Lou Gentile Show (Part 3)
August 27, 2004
Nancy only taped her side of the Interview.
A brief paraphrase of the question or comment made by Lou has been inserted.
The first half of the Interview was discussing the content of the web page prepared for the show, content at the link
This is a long interview, on more than one web page, continuing links to next page at bottom.

LOU: [Can this planet support life?]

NANCY: It’s been described in the worlds section. They have, what our volcanic process, we have lava, it comes through as heat, but their volcanic process because its a different chemistry emits light as well as heat. Mostly from their deep ocean rifts they have light coming up, bounces around in their atmosphere, and apparently, the reason they mined for Gold was that this helped stabilize their atmosphere to reflect light, I’m not sure how. That’s the statement that the Zetas have confirmed. They don’t have as much land mass as we do, its more water, and it’s a dimmer light. Those hominoids do not sleep, they don’t have sleep/wake cycles like we do, because, emerging on that, well, they were transplants as we have been genetically engineered in our past also. But nevertheless, sleep is not advantageous for them, so that kind of evolved out, and they doze and rest but they don’t have like we do, big sleep chunks. Actually, sleep on our planet was developed to survive, in order to avoid large carnivores you had to be in the cave or roosting up in the trees, or something like that, and out of harms way when the carnivores prowled at night. So, they have vegetation, they’re very similar to us but because their planet has about a 50% stronger gravity draw, being 23 times the mass, they are larger, and they’ve been reported in folklore here on Earth as giants, when in fact they were average 8 foot tall. I’ve met one. And the top of my head came up to his nipple and I’m 5’4”. He was very well muscled, very large boned, not blubby fat, not overbuild like Arnold Swarzenager, but just a really attractive man. Huge, so I can see why they called them giants.

LOU: [How did you come to meet one?]

NANCY: This is in ZetaTalk in the Worlds section, Life Form Orientations, oh, maybe its in Visitation, I can’t remember where I put the stuff anymore. A lineup of hominoids and he was one of them. Different hominoids from different planets. Some of them were small enough that they barely came up over my knee, depending upon what their world can support. And some of them had very horny skin, almost looked like a tortoise scales, you know, the shell, on their body. Depending upon how bright and intense their sun was, how much water or desert there was. And he was about one of about a dozen different hominoids. Their traveling world is their sun, they spend most of their cycle, 7,000 years that they pass both their suns, most of the time they are just hovering, dithering, between the two suns.

LOU: [I meant the Zeta’s sun.]

NANCY: On Zeta Reticuli. One of the reasons they say that they have such huge dark eyes is that their Sun was very dim, and like our night creatures that always have these huge dark eyes, to pull in all the light they can, this is how the Zetas got those large dark eyes. And actually, they said that the stars identified in Zeta Reticula are not their suns. There’s 127 different versions of Zetas that have emerged on different habitable worlds in Zeta Reticuli, and I’ve met about 4 or 5 of these versions.

LOU: [How did you meet them?]

NANCY: Actually, I’m a contactee, and my first meeting was about 7-8 years of age, and I was a little kid down in the woods, and they plopped their space ship down there, and popped out from behind the trees, and I wasn’t really more startled than if I had seen a rabbit or a deer.

LOU: [Do you know Roy Timms, this sounds like his story.]

NANCY: Well actually, since Roswell, before Roswell, when people had visitations, they consciously remembered them. This is why books like the Vedas, from India, where they are describing weird creatures that are having wars, this was a real description of what they saw. And back in the Bible where they talk about angels flying with halos on their heads, the Zetas have said these are really just humans being floated, contactees, and in those days they never washed their hair so it was very oily and the Sun would reflect off this oily hair giving this halo, so before Roswell people had conscious contact. After Roswell, because of the rapid pace there has to be an element of doubt and people remembering in their subconscious to deal with it better, they become more comfortable, and actually you have the Awakening where the world is embracing the alien presence happens faster if it is not in-your-face creating panic and resistance. So we all have to meditate to recall. People who are contactees can tell that they’ve been on a visit. Either they have missing time or they suddenly have an answer to a problem that’s been bothering them, or they have a sudden scar appear, that’s a very common thing.

LOU: [When will full disclosure come.]

