Stuff of Souls

What is a spirit?
All human cultures, through time and around the world, believe in the soul, in something that lives on past a human life.
Many cultures believe in spirits inhabiting animals, or even trees or rocks.
Certainly, the concept of spirits hanging about, unseen but sensed, is prevalent.
Per the Zetas, spirits, or souls, are composed of something they call the stuff of souls.

ZetaTalk: Spirit Substance, written Mar 15, 1996
What humans refer to as the soul, what is sometimes called the spirit, is not what is supposed by most humans. They imagine a vapor, something that can move through walls like a ghost, something without substance that seeks to influence the physical world around it with little success.

They realize the soul can remember, as past lives are recalled, but do not imagine that a physical brain is required. The view that humans have of the soul is, as could be expected, the view from the human vantage point. What is missing from the vantage point is the ability to see the soul, as the substance is not something that the human eye can perceive.

The soul has substance, and grows in bulk early in its development as many incarnations, many lives, are experienced. This bulk cannot be gauged by humans, who look upon one another as having equal souls, when nothing of the kind is the reality.

Some souls are so tiny and poorly constructed that they dissipate after the incarnation, what we term aborted entities. This type of soul may be present in many animals and even some plant forms, as the stuff of souls is dispersed throughout the Universe and incarnations happen naturally.

Where the human eye cannot gauge the mass of another soul, the spirits gauge this very well. You know instinctively that another is old and wise. Spiritual growth occurs most rapidly early on via incarnations, but later this growth proceeds based on experiences outside of incarnations, and incarnations are not needed for this purpose.

The soul not only has memory, it does not forget. It is not by accident that intelligent life forms have nerves, brains, and memory in the form of chemical impressions.. It is intrinsic to the way the Universe is structured, and thus souls likewise have such structures.

The stuff of souls is simply another [vibrational] level, one that touches on all the others. It is finer and more durable, at the same time. It could be called the base of matter, in that regard, as it permeates all levels where matter can reside.

Intelligent life forms come in many shapes and sizes, but all have brains and nerves. Thus a soul can incarnate in a hominoid at one point in its development, and into quite another life form during another incarnation, without any adaptation required.

The soul does not require food or nourishment as physical life forms do. The human animal cannot retain its shape without fuel, without maintaining a certain temperature and replacing damaged or consumed biochemicals. It must eat to survive.

Souls do not require a temperature maintenance, and by their nature maintain their own chemistry, the only outside reach required is to acquire more of the stuff of souls, present everywhere in the Universe, when growth in bulk is occurring.

How are spirits born, created?
Per the Zetas, this is sparked within an intelligent creature, as the stuff of souls does not spark or mass into a thinking, sensing spirit unless this environment is present.
This sparking occurs within a virgin incarnation.

ZetaTalk: Incarnations, written Dec 15, 1995
Incarnations occur naturally and is the way forming [souls] get their start. The stuff of souls is everywhere, disbursed throughout the Universe, but so disbursed it does not make a soul. The stuff of souls tends to gather in living things as the environment is more interesting than non-living environments. It is not so much attracted to life as that it lingers, and thus begins to accumulate.

Without conscious intelligence it fails to establish a personality, a self, and after death of the life form disburses again. Incarnations happen naturally at first, as having formed a self the forming [soul] migrates to a new body after the death of the old.

It can happen in unguided migrations that more than one forming [soul] wants to inhabit the same body, but usually cohabitation is distressing to all parties, including the body, and results in only the strongest [soul] remaining.

More than conscious intelligence is needed to spark a soul, an interesting or challenging life is required.
What is the new soul experiencing, during its virgin incarnation?
This is certainly a new trip, an exploration, as it has no past lives to use as a point of reference.

ZetaTalk: Spark, written Jun 15, 2002
Unsparked souls are fuzzy, aware of themselves as separate entities from other humans or animals, but basically dazed and wandering about, gap mouthed. They are taking it all in, as the first passage, the first tour, the first time visiting a place.

Unless some matter occurs to spark a soul, such as empathy for another in distress and a choice to sacrifice comfort of the self to assist the other, no sparking occurs. A lazy life, lived in a local indolent with simple tasks, or taken out by early childhood illness, will not spark.

There is a greater percentage of unsparked souls in those continents or locales where life is a simple struggle, not industrialized, not in high communication with other cultures.

Thus, Third World countries have a higher percentage of unsparked souls. Thus, rural areas have a higher percentage of unsparked souls that urban areas. Thus, the corridors of power almost invariably have older souls, as this is deemed a high impact zone, given to high drama for choices.

