face of a fuzzy visitor has caused them to assume these visitors to be cat people.
ZetaTalk: Praying Mantis, written Sep 15, 1995.
The Praying Mantis is large, dark, and, to humans, insect like. They have no physiological similarity to the insects of Earth, however, and in fact are a form of hominoid - mammalian. The Praying Mantis are few in number. They possess remarkable telepathic abilities.
ZetaTalk: Green Men, written by Jul 15, 1995.
Some aliens create chlorophyll in response to energy emitted from a sun, and synthesize crude nutrients such as minerals and water into sugars. This all only goes so far, and in fact only gives what you would describe as a sugar high, a boost.
ZetaTalk: Many Greys, written by Jul 15, 1995.
Grey. What does that mean? That the skin tone is gray, rather than green or blue or beige? Well, we've got news for the human race. Most of the alien forms they will meet will be gray. Of the some thousand or more visitors to Earth, over half have been of a gray tone. Why is this?

The color is what the eye can perceive. Do you imagine that the human eye sees all? Your scientists will tell you this is not so, that your eyes see a very small spectrum of what is to be seen. When the color of the skin before you cannot be seen by you, you register gray. It is impossible to describe the color spectrum that humans are missing, as they would have no frame of reference. The colors are new to humans. The rainbows we see have dozens of colors beyond the rainbows you see.

A number of hominoids visiting Earth meet look remarkably human, however.
The Nordics, Pleiadeans, Men-in-Black, and visitors from Orion among them.

ZetaTalk: Nordics, written by Jul 15, 1995.
The Nordics have less patience with humans than other alien groups, and expect humans to be pure in heart who have little conflict about their roles. The Nordics work at a high level toward solving the Earth's problems, and feel they make best use of their efforts in this way, and their track record reflects this.
ZetaTalk: Pleiadeans, written by Jul 15, 1995.
Some Pleiadean genetics were utilized in humankind's past, during prior genetic engineering phases. The Pleiadeans feel they are particularly adept at communicating the Service-to-Others philosophy to humans, due to these genetic links, and have carved out this role for themselves. This is a worthy and time consuming task, and one which they work at with great dedication. They are very active. They often touch people and communicate, being considered greeters, and are very social. The Pleiadeans are a tiny proportion of the total visitors at present, less that 1/2 of 1%.
ZetaTalk: Orion, written by Jul 15, 1995.
Orion received bad press early on because of a much trumpeted visit to the United States government. The pendulant noses of the entities from Orion are a signal identifier.

Where they look human, they are not among us, living on Earth, for a number of reasons.

ZetaTalk: Human Lookalikes, written Oct 15, 1996.
There are currently no alien visitors that would be taken as human by other humans. This myth was spread by government disinformation agents as a means of raising paranoia in the populace. The distrust of aliens and their purported takeover agendas was to reach into every household, every family, and every bedroom. You, too, may be married to an alien. Movies were produced that showed humans being snatched and clones put in their place, and if not a replacement, then possessed by an alien soul or implanted with a control mechanism. All to raise the level of paranoia so that citizens could be expected to turn in their friends and neighbors if they mentioned having had contact with aliens. There are no alien life forms living in human society, as human lookalikes or otherwise.

It is frequently mentioned that the Pleiadeans look very much like humans, as well as the Nordics and Sirians. Where the similarities immediately impress humans having contact with these hominoids, there are differences that would stand out should they simply set up housekeeping in the neighborhood. The eating habits would be the first to be noticed, as where genetic engineering of hominoids has resulting in similar looking forms, the worlds the hominoids had to adapt to differed greatly.

Nordics eat little, having learned to adapt to lean times on their world. Faced with what humans consider a meal, a Nordic would appear a picky eater. Just as the Men-In-Black are under stress when exposed to the Sun's rays, hominoid life forms from dim suns such as ourselves have difficulty dealing with a mid-sized sun such as yours. This would be true of Pleiadeans as well as Nordics, who would not simply get sunburn, but would develop symptoms of radiation poisoning as well.

