A Midday Sun from Honolulu on May 16, 2003 and next to the Sun on the SOHO, both matching the Double Helix photo taken earlier! A Sunset Sun from Pennsylvania on May 18, 2003 with huge dust cloud lofting to the upper right, and SOHO taken same day matching this image capture! May 16, 2003 May 18, 2003 ![]()
- Planet X is coming toward the Sun from beneath the Sun, as well as from the side. Thus, the bending red light, orange, bends both up and in predominantly. Those rays that encounter Earth's gravity will then bend back toward Earth, from a position both above the coordinate position, and closer to the Sun. This allows visibility earlier in the day for the Red Persona, and due to the tendency of orange light to bend, the Red Persona as a second sun will appear on the horizon as a glow well ahead of the visibility of the corpus itself. Will it only be in the dawn that this second sun is identified? Dawn and dusk will be the best times for visibility, and noon the worst, as light pollution is strongest at noon. As with all other viewing, this depends immensely on the viewers location, determination, and clear skies.
- ZetaTalk: Second Sun, 4/19/03
Note: click image above for full details on
Point of Passage .
- The pole shift will not take anyone by surprise, given the plethora of Undeniable Signs that something momentous is around the corner, such as increasing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, intractable droughts and inexplicable downpours... The most dramatic sign will be a slowing rotation. ... the public allowed to believe their clocks must be running fast. ... When one wakes up in the morning, finding it to be dark outside rather than a breaking dawn ... this is a countdown sign. Rotation will completely stop in a day or so. A second countdown sign is a fine red dust ... Ponds and rivers turn red ... This countdown sign comes almost in step with the rapid slowing in rotation, as Planet X must be between the Earth and the Sun ... There is a third countdown sign ... The Earth moans, during her rotation slowing and stoppage. ... Here it comes, ready or not!
- ZetaTalk: Countdown Signs Aug 1996
- 1) As the South Pole, gripped by the passing North Pole of Planet X, moves north, the crust is torn from the core and freed in this way, allows pre-existing stress points to relax. ... allowing the Atlantic to rip apart
- 6) When the ocean off the Bulge of Brazil has reached the position of the current North Pole, crust slippage stops, creating yet another drama. The major northern hemisphere plates stop, and whatever follows crashes into them.
- 9) This frees the plates south of the tips of South America and Africa of stress. ... pressure toward Antarctica, the one place on the globe not experiencing plate pressure, allows new land to pop up between the tips of South America and Africa.
- ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama Apr 2002
- After the pole shift the Earth begins rotating again ...The pole shift, with consequent realignment of the poles, will place the new Equator over formerly frozen lands. ... Past cataclysms have regularly rearranged the Earth's geography and climate zones, as the Earth attests.
- ZetaTalk: New Geography 1995
- The ice over the former poles will now be facing the Sun, and the melt rate will proceed based on the air temperature and the absorption of solar rays, both of which will be high as the old poles will now be situated essentially at the new equator. ... The melting poles will thus raise the sea level, worldwide, by 650 to 700 feet within two years. Survivors living below this level will find themselves moving repeatedly as rivers begin to overflow their banks and marsh areas become lakes.
- ZetaTalk: Melting Ice Caps 1995
Be sure to research the Safe Locations document, a composite of info from the Zetas, the nonprofit Survival Booklet, and a wealth of Troubled Times Information
- We have withheld the exact hour of passage from our ZetaTalk for several reasons. The establishment and those groups who would take advantage of good hearted folk would use this knowledge to better entrap and enslave and ensure their own survival at the expense of the good hearted.
- ZetaTalk: Hour of the Shift 2001
May 2003 Pole Shift Date
- Violent storms, unusual weather patterns, severe and long lasting droughts, increased frequency of hurricanes, torrential rains, and a general warming of the planet. ... We are telling you that the Earth itself will be warmer, and this affects weather patterns. ... Areas of the world which have been deserts throughout mankind's memory will become swamps under constant and repeated rains. Temperate climates used to periodic gentle rainfall will suffer intractable droughts. Then this will switch about, for no apparent reason.
- ZetaTalk: Hearlding 1995
May 2000 Review
Oct 2002 IRC Sum
- Increasingly, as the pole shift nears, the populace will take sick. This will take the form of known illnesses occurring more frequently, seemingly depressed immune systems, but will also appear as new and puzzling illnesses not seen before in the memory of man. ... The germs are on the move. Their carriers are on the move. ... You will see increasing illness, odd illnesses.
- ZetaTalk: Take Sick
Aug 2000 Harmful to Health
Oct 2002 IRC Sum
- Yet another sign is a slowing in the rate of rotation, a forerunner of the actual stop in rotation that occurs at the moment of passage. As with weather and warming trends, this is at first so gradual and slight as to be arguable.
- ZetaTalk: Hearlding 1995
- Where clocks can be tweaked, the Moon is not so cooperative, and thus it takes longer and longer for the Earth to line up to where it can sight a full moon from the same spot. ... They calculated that changes to their stats needed to be done by the end of 1994. .. The actual phases of the Moon were out of sync with their stats during 1995 and for the immediate years following.
- ZetaTalk: Slowing Rotation 2001
Feb 1999 Full Moon Early
Jan 2003 Clock Watching
1994 Navy Manipulation
- The 12th Planet will appear to linger at the point where it turns to assume a retrograde orbit, spending a two year period in this portion of the path alone, anticipated to be at:
- RA 4.29741 Dec 9.96621 on March 3, 2003
RA 5.47 Dec 19.54 on September 1, 2000
RA 6.23 Dec 24.12 on May 1, 2000
RA 6.24 Dec 23.45 on January 1, 2000
RA 6.32 Dec 21.57 on January 1, 1999
RA 6.24 Dec 19.16 on December 1, 1997- ZetaTalk: Coordinates 1997
- During this period Planet X is moving rapidly to the outer edge of the solar system, where it encounters the backwash into the Sun that is the Ecliptic, with all the turmoil in subatomic particle flows both into the Sun and repulsed from this crowding. ... Planet X decides to take the way less crowded, the back roads, and positions itself for a rapid plunge to a 32 degree angle below the Ecliptic, as has been recorded by the ancients.
- RA 4.21791 Dec 11.75342 Mar 02, 2003
- ZetaTalk: Coordinates Feb 3, 2003
- Unusually warm winters, where the trees and shrubs will start to bud, thinking spring, and then be subjected to frost. Similarly, frosts will come late in the spring, almost into summer, killing the buds which have already put forth their tender shoots. ... Of course, leading up to the cataclysms, not all produce will fail. ... At first, stores put up against such times will be tapped. After a bit, these stores will run down, and governments will get nervous. Helping handouts, from countries better off to those in desperation, will stop.
- ZetaTalk: Crop Failure 1995
Oct 2002 IRC Sum
Oct 2002 UN Report
- So confidence is kept pumped up as long as this can be maintained. Most stocks are inflated beyond their value, very few are not, and they can fall to 1/4 of their value before they settle with the public feeling they have some confidence in the stock and that it cannot be worth less.
- ZetaTalk: Market Crash 1999
2001-2003 Reports
Oct 2002 IRC Sum
Note: This page was updated on May 27, 2003 to focus on most relevant matters. Prior Version of this C2C/Gentile page is also available. This prior version included a summary of imaging and photos from Fall 2002 to May 16, 2003. For a recent summary at of early July check the Synergy of Signs page.