Per the Zetas, a passive life, lived without challenge or struggle, often finds the stuff of souls dissipating at death in a virgin incarnation, what they call an aborted soul.
In fact, MOST often a virgin incarnation involves an abortion, but once formed, the soul does not die.

ZetaTalk: Aborted Entities, written Dec 15, 1995
Does it happen that an incarnation in an intelligent species does not result in a forming [soul]? Most definitely, and this happens frequently in the early stages. The spark is not lit, and after death dissipation occurs. Souls spark or do not, and mostly do not in a virgin incarnation.

The stuff of souls gathers in a conscious being, because it finds the environment interesting. Some formation occurs, during the incarnation, but if the life has not been challenging then it has not massed, and is prone to dissipation upon the death of the human.

Once formed, however, entities do not dissipate. Failure to form is due to a lazy or indolent lifestyle, lack of native intelligence, or lack of stimulation. In this regard, the challenging, stressful life is a benefit, rather than a drawback.

Challenge can be viewed as puzzled to be solved, or very emotional situations, or situations requiring much determination. Thus, a child crippled, determined to continue his role in the group, will be working a challenge, a puzzle, that requires mental work as well as emotional accompaniment.

At times, a soul sparks in a virgin incarnation when the human is old, is longing to help young mothers and their infants but barely able to do so because of infirmity. At other times, as in the crippled child, the opportunity for sparking comes early, and strengthens throughout the life.

Being born beautiful, and having a life without cares, is not the strongest motivator for spiritual growth! Incarnations into crippled or afflicted bodies indeed happens and is not avoided at all, as such an incarnation is viewed not only to be an assist, on occasion, to the [soul] but an opportunity for those about him.

Helping others to spark is a challenge such that the Spirit Guides are busy. Those humans wishing to assist others in their spiritual development are advised to not help everyone out with their problems, let them devise a solution.

Also, focus on the interesting part of the challenge, not always bemoaning what has befallen. Focus on the overall well-being of the group or environment, to instill pride and motivation. The stuff of souls congeals in conscious beings as it is interesting. It is more an issue of attraction to an environment.

The stuff of souls has this innate nature, to begin with. Souls have the mental capacity the human brain does, and more. It does not forget! And it thus can think and decide, indeed does so and argues at times with the human incarnated.

But once sparked, the soul is immortal, and does not diminish, only grows and increases in bulk, taking on more of the stuff of souls to do so.

ZetaTalk: Eternal Soul, written Dec 15, 1995
Is the soul immortal? In that it surpasses human mortality and steadily grows, learning and increasing in mass and wisdom with each incarnation - it is immortal. But what is mortality for a soul? Souls do not die during nuclear explosions, nor do they lose themselves in Black Holes. [Souls] are of material that can affect its surroundings while remaining untouched.

Souls, once formed, do not die. They may grow rapidly or slowly, may stagnate or plateau for a long time or forever, but they do not die, nor do they shrink. Beyond this, we cannot say, as we ourselves know no more.

Between Lives

Since the soul formed in an intelligent creature, it has intelligence.
But more than smarts is required, as many dumb animals are cagey and clever, but do not spark souls.
What is it then, that an intelligent creature requires, in order to spark a soul?
It is the ability to see oneself as independent from others, unique, a sense of self.
What we call being conscious.

ZetaTalk: Being Conscious, written Jun 15, 2002
A difficult concept for many humans is the concept of consciousness. They see the babe in the crib, aware seemingly only of its stomach and need for milk, and compare it to the dog at their feet, seemingly aware and alert. Is the babe conscious, and the dog not?

The point at which consciousness is present is not crisp or clear. Is the human conscious because they have a certain IQ? Yet it is reported that retarded humans can have incarnating souls. Is the human conscious because they discern themselves as separate from other humans?

Yet so many humans are so fuzzy about their identity that they join any group for a sense of belonging, and confuse their actions with the leaders. Is the human conscious because they have a memory, can compute, can put A and B together and come up with C?

Yet the Chimp uses tools, and a wolf pack can figure where the prey may be running to next, and many animals have long memories and are crafty. At what point does consciousness click in, or click out, if it does, and is it thus possible for a dog to have a soul and a human not?

We have stated that an existing soul may chose to incarnate in an animal that does not have the potential of sparking a soul, for education reasons. Thus, the dog or snake or dolphin does not spark a soul, but can be incarnated on occasion.