Where they don't live among us, the Men-in-Black do live on Earth as our neighbors,
as does Bigfoot and a reptilian species that lives in subterranean cavities.
These are not alien visitors form another world, but transplants from other worlds.

ZetaTalk: Men in Black, written by Jul 15, 1995.
The Men in Black have received a lot of press as their visits are in the consciousness of humans. Where do they come from? They are not extraterrestrial at all, but live underground, in tunnels and caverns. The Men in Black have constructed cities underground, structures with multiple stories and tram systems run by electricity, but these are in natural caverns and are not connected to one another unless natural passageways exist.

The electrical energy the Men in Black use is chemically generated, a method learned on their home planet prior to their transplantation to Earth. Their electrical energy is not abundant, and would hardly support the average United States homeowner with her many electrical appliances.

If the Men in Black live in natural underground caverns, then how have they escaped the eyes of eager explorers, who pass up no opportunity to discover new underground passageways and caverns? There are a thousand times more caverns and passageways than they have yet come upon, or even suspect, many far deeper than man has even probed. The Men in Black, being unable to live on the surface, established themselves underground when they first arrived on Earth, in a technologically advanced state.

They are not violent, as humans are by nature, but they're scared silly of being discovered by humans. Being no less intelligent than humans, they have spent no small amount of time devising ways to keep from being discovered, like a rat in a hole with no back door.
ZetaTalk: Bigfoot, written by Jul 15, 1995.
Bigfoot has fascinated mankind for as long as the two races have been in contact with each other, as infrequent and fleeting as that many be. The reason for this has less to do with Bigfoot's size and ape like appearance, which would be understandable on this Earth, as with Bigfoot's elusiveness. Gorillas, for instance, are as large. Chimpanzees seem as intelligent. Why is Bigfoot a fascination?

The answer lies in his seemingly uncanny ability to elude detection. The reason for this is that Bigfoot was to house a group of [souls] who are in quarantine. They remain elusive because they are not to intermingle with mankind. In this effort, they do not go unassisted.

Bigfoot is there, right under your nose. Why are they in quarantine? These souls have been placed into a primitive condition at their request, so that they can return to a basic understanding of how to get along with each other, with nature, and ponder the wondrous workings of nature. Their quarantine is not an exile. It is a search for peace.
ZetaTalk: Subterranean Life, written Aug 15, 1995.
Little known is that a reptilian race lives underground, in the caverns and waterways that occur naturally. This reptilian race, if seen by humans, would not be recognized as an intelligent species, as they carry none of the trappings of civilization. Do they have technology, structures, computers? Yes and no. Where their IQ is less than humans and they are not as dexterous nor upright, they nonetheless can maneuver their surroundings. Socially, their existence is not that much different from humans. They both care for and murder each other. We will not mention their form, nor the locations of their homes, as they would be vulnerable should humans go hunting for them, for sport, as those inclined toward [power trips] surely would.

These transplants to the Earth came from worlds that could no longer support them. The Men in Black cannot tolerate life on the surface. They were used to dim light. The Men in Black in fact are not even biologically compatible with humans to the degree that offspring might be possible. The reptilian race developed on a water planet. They also suffered from a dying sun, and were used to cold, dark conditions before they were transplanted.

Creatures that look and act like intelligent alien species, but are no more intelligent than dogs or cattle, can also be aliens.
Why is this so?
As our Earth is a Kindergarden schoolhouse for emerging souls,
where we learn to either care for each other empathetically or remain self focused,
the battle for Good or Evil, essentially,
our alien contacts are attempting to convince us it one of these directions.

Where aliens advising the good path want to increase empathy,
aliens advising the bad path want to increase fear and terror, as this increases self focus.
Just yell 'FIRE' in a crowded theatre and see how many people get trammeled.
Everyone thinks for themselves.
So these aliens, wanting their number to increase, wanting new converts, want to increase fear and terror among humans.

By the rules, during this counseling, aliens cannot touch people, cannot harm them.
So how do they accomplish their goals?