NANCY: Fully? I think what we’ve got is an increasing, in 1995 when ZetaTalk started, they said increasing sightings even sightings of alien bodies, increasing good captures on film. Recently we’ve had that. Within the last 6 months we’ve had a rash of people capturing on camera or video. Instead, it used to be, that these captures were almost universally destroyed, in other words, ‘I had it in the camera but the film didn’t come out’ except for I think it was 1991 in Mexico when we had the Eclipse all these videos caught the UFOs zipping around. We’ve had an increasing amount of that. I think its going to be a gradual process. It’s not going to be one day boom the White House announces it’s all real, that’s not going to happen. It’s going to be a gradual admission, more open discussion on the media, more camera and videos that are, they’re always questionable, they say ‘well, maybe its doctored’, or maybe that’s a satellite, or who knows.

LOU: [I think Michael Jackson is a Zeta.]

NANCY: Well, you know, they can walk among us but they do this by mind control. You know, I have walked through a crowd, of humans, with a Zeta, and everybody thought I was walking with a human. But what’s going on there is mind control of the whole crowd, like a screen memory, where they are saying ‘you are not seeing a Zeta, you are seeing this’. But you can’t do that on TV, if the camera would be catching him as a Zeta, people would be seeing that all over the world. So, probably not, he’s not a Zeta. He does look weird, I will admit that. But I think there’s an explanation for that. Like 3,000 plastic surgeries on his nose. Something like that, oh.

LOU: [When was the last time you had contact with a Zeta.]

NANCY: Probably 5 minutes ago when I dashed to the bathroom on the break. I’m serious. I have extensive contact with them, and I’m very comfortable with them. It’s almost like they’re members of the household, that’s how it feels, and if its not a telepathic conversation that’s going on in the background, quite often, and it’s very convenient for them. They assemble, especially, for when I’m on the airwaves, and they don’t need to be physically present in the room for that. It’s a daily basis.

LOU: [Did the Zetas make us, and if they could say one thing that would make a difference in all our lives, what would that be?]

NANCY: Yes, as far as did they make us, and this has actually been addressed on the website extensively, genetic engineering. They are involved in the current hybrid race of humans that are being evolved, but in the past genetic engineering was not run by them. And we’ve had a number of genetic engineering projects, Neanderthal Man apparently is one. And the reason, they said, we have multiple brains, we have a subconscious and a conscious, and its pretty clutzy, its really a mess, it’s like having two people in one body. They said that was because of different genetic engineers and different opinions on what they wanted to include or not include, and our dual brain kind of came with that. If you can select DNA, you can’t necessarily pick and chose all that cleverly. With DNA, sometimes you take something yucky along with something good. So we’re a product of many engineers and the Zetas are only in charge of the most recent one. And regarding making a difference in our lives, I’ll give that to the Zetas, and they’re saying:

Obviously everyone listening, or alive on Earth today, is going to go through some real rock and roll and we of course have not given the date because we are holding our pertinent information hostage until the establishment truly does start sharing our message with the public and is more honest with the public. But we are suggesting that everyone become intimately familiar with the advice on the ZetaTalk website and the links to Troubled Times free literature, or virtually free that you can get from the nonprofit, a CD of survival information, safe locations information that Nancy has made available, our words to those who lived here and there around the world, and even on the Lou Gentile page that Nancy prepared for tonight, comparing hurricane Charlie lessons to what you can expect during the pole shift, what to do, and what not to do. Please take an hour out and flip through that. Please get this information in your hands, because when it really starts to move, and you are having panic, things will not work well. The internet won’t work well. Media distribution won’t work well. There are books you should be ordering and getting and stocking up. You should be getting seeds and gardening equipment and fishing rods and fishing hooks, now, while you have the time. Ways to clean your water. Polluted water was a big issue in Florida. You’re not hearing about the problems. But to be able to have clean drinking water is primary in order to even be able to survive the pole shift, and certainly survive in comfort and not see your toddler die of diarrhea that does not stop. Get into this, folks, this is our advice. And even if you don’t think you want to survive, and hoping to be taken out, please consider those around you. You have this information and you are going to be needed by them. Plan for others as well as yourself. Because in the end, your soul is the thing that will live on, and you should be saving your soul at this time.
And this is the end of ZetaTalk

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