To spark, the biological entity must have the capacity to envision itself as separate, and where many animals seem to have this trait, they do not. A dog will understand that it is being yelled at by its master, or snarled at by the leader of the pack, and by groveling and crawling away is indicating they seem to understand another has interacted with them, as a separate being.

But this is instinctive activity, this is not a discernment of separate biological entities. The dog has evolved to react in such a manner, to challenge until certain signs are present, then to submit. Instinct is not consciousness. Biologically programmed reactions are not consciousness.

Even as the babe is lying in its crib, asleep or crying for milk, seemingly unaware of its surroundings, it is aware. It understands that when it smiles at mother, and mother picks it up, that is has engaged in an interaction with another.

This is not the same as a birdling in a nest, putting its beak up for food when the mother bird alights. That is instinct. On evolving worlds that do not have genetic engineering, the species that eventually emerges to have consciousness, and thus sparking souls, gets there slowly.

At first, there is instinct. Then there is increasing intelligence until the concept of separateness begins to be a factor. Increased intelligence tends to be selected for survival, as the intelligent species can better their odds. Thus, the more intelligent in the group breed to increase intelligence, and the trend hastens yet more.

Thus, where not visible in man, his consciousness, awareness of himself as separate, a factor absolutely necessary for sparking of souls, is there.

The young soul is aware of itself, thus, even when not incarnated and awaiting its next incarnation.
Do we need to wait for the right body to come along, take a number and wait in line?
What if a plague has reduced the population, or, the opposite situation, a population explosion has resulted in empty human bodies?
It is ever possible for a number of waiting souls to attempt to possess a single human body?

ZetaTalk: Between Lives, written Jan 15, 1996
Just after an intelligent species has been genetically engineered, forming [souls] find more than enough bodies awaiting an incarnation, a choice. This is due to many forming [souls] aborting upon death, so that a stable or growing population has an increasing number of bodies but few reincarnating [souls].

During these early years the majority of intelligent, conscious, creatures are in fact virgin territory for a new forming [soul], with the minority being occupied by a reincarnating spirit. The birthing envoys, at this stage, allow the process to occur automatically. In due time they step in to start guiding incarnations.

If spirits can pass through walls and travel freely, would they not simply flit away from the [birthing guides] watching over them? Order is maintained in these situations by what we would best describe as a force of will. [Birthing guides] acting as school yard monitors have more spiritual bulk, more mass, and certainly have more wisdom and skill to coax and manipulate [young souls].

An immature [soul] leaning toward Service-to-Self is led to an environment, among more mature [souls], where it can be the center of attention, and thus it has no urge to wander. Immature [souls] leaning toward Service-to-Other are placed together with a peer that needs healing. They likewise, given their sense of purpose, have no immediate urge to wander.

Where recently incarnated [souls] have unsettled business and wish to visit the living or to visit certain settings, a field trip is essentially arranged. Some of these field trips go on for years and even hundreds of years, producing what you term hauntings.

During this time the distraught [soul] is in the company of its guides, who normally keep watch over a number of other immature [souls] at the same time. Nevertheless, the guides can be called upon to attend to the haunting [soul], when need be.

Over time a world evolves to the point where most of its intelligent creatures are occupied by reincarnating [souls], and unless there is a drastic reduction in the population, waiting periods only occur when the birthing envoys determine that the next incarnation requires special circumstances.

During times of a rapid increase in population, such as the Earth has experienced during the past half century, no reincarnation occurs in many intelligent creatures, but a forming [soul] may begin. As is usual in these circumstances, most will abort. Thus, when the harvest time comes, during the pending pole shift, there will not be close to five billion souls to be escorted to new homes, but only a little more than a billion.

If being Out of Body is leaving the human without an incarnated spirit, can the opposite occur?
For instance, a multiple possession?

ZetaTalk: Crowded Incarnations, written Apr 15, 1997
On worlds where incarnations are beginning to repeat, where [souls] have sparked due to incarnating into intelligent species and are re-incarnating again and again, crowded incarnations seldom happen as there is a plenitude of bodies for the [souls] to incarnate into.

However, in a situation such as the Earth is due to experience, where the majority of bodies will die suddenly leaving the formerly incarnated [souls] without opportunities, chaos can and does ensue. Crowded incarnations are very temporary.

For instance during the forthcoming pole shift this potential may exist for several months. The normal procedure where immature [souls] are gathered upon death of their body and amused or otherwise occupied until the next incarnation can be arranged is difficult due to the numbers, so at times these [souls] roam about and try to arrange their own incarnations.