Vampires, dragons, mothman, and the recent Chupacabras, are not intelligent creatures from other worlds, they are like dog packs, and are used to terrify humans.
By the rules on alien counseling, this is allowed, as it is not much different than a human encountering a bear or a wolf pack.
But the rules ARE different, as these dog packs can only affect humans if the human submits to this intimidation,
gives up, due to terror,
as then the dog packs can savage and eat them,
just as our own dogs packs on Earth can savage people.

But if the human stands firm and does not give into fear and terror,
then these alien dog packs are held back and cannot hurt the human,
as these alien dogs are on a type of leash.

If this line were not drawn, then those visiting Earth from the essential prison colonies, where the self-focused are forced to live with each other, would flood the Earth with these dog packs from elsewhere.
As it is, since they must keep their dogs on a leash, there are limited dog packs here, as there are a limited number of aliens from the prison colonies visiting here.

In the words of the Zetas:
As with dog packs, they are allowed to encounter, terrify, and even kill humans should the humans basically give up and submit. Thus, there are stories of dragons consuming virgins, and vampires biting to death victims virtually drained of blood.

So in that the vast majority of intelligent species in the Universe are NOT hominoid,
and given that Earth is a very busy place right now, during its Awakening to alien presence,
do contactees invariably get contacted by hominoids, or are there some surprises?

ZetaTalk: Ugly Aliens, written on May 15, 1996
Humans instinctively avoid food that is rotten, and are attracted to food that smells fresh. Men see beauty in women who have full hips, slender waists, and ample bosoms - all traits that indicate the ability and readiness to bear young. Both sexes find a diseased partner unattractive - a safe guard against spreading infections or perpetuating genetic diseases.

A life form that looked like a slime covered horned toad or an amphibious octopus is not a life form humans would instinctively cuddle up to . Humans, due to their evolutionary roots, are inclined to think about dinner or avoidance when encountering such creatures, not about communion.

The global shift in thinking that humans make when realizing that they are not alone as an intelligent species includes contemplating what this means. It does not mean sitting around a table chatting with other very human-looking aliens, an image the media has portrayed. Humans should bear in mind, when making these adjustments, that their appearance may be just as disgusting to their visitors.

The dominant species on a planet might be something that humans would consider a meal,
or vise versa, something that humans would consider a predator.
This type of conflict, for those species that are predators, eating other life,
Is a conflict that ultimately encourages empathy.

Not unlike the decisions of those on Earth who have become vegetarians.

ZetaTalk: Intelligent Carnivores, written Jul 15, 1996
It may be argued that plants and single cell creatures live by absorbing only chemicals and light, and thus sustain themselves in a benign manner, but close examination proves otherwise. Bacteria or virus material considered on the borderline of being living matter, infects and destroys that which they need for nourishment, and the amoebae and protozoa likewise surround and consume foodstuffs they encounter, whether this food be living or not. Plants seem to take in carbon dioxide and light and transform this into sugar. Yet the roots of the plant draw up the nourishment the plants need only because they are embedded in soil moistened in the byproduct of other life, which must die for the plant to grow, and some carnivorous plants don't wait for the donor to die.

Eating one another starts early. Carnivorous behavior is intrinsic to corporeal life. Why God so structured the world in this way is not known, but considering that all [young souls] begin their life incarnated, there are certain lessons that are guaranteed. As empathy in some degree is also intrinsic to corporeal life, a conflict between the self and the other is a given. Thus, the conscious decision to sacrifice the self is frequently made, and this is the spark that begins development toward empathy.

During the pole shift, when 90% of the Earth's population is expected to die either as a result of the shift itself or shortly afterwards due to disease or starvation,
there will be many souls ready to reincarnate into new bodies.
Because of the Earth has been scheduled to be in a Transformation at this time,
when the Earth can become a home for those strongly in the Service to Other, those who are empathetic and genuinely practicing the Golden Rule,
most must go elsewhere to reincarnate.
- those spirit strongly empathic will be allowed to reincarnate on Earth in a hominoid form
- those so self-centered they virtually think only of themselves will be removed to various prison colony planets
- those who have not matured spiritually enough to have made a decision will reincarnate in a waterworld.

