Moon Orbit Tilted
March, 2005

Mar 12, El Paso
Saturday night at 21:20 hrs MST I went outside and Azi 285 Alt 20 was a sliver of Moon with illuminated sliver parallel to horizon. [Skymap expects Azi 278 Alt 8] NORTH by 8 and HIGH by 12. The Moon is to be First Qtr on 17th. That means it has five nights to move to 180 degrees. It is 30 degrees out of phase now (90/13 = 7 + or -) so 26 + degrees off.
Mar 14, El Paso
Tonight at 18:12 hrs, Moon at Azi 270 Alt 50. So, moving South. [Skymap expects Azi 243 Alt 68] NORTH by 2 and LOW by 18.
Mar 15, El Paso
Tonight, Tuesday, at 20:15 hrs MST, West of and above the Franklin Mountain the Moon was Azi 280 Alt 40. [Skymap expects Azi 267 Alt 56] NORTH by 13 and LOW by 16. Appears the Moon is going to stick with a West to East route rather than move South of the Rio Grande. The sliver was still too narrow to see face features.
Mar 16, El Paso
At 14:25 hrs MST on Wednesday afternoon, in the sky above El Paso the Sun and the Moon were both visible. The First Quarter Moon was Azi 80 Alt 65. [Skymap expects Azi 79 Alt 38] HIGH by 27.
Mar 20, Australia
7:45 PM Azi 15 Alt 30-35 [Skymap expects Azi 12 Alt 22] NORTH by 3 HIGH by 13.
9:45 PM Azi 345-350 Alt 30-35
[Skymap expects Azi 337 Alt 19] NORTH by 8 HIGH by 11
Mar 21, Sweden
Checked the Moon tonight 21.11 CET at our home location: lat 13.32; long 55.43. The Moons values were: Azimuth: ~ 180 deg Altitude: ~ +64 deg. Compared these values against three old sky softwares and their values were: Azimuth: ~ 174 deg Altitude: ~ +54 deg. At least the Altitudes value seems very off. SOUTH by 6 HIGH by 10