One of [several] outcomes ensue:

- The incarnation can become crowded. It can occur that multiple [souls] are incarnating in a body at once, and in these situations all are weak or they would not tolerate cohabitation either.

- A fight for the body ensues, where the stronger [spirit] pushes out all others. Normally the birthing guides prevent such takeovers but during chaotic conditions, this can pass notice temporarily. If the originally incarnating [soul] does not want to be removed and lingers about in resentment, the birthing guides soon arrive to set things right again.

- The takeover [spirits] are rebuffed from the beginning and no crowded incarnation ensues. This is most often the case, as the originally incarnating [soul] most definitely has the advantage, being familiar with the territory for instance. The incarnating [soul] and its human body sense what they might term ghosts or spirits about, and even be aware of spiritual discussions or invitations, but are otherwise not disturbed by the drama which in truth does not begin.

What makes for a strong spirit?
Among souls, there are the young souls and those that have grown wise and massive, what we term old souls.

ZetaTalk: Old Souls, written May 15, 1997
Progression in spiritual matters is less a matter of years but a matter of growth. There are relatively young souls who [progress] rapidly, as by their nature they learn rapidly and do not hesitate to apply their knowledge. And in between are the vast majority, who linger at points, revisit areas they have passed through before to solidify lessons, and become blocked due to their natures now and then.

In human society, you have this equivalent, but this is overshadowed by the natural handicaps that the very young must struggle with. The tiny babe, helpless to feed or move or bath itself, is clearly unimpressive to humans, regardless of the wisdom inherent in the incarnating spirit.

The toddler, struggling to communicate in single word phrases, is treated as a potential only. The youngster, eager to learn but often bungling in their attempts to create even the simplest contraption, are held in esteem only by loving parents and relatives.

The teenager, who may be accomplished and speak great wisdom, is overlooked as they are assumed to be rebels and speaking only to assert themselves in their desire for independence and self importance. Thus the idea that a relative youngster could have wisdom beyond their elders is incomprehensible to humans.

How often, from the mouths of babes, come great insight? How often do the mutterings of mature humans in their prime show that their thinking is cluttered with dependency longings, irrational resentments, self-promotion, and an inability to be creative or resourceful? Age means nothing!

A soul is unaware of its status, but tends to recognize other strong souls during an incarnation. Old souls almost instantly recognize each other. This is not a body language issue, as the human can be unaware of the age of their soul, other than that they find they are focusing on issues differently than others around them.

An old soul often finds they are strongly at issue [in good vs evil] agendas, or take action suddenly to situations where others about them are debating and unsure. An old soul often has a skill set that surprises the parents, expressing early in the life of the young human whose knowledge and skill are coming from a source other than the education being given by the parents.

Thus, there are clues, but the old soul in a young body feels, most often, strange and apart until meeting others of his kind.

Out of Body

Can spirits leave the incarnation, what is called an out of body experience?
Indeed, and this usually happens for the first time when the body is under trauma, as at the point of death from an injury, or in great pain, Thus the reports of Near Death experiences, seeing the operating room from a vantage point above the doctors, seeing the body laying on the table.

ZetaTalk: Near Death Experience, written by Jul 15, 1995
Near Death Experiences are quite common, and are similar to Out-Of-Body experiences, but with a twist. Where the [soul] has left the physical body, seeing the trend, it moves forward on its journey to return to the birthing envoys in preparation for the next incarnation.

This process is complicated, and has many steps. The first step is to let go of the former incarnation. As every dying person has many issues left undone, many statements left unsaid, and many concerns not yet completed to the [soul]'s satisfaction, their focus is torn between the life they are leaving and the future.

The birthing envoys meet this head on, by presenting the newly disincarnate [soul] with those involved in the leftover concerns. Thus, in a Near Death Experience, a [soul] may meet relatives and friends, both loved and hated, or co-workers involved in incompleted projects.

When the pending death does not occur, the person remembers meeting familiar people, but not much else as the death was aborted. Had the death continued, settling these leftover issues would have proceeded.

Why are incarnations required at all, if spirits can interact with each other without them?

ZetaTalk: Why Incarnations, written Jan 15, 2002
At what point do incarnations cease to be a learning tool? Humans entranced with Out-of-Body experiences imagine this to be a goal, as they see so many advantages. They could spy on their neighbors, gain information useful in power plays, and just travel without expense or distress. However, [soul] intent on their lessons do not consider such skipping out of school an advantage.

