- Signs of the Times #1652
- British consulate in Basra to evacuate [Oct 30] http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20061030/ Some have already been evacuated by
helicopter. [and from another] Audit finds missing U.S. weapons in Iraq [Oct 29] http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061029/ The
Pentagon cannot account for 14,030 weapons. [and from another] Iraqi Demands a Pullback; U.S. Lifts Baghdad Cordon [Oct
31] http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/31/ According to senior Shiite politicians close to Mr. Maliki, the Americans had been
extremely reluctant, if not opposed, to withdrawing from their roadblocks and checkpoints in Karada and Sadr City. [and from
another] PM fears country 'nearly out of control' [Oct 31] http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/ Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki is
telling his inner circle that the situation in Iraq is "nearly out of control," according to CBS News intelligence sources. [and from
another] Military Charts Movement of Conflict in Iraq Toward Chaos [Nov 1] http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/01/ A classified
briefing prepared two weeks ago by the United States Central Command portrays Iraq as edging toward chaos, in a chart that the
military is using as a barometer of civil conflict. [and from another] Iraqi Police Find 56 Bodies in Baghdad [Nov 3]
http://apnews.excite.com/article/20061103/ The unannounced Negroponte visit comes five days after the arrival of National
Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, who flew to Baghdad after the Iraqi leadership issued a series of bitter complaints about U.S.
tactics in the country. [and from another] We mentioned when the Golden Mosque was bombed that this was a US incited
bombing, done by those elements within the US government that wish to see the US go to war with Iran, for oil. In that the US
Military was reluctant, being over-extended, the White House wished to force them over the border into Iran by creating so much
chaos that the US Military would be swept into the conflict. They are throughout Iraq, and to defend their positions, would engage,
or so went the logic. What has occurred is sectarian conflicts that are causing the US to withdraw, become more insulated in fewer
locations, and more guarded. This is due to many factors, not the least of which is clever planning by those elements trying to rid
Iraq of the US occupation. They are not fools, and there are hundreds of instances where Iraqi bombers are accused, when no such
bombers are known to the opposition! In addition to this obvious clue that elements within the US and Britain are trying to incite a
larger conflict, there are the instances where British soldiers have been caught dressed as Arabs, with explosives in their car. Any
incited sectarian violence, which is present at all times in Iraqi and needs no nudging, has been pointed thus against warring
factions, not against the occupation. The press against the occupation has remained covert such that it is difficult for the US or
Britain to identify the agents, which they call insurgents. Thus, a military action has not been called for, but instead a wearing
fatigue resulting in withdrawal, which we predicted last February, 2006. [Note: new ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live, dated
Nov 4, 2006.]

- Signs of the Times #1651
- Airing now once a week on Wednesdays on the Blog radio, and in the Archives thereafter for free listening, The Connection
featuring Nancy has broadcast or recorded the following information packed shows for the month of August. For those unable to
listen to audio on their PC's, the scripts for the various shows become available as links from the ZetaTalk Media page shortly
after the show airs. Currently available for the shows for Oct 4, Oct 11, Oct 18, Oct 25.
- October 4 - Marshall Masters on the Survival Paradigm Assume the worst happens: you survive the next global catastrophe, and
your Plan A fails. What will you use to create a new Plan B on-the-fly? Titanic hubris, 9-10 denial and bunker bravado? Not likely!
This is why Godschild Covenant author Marshall Masters is talking about Plan B and The Kolbrin Bible.
- October 11 - Controlling the Masses, the Establishment's Plan Why control is top down, from great wealth to political control
through middle men and thense to the masses. Battles of the titans, or why the Puppet Master and the Puppets do not always
agree, and the inevitable outcome. The agenda going in to the pole shift, and the arsenal they plan to use to defend their bunkers
and assets. What the elite fear, and the steps they have put into place as insurance against loss. Muzzling the media, how this is
done. The role pedophilia plays in control from the top, as the perfect blackmail device. Ganongate and the Bush family
involvement as an example. Selecting out the best workers into work camps, and how the Guest Worker program fits in. Poisoning
the masses via contrails. Bird flu as excuse for containment and quarantine of undesireables. The possibilities of Martial Law.