ZetaTalk: Next Stop, written Jul 15, 1997
It is a water world, with scarcely a rock or two jutting above the surface of the endless waves. The species on this planet have all evolved from life forms that spend their entire life in the water. Thus, no mammals exist on this planet, since a stint on land, such as occurred in the past for your whales and dolphins, was not possible during their evolutionary past. This world has received transplants from other worlds frequently, so there is a broad spectrum of past experiences in the memory of those incarnating there. Humans reincarnating there will find they quickly adjust to living on a water world, having tentacles instead of hands, and tending the occasional batch of eggs.

So where does that leave us, in answering Roger's question about more specifics about the future Waterworld that most humans on Earth will find themselves reincarnating into?
I quote, from NEW ZetaTalk, written to address this question.

ZetaTalk: Next Stop, written Aug 24, 2005
Humans, being land based animals with hands and digits that can manipulate their environment cannot imagine being an intelligent creature in a water world. Fins? Tentacles? How does one work a keyboard or accumulate a 401K or conduct the equivalent of dentistry as a water creature? Modern civilization has as one of its driving engines electricity, which surely would not work in a water world unless mass suicide were desired. Does knowledge about their history get passed down to the young by the fishy equivalent of world of mouth, as legends? If they have the equivalent of the written word, what is the tablet, and more importantly, what holds the pen? Certainly, the ink could not be water soluble. Issues of warfare do not seem so unimaginable, as mankind has scarcely stepped away from the fist fight as automatic response, and all animals have some sort of defense mechanism, be it fight or flight.

Spiritual growth or spiritual interaction does not require the trappings of modern civilization - electricity, long distance communication, and dentures. Spiritual growth was ongoing during the days of the cave man, and proceeds today in Third World countries where life is scarcely better. In trying to project what life might be like in a waterworld, man should not assume that light is a necessity! Or even eyes. It has been documented that some blind men can read printed words though their skin, sensing some difference in the light emitted. Telepathy, a 6th sense, is used in the animal kingdom extensively, a method by which mothers communicate to their young, the herd or flock communicates with its members, and mating pairs find each other. For spiritual growth, what is needed is for the incarnated creature to be able to INTERACT with each other, to enable anothers life, improve it, out of caring, or conversely to punish, intimidate, or starve another out of concern only for the self. Guns and knives and the oppression of debt are not needed to enable or express a Service-to-Self orientation. In a waterworld, snatching food from those weaker, blocking the way so that escape from a threatening situation is delayed, are all tools by which the selfish can demonstrate, by their actions, their chosen orientation. Likewise, opportunities to care for one another are available to every species.

High tech? Is electricity the only medium by which a creature becomes high tech? We have stated that crop circles are laid by water creatures, their only opportunity to participate. Crop circles are made by a ray which incites a growth hormone in the crop, combined with wind action caused by changes in the air over the spot to be swirled. Particle movement is NOT incited simply by the press of electrons. In man's world, heat, light, and electrons seem to go together, but those seeing crop circles laid down have not reported that either heat or light are a necessary component. Perhaps, in their waterworld, they have identified particles to be manipulated that mankind has not yet dreamed exist. Even sound waves, which utilize anything physical around them to be transmitted, can travel long distances, through oceans, being one of the means by which whale pods communicate with each other. If man needs phones or carrier pigeons, whales do not. Status within a society, rules and laws, can certainly be enacted in a waterworld. The dolphin has been noted to swarm to protect their young, or even hapless human swimmers, from danger or attack. What message goes out to the group that their help is required? Is this not a societal expectation known to all? These rules are not written on paper, for the dolphin, they are written in the creature, passed down by interaction, old to young, and are kept simple, devoid of pedantic qualifiers, for that reason. Is this not a better system than the contorted system that man has developed?