* Incarnations trap the developing soul in a body with limitations, lesson 1.
* Incarnations create the need to be creative, and resourceful, lesson 2.
* Incarnations put the developing soul in pain and distress, frustration, longing, so that the soul has empathy later for others in this situation, lesson 3.

Thus, incarnation are seen as a tool, and until the soul has grown beyond this point, and has learned all the lesson that could be learned from incarnations, there is no press to avoid them. Humans experience Out-of-Body during suffering, as many Near Death Experiencers will tell you that they viewed their moment of death from outside their body.

Torture, or intense pain, will likewise cause the soul to jump out of the body, and the body and soul then remember this and attempt to repeat it. This is discouraged by the Spirit Guides, who consider this skipping out of school, and the soul is forced back into the body by various means.

Just what happens during an out of body experience?
Does the human body collapse, like a rag, unable to function?
Of course not, does a dog or cat lie like a limp rag, unable to function, as it does not have a soul?

ZetaTalk: Out-Of- Body, written by Jul 15, 1995
The Out-Of-Body experience is much misunderstood. It is desired by many but experienced by few. The [soul], driven by curiosity or strong emotion, flits out of the physical body, desiring more mobility. Once the spirit learns how to jump out of the body, the human finds they can go out of the body at will, but they cannot describe the mechanism as it is, after all, a skill of the soul, not of the human body that the soul inhabits.

Most often, in humans, it occurs in trauma or impending death, the sense of the spirit that the body will die. It is stepping away as though jumping out of the fire. The soul often jumps out of the body just as death is happening, as those who have come back from Near Death experiences can relay. They were watching the scene.

Once entities learn how to do this, they want to do this often. If they don't return voluntarily, on their own, they are returned by their spirit guides, who watch over the incarnated [soul] like school yard monitors, ensuring that the incarnation proceeds by the rules.

These temporary exits are self limiting, as the guides force the entity back into its physical body after a time. No skipping out of school. The [soul] is required absolutely to be incarnated, as this is where it learns the fastest. There are occasional Out-Of-Body experiences, but in the main, [the soul is to have] a grounded experience.

Being Out of Body is what Shamans experience.

ZetaTalk: Shamanism, written by Jul 15, 1995
All cultures have shamans, who go by different names. A shaman must be able to convince those he lives amongst that his experiences are real, and his guidance valid, or his stature quickly falls. Therefore, shamans in the main are having real experiences that are somewhat familiar, if only in part, to other humans.

There are seldom fake shamans, and then not for long. What is a shaman? A shaman is a human who refuses to deny what his intuition is telling him, and thus communicates with [spirits] he cannot see or hear or capture for exhibition, as in a cage.

He communicates with the world of spirits, the dead, higher level [spirits] that no longer need incarnate bodies, and as frequently as possible, he is having Out-Of-Body experiences. He may attempt to incarnate, briefly, into other humans, or animals of various types, but he seldom gets permission to do any of this.

Imagination plays a great part in shamanism, but is bolstered by real experiences so the shaman's stories can be very compelling. Many who claim to be speaking to the wind, or animals, or rocks, and genuinely believe this is so, are simply giving a spirit they cannot see a name and source.

Humans sensing a spirit in the vicinity are often at a loss to explain what they are sensing. They refer to vibes, or a presence, or an intensity. Nothing can be captured on camera, or grabbed and put in a box for later examination.

All humans have the capacity to be shamans, but in the main lack the faith. They stop themselves. They feel insecure, not being grounded. They prefer to be a spectator. But the family of man, hearing the shaman weaving his spell, remember their tentative experiences along the same lines, and believe.

Ghosts are indeed a reality, and can be a disincarnate soul or a soul on an out of body trip.

ZetaTalk: Ghosts, written by Jul 15, 1995
All humans have visits from those they knew in the past, now dead. These spirits, who are primarily disincarnate but can come from their next incarnation in an Out-Of-Body, are trying to settle things they feel were left outstanding.

These matters can be as simple as an apology they wished to express to you, or a bit of information they felt you needed, intended to be told to you when you next met. Death interrupts the plans. Ghosts are such disincarnate [spirits].

Ghosts often show themselves to humans in a form that the human remembers. The ghost takes the form that the human recalls, the form the ghost took when they were alive. The human encountering a ghost superimposes what the human used to look like.

The Zetas explain why some humans can see ghosts, and others cannot.

