Ausie Lean Noticed
Apr 19-21

I took these shots today, Apr 21, and decided to check log and found based on the shots taken on Apr 19 that todays Suns Azi position to be at least 1/2 hour out compared to then.
SUN shots 19th April 04
2:30pm Azi 305 degrees West Alt 35-40 degrees
SUN shots 21st April 04
3:05pm Azi 305 degrees West Alt 35-40 degrees

Note the Sun has moved further to the SOUTH in days, the wrong direction for Australia this time of year. Thus, the Dark Twin Bump on Apr 21-22 (for Australia, near the Date-Line) is giving Australia more Sun due to a LEAN to the side!

The Sun for both days is, however, too far to the NORTH, due to the tilt of the N Pole toward the Sun. It should not reach Azi 305 until 3:50 PM.