Ohio Fireball
Oct 25, 2004

Reports of Meteorite in Licking County
The traffic control tower at Port Columbus International Airport said that pilots reported seeing the astronomical event. Tower officials said pilots indicated they thought the meteor exploded in the sky. Spotting a meteor is not something unheard of, but this one produced a large flash of blue light visible in the sky that many people called the 10TV Newsroom to report. Two reporters out on assignment during the 11 p.m. NightBeat newscast also confirmed seeing the natural phenomenon east of Columbus. There was also an unconfirmed report of the meteor making impact, thus making it a meteorite. Truck drivers we found at truck stops in Licking County reported seeing the spectacle while they were on the road as far away as Indiana and Pennsylvania. Another 10TV reporter near Cincinnati at the time says she saw as she was driving toward Columbus.