ZetaTalk: Hauntings, written on Feb 15, 2002
We have stated that spirits cannot manipulate the environment, except to effect a sense of coldness in those humans they are attempting to contact. The stuff of souls incarnates bodies, and has many points of influence during incarnations, but cannot move furniture or slam doors.

The souls incarnating bodies work via the body to effect change in the physical world. Thus, much of what is described as haunting, other than the sense that a spirit is present and a communication soul-to-soul of what that communication is, is not from disembodied spirits. It is from humans, living in the vicinity and most often in the very house, using a brain wave generated by anger.

This is commonly known as poltergeist activity, and is ascribed correctly to angry teens in the vicinity. Specialists can identify the human causing this, and advise the parents on how to reduce the anger, get it out in the open so it does not have these misdirected effects. Telekinesis has been registered, scientifically, so this is no longer a mystery.

Where ghosts appear on video images, these are in essence a chemical reaction, such as affecting the flow of light particles, and thus can truly be a spirit imprint! A visiting spirit might attempt to affect gravity particles, to levitate objects, but will not manage this. However, humans who temporarily levitate objects are doing so, as they do when they slam doors, by other means, not gravity particle flow.

Air pressure, magnetic manipulation, electrical particle charging, are in effect. Movies often portray levitation or poltergeist as being able to lift a heavy table, but in reality this is not what hauntings find. The chair moves a couple inches, a cup jiggles off the edge of a table, a paper lifts and floats off the stack. Hollywood has exaggerated, as usual.

But where humans see something misty, a shape, or think they see a human appearing and then disappearing, this is most often a mind-trick of their own when they are aware they are talking to another spirit. Likewise, a spirit can leave an imprint on physical matter, in the same way they can make the room feel cold.

Heat particles are not the only particle flow a spirit can affect, but is the particle flow humans are most attuned to, thus notice. For instance, a human quickly feels cold when stepping outdoors without adequate clothing, but scarcely notices that the magnetic field has increased nearby. Where there is a sense of presence, or a shadowy figure, or a sense of heat loss, this is most likely visiting spirits.

As with viewing a temporary manifestation of someone you knew, or a shadowy figure, hearing their voice or the musical chime, is also something your mind is doing to you, in response to a visiting spirit. Thus, this is a type of suggestion, which you willing go along with if this is a spirit you know, and wish to communicate with.

The mind often does this, filling in the pieces in events that lack the whole. This is why there is such a strong difference, often, between what witnesses report. Each has filled in the missing pieces to make sense, to form a whole, and is describing the whole.

If the visit is from a recently deceased uncle, beloved, and the mind wishes to record the messages as from this uncle, then it might insert an image of the uncle as he looked. Thus, during visits from spirits, there are some in the room who hear and see them, and others are unaffected and call them liars!

But poltergeist activity is NOT a ghost, but caused by an angry human nearby, most often a teen ager.

ZetaTalk: Poltergeist, written on Aug 15, 1995
A phenomenon long known but little understood by humans is what is termed poltergeist, or ghost knocking. Researchers have correctly identified that it is not caused by spirits but by the living. Is this a deliberate act? Most definitely, and the fastest way to locate the perpetrator is to scan for the angriest person, as intense rage is the engine by which poltergeist activity is run.

Intense and unremitting anger sets the brain into Theta waves, and this builds over time until another offshoot is possible. The human causing poltergeist cannot control the effects, as this is a random discharge. They ramp up and things go bang. Windows break, knickknacks fall off the shelf, a chair moves, and internally the perpetrator is smiling as they made the object of their hatred distressed once again.


With so much misery, during an incarnation, is it any wonder that the soul might want to escape?
If the soul is miserable to the point of suicide, wanting to leave the incarnation, it can do so, a matter then to be discussed between the soul and its spirit guides.
While they're having these spiritual discussions, the body is vacant, available.
This allows the body to be taken over by either a benign or not so benign spirit.
If by a benign spirit, this is called a Walk-In.

ZetaTalk: Walk- in, written by Jul 15, 1995
A walk-in is where a naturally evolved Earth [soul] vacates its human body and then a [soul] from another world enters, incarnating. When a walk-in takes place, it is not because the [soul] has left temporarily, but, like death, has left permanently.

This occurs when the [soul] essentially wishes to commit suicide, and would do so if the walk-in were not allowed. The spirit guides are aware of this, conferences take place, and all is agreed. Since this changes the nature of the incarnation agreement, it is like an amended incarnation agreement, terminating the incarnation for one [soul], but instituting this for another.

