Taiwan Quake
May 19, 2004

Powerful quake rocks Taiwan
An earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale hit Taiwan, shaking buildings in Taipei, the Seismology Centre said. A cable television report said people in the south-eastern city of Taitung ran out into the streets. A fire department official in Taitung told AFP by telephone that falling rocks were reported in a village. Buildings in the capital shook for about a minute and the quake was felt across the island. The tremor struck at 3:04pm (1704 AEST), with the epicentre 25.6 kilometres east of Chengkung, a coastal town in the south-east of the island. Its focus was 8.7 kilometres below sea level.

Taiwan had a 6.5 quake on the Richter scale, however, IRIS is showing it as a 5.8 magnitude. I have heard of reporting inaccuracy before, perhaps this is an example.