After Solstice

Dec 22: I was not able to measure sunset yesterday personally, my father took the job and he measured 35° south of west, but he has told by phone to me that today it followed to move South (I will have the data tomorrow), and it should at least have stopped. I don't know what to say. Many people claim is all OK. Others support our observations. I'm scratching my head. I think the observations will pay out when more data is gathered.
Dec 24: I am working with my father now on the data gathering (all my obsevations have been made in my father's farm, and I have not been able, due to my work, to get there the last few days) so I think in a week or two we will have more clear answer. However, I can undoubtely say that the Sun rose and set as far South as any of us could ever recall, and as the farm is on a narrow valley, the availability of reference points to support that observations are abundant.
Dec 22: The rising Sun appeared stalled for several days before Dec 21 and on Dec 22 appeared to ´inch´ slightly south. The setting Sun up until Dec 21 appeared to be ´inching´ north, but on Dec 22 it seemed to ´jump´ and set 2.5 degrees further south from the previous day´s sunset. These arel naked-eye observations and hand-span measurements.
Dec 25: This Saturday morning the 25 Dec I couldn't get my 6:15 AM sunrise shadow in a clear blue sky. The damn thing seemed south! (I should add I cannot get sunrise shadows on my verandah where I have my shadow-chart any earlier than 6:15 AM for I have the Ranges in the east and trees that restrict the Sun's rays). Anyhow, I took my 1st AM reading at 6:30, then another at 6:45. Both were to the right of previous markings suggesting the Sun is moving southward.
Dec 21: My readings here in the north, (with a tolerance of one percent for error) were at 216° on the 21st of Dec. (with a 12° obstruction from zero horizon)
Dec 23: and today, on the 23 of Dec. were at 214°! (latitude 46.56N) That would seem to cooroborate the statements from the Southern Hemisphere!
Dec 24: From what I can tell, the sun is still moving south 14 days after it was supposed to reach standstill on Dec. 10. Sunset for Dec. 24, 2004, at latitude 46.56 was at 212° at 3:55 PM. @ 12 degrees above zero horizon! From my perspective that is a retrograde movement of 4° in four days! [Skymap expects 230° SOUTH by 18°. The Sun was expected at Azi 215° Alt 12 at 2:40 PM. Alternative to the Sun setting South, is the sunset late?]