Walk-ins are very rare, although they get a lot of press. Another example of a walk-in is where there is extremely important work to be done, but the incarnated [soul] does not feel up to it. This occurs only where there had been conferences between the [soul] incarnated and the entity desiring to enter. Also present in these instances is a mission that both feel is important.

Possession is the dramatic result of a walk-in by a not so benign spirit.

ZetaTalk: Possession, written by Jul 15, 1995
In possession a walk-in by a very high level [spirit] in the Service-to-Self orientation has occurred, such that this is dramatically noticed by the other humans in the vicinity. They could not fail to take notice, as however aggressive and non-compliant the human was prior to the possession, the stance the possessed human now takes is a quantum leap higher.

The human now challenges everyone, and any social exchange has become a war. Where the human formerly complied with some social norms, the possessed human now complies with none. They seem, thus, completely uncivilized and unsociable.

Stories about levitation and physically impossible feats during possession are greatly exaggerated, but where the entity taking possession has learned how to do levitation they will on occasion employ this during a possession.

The issue of lettering raised on the skin is quite within the range of possibilities for the human body, but requires skill not yet acquired by [those young souls born on] Earth. These tricks are used by the possessing [soul] to deflect attention from do-gooders pouring forth concern, but usually only heighten the resolve and attract even more determined do-gooders.

The possession becomes a challenge, a wrestling match, and the possessing [spirit] finds itself without rest. There thus ensues a great flurry of activity where various authority figures try to reason with the possessed human, thinking they are still speaking to the one they knew.

In truth, the human is in part the one they knew, but at the core is someone very different, the possessing [spirit] from another world. When reason fails, forms of magic or witchcraft are tried, and we are here including Catholic exorcism.

This is where the faith or conviction of those in authority comes into play. Where this is successful in driving out the possessing entity and securing a return of the original incarnating entity it is because of two things.

* One, the flood of concern and caring poured upon the strongly [selfish spirit] disturbs its concentration, tugging at its focus on self, and it departs in disgust.

* Two, the formerly incarnating [soul] hears the pleas of the humans it formerly knew, feels the love pouring toward it, and changes its mind about having left in the first place. The birthing envoys confer with all concerned and the possessing [spirit] in an exchange.

And what does the human experience, during this spirit exchange?
Do they know they are possessed?

ZetaTalk: Body Senses, written November 09, 2002
A walk-in, or possession, occurs when the soul incarnated in a human body wishes to leave. The soul is in fact departing, planning suicide. Where another spirit wishes to possess the body, whether this spirit is Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self, an immediate conference is called with all parties in attendance. This is a spiritual conference, so the human body, the brain and memory, is not a party.

The human finds they suddenly have a change of heart, feel differently, see new solutions or avenues to address their problem that they had not considered before. Thus, rather than pick up the gun or jump off the bridge, they take long walks and mull matters over.

To the human body, under the influence of its incarnated spirit for the duration of its existence, this may feel like a spiritual change that they can't explain. Some may call it a type of death bed conversion, where upon contemplating death, they saw how beautiful life was!

Most find their ability to consider others, not just the self, as in the case of a walk-in by a highly developed Service-to-Others [spirit], makes their relationships with other humans flourish! They thus have additional reasons to choose life, and ascribe their new relationships correctly to their new approach to dealing with others.

In the case of a possession, the human agreed to allow a highly Service-to-Self spirit incarnate in the body they wished to leave. The soul incarnated in that human, closely allied with the human and influencing the human body during the lifetime, must have leaned toward the Service-to-Self orientation for this to develop.

It does not happen that a human becomes Service-to-Self while the spirit is pulling toward Service-to-Others. Thus, the human in a possession by a Service-to-Self likewise finds they have renewed energy, but toward a different agenda.

Where the walk-in found themselves more concerned about others, and less obsessed with problems in their personal life, the possessed human finds they have new ideas on how to torment and exact revenge against those resented in their life.

They conclude little, taking no time to ponder the change, but proceed with the practice of horrifying the family concerned with ending the possession. Since possessions are always short lived, in that highly Service-to-Self spirits [this] too restrictive, the human is shortly returned to the original spirit.

Finding a lack of ideas, a lack of energy and determination to continue the games that had been enjoyed, all including the human recently possessed fall back into their familiar patterns.

Is there a ever a fight put up by the human body, resenting the possessing spirit, resisting?
Just how does a spirit control or influence the body anyway?

ZetaTalk: Spirit/Body Connection, written Nov 15, 1995
One does not need to listen to the endless discussions on nature vs. nurture to understand that both influences shape the person. However, a third influence is in effect, and this stronger than either of the others - the spirit.

Genetics of course limits the person physically, determining whether they can enter the Olympics or solve complex math puzzlers, and also determines to a large degree how the body will react to stress or the aging process. The environment, being what shapes the child's perception of the world around him, determines at least early in life what role models the child will choose and how guarded or enthusiastic the child will be.

But the spirit is louder than both these other voices, and by its orientation and strength determines how the person's very life will be led, the occupation chosen, the motives driving the person, and where the person draws the line on whether to get involved or not.

Because the spirit speaks to the body as well as the mind, its influence is also over the biochemistry of the human body incarnated, and this has more of an effect than is generally recognized. If the child is determined to be an outstanding athlete, for instance, having judged that escape from a ghetto is not possible without such an assist, physical development beyond that supported by genetics can result.

How is this possible? The spirit can interact with matter. Genetics are but chemistry, and influence growth and development through chemistry. Where this cannot be utterly or even significantly changed by the influence of the spirit, where biochemistry can affect the outcome and the spirit can affect the biochemistry, its influence can leave a mark.

In the example of the child desiring to become an athlete, the basic bone and muscle structure, height, stamina, and reflexes are determined by genetics. But physical feats are often determined as much by concentration and sheer energy, factors controlled by biochemistry - hormones, such as adrenaline, brain chemicals supporting continuous focus, and free nutrients in the blood stream available to feed the process.

In this way the spirit takes charge of the incarnation as much as physically possible. Doctors have often noticed that a patient will live or die depending on their will to live. Where this can be attributed to a Mind/Body Connection, the influence of the spirit in these matters lies at the base.

The soul infuses the body during an incarnation, and communicates on many levels. The stuff of souls is not something we, the Zetas, have experimented with, nor are we allowed to! Thus, beyond describing the properties and capacities of the stuff of souls, we cannot explain how it manages this.

But it influences the body, to overcome disease and struggle forward. It influences the brain, to utilize this or that portion of the brain or to develop channels and connections in the brain matter. The will to live has been well documented, overcoming disease that physicians were sure would end the life.

Much of this is the soul, determined not to end the incarnation. Likewise, the soul can influence a dying body to go before its time, if the incarnation is desired to end. Thus, we suggest those curious about how the soul influences the body simply observe the many clues about them.

By these same means, the spirit can also influence the human mind and emotions.

ZetaTalk: Mind/Spirit Connection, written Sep 15, 1995
Does the spirit have memory, as the mind does? Most certainly, and remembers the lessons learned during each incarnation flawlessly. How is it then that the babe, incarnated by an old and wise spirit, does not remember its past lives? The spirit can only speak to the mind as the mind is ready to receive.

Thus humans feel they have lived before, but do not have an explanation for the concept.

The soul incarnating a body, or stepping in as a possession or walk-in, is also very aware of its surroundings.
It is aware in its disincarnate form, out of body or as a ghost, as well as using the human senses when incarnating or possessing the body.

ZetaTalk: Soul Senses, written Jul 15, 1997
Humans are used to thinking of the senses as merely sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell - five senses. A sixth sense is attributed to all other hunches, and is variously described as being supported by ESP or intuition. The human body alone has many other senses, and the soul surpasses any given body it happens to incarnate in its reach.

The Spirit/Body or Spirit/Mind connection is a mystery to us, also. We understand that the soul can bridge all [vibrational levels, or densities as they are called], so that we in 4th Density can speak to a soul in a 3rd Density contactee, effortlessly.

We understand that the soul enjoys incarnations, infuses the physical body entirely, and seems to have a heart and mind function as does the physical body. But the composition of the soul, the stuff of souls, is not something we experiment with, or dissect. Thus, we can't tell you how this occurs.

The sense of sight, which humans presume is centered only in the eyes, in fact can occur on the surface of the skin, as experiences of the blind attest. Light rays striking any living surface can be sensed and sorted out. The sense of sound likewise can be experienced outside of the ear, as vibrations.

Taste and touch share similarities, as they are immediate reactions to chemicals affecting the living surface. Touch breaks down into many aspects, including pressure sensing.

Senses not mentioned are the sense of balance, where relationship to the gravity center is sensed, the sense of motion, related to the sense of balance, and the sense of being ill, where the humans senses that all is not right with the body.

We have mentioned only those senses that the common man can readily relate to, not the myriad that in fact exist. Between the soul and its surroundings, there are many touch points. Thus even though the soul does not actually have eyes, it can see!