- October 18 - Contact Nancy, What the Email Queue Reveals The 6 guidelines for email to Nancy, and why they regularly get
ignored. Examples galore from sources kept anonymous. The press for personal counseling by the Zetas. The desire for the stage,
to be another Nancy, or for special powers or abilities. Find Jesus! Is Nancy talking to demons? The difference between a question
and a lecture, and why this is not clear. Traffic management, giving directions to the massive ZetaTalk and Troubled Times
material. Informative email, sharing news and observations from around the world. Real questions, how ZetaTalk was built. The
press for ZetaTalk on other channels or sources, and why this is seldom answered. Frankly hostile, insulting, or whacko email.
Making demands, why Nancy is not your servant. Opportunities for counseling, and the occasional compliment.
- October 25 - Contact Groups, Making a Difference How contactees initiate contact, and learn of the coming cataclysms. Choosing
a role, always the contactees choice. Why many contactees are unsure of their role, and why many deliberately remain unaware of
their status. The many conflicts contactees have over being overt about their knowledge of the coming pole shift. Timed release
information. Sudden life changes and what triggers these changes. Contactee groups, or guided introductions among contactees.
How contactees, singly or in groups, make a difference. What activities are initiated. The birth of the Troubled Times website as an
example. IRC chat among founding members as example. List of TOPIC's in the Food, Shelter, Health, Energy, Information,
Teams, and Word sections as example of the contributions of a few hundred individuals determined to provide pertinent
information to the common man.
- Signs of the Times #1650
- How about Ramatis, Brazilian prophet, who wrote the book Mensajes del Astral where is described the approach of an intruder
planet into our solar system? [and from another] http://www.crawford2000.co.uk/early.htm In 1950 a celebrated Brazilian
medium named Hercilio Maes channeled a prophecy from his guide Ramatis. Maes predicts that the earth's axis will change
through ninety degrees due to the gravitational pull of an enormous new planet which will enter our solar system soon. [and from
another] http://ufopi.freehomepage.com/V2N9.HTM Ramatis delivered lectures to standing room only crowds through human
instruments like Brazil's Chico Xavier and Luis Muzio. Ramatis discussed the imminent destruction of Earth by an orphan planet
named Hercolubus, orbiting an invisible sun named Tila, whose trajectory brought it through the solar system every 6,666 years.
[and from another] In S. America, the primary prophecies relaying the coming pole shift have been from an entity known as
Ramatis, who used several channels, relaying the same message from each. All the channels Ramatis used were sincere, with the
message essentially being relayed unpolluted by the human vehicles. That the message of a 90° shift, due to the passage of a large
planet with a long orbital period, which orbits two Sun's, one of which has never lit and thus is invisible, remarkably parallels our
description of the orbit and passage of Planet X. However, ALL channeled work suffers from the limitations of the human to relay
the intended message, or confusion among those hearing the message. Channeling is NOT using the channel as a typing machine, it
is using the channel's education, understanding of science, ability to entertain concepts, command of the language, and ability to
formulate analogies or create scenario descriptions with depth and detail. If the channel has no word to describe something the
spirit wishes to relay, the channel will wrap words about the concept as best it can. Thus, the possibility of distortion exists. [Note:
new ZetaTalk: Hercolubus.]
- Signs of the Times #1649
- The most recent sweep was accompanied by a large number of 6+ quakes, exceptionally active. The Black Hills again have their
12 hour wobble, from the dark to the face point, daily. Has something changed? 10/8 6.2 Tonga 10/9 6.1 Philippines 10/10 6.1
Japan 10/12 6.1 Chili 10/13 6.2 Kuril Is. 10/15 6.5 Hawaii 10/17 global 6.8 New Guinea 10/18 6.3 Australia 10/20 6.5 Peru 10/20
6.0 Philippines 10/22 6.1 Indian Ocean 10/23 6.2 Japan 10/24 6.8 Japan 10/26 6.1 Sicily [and from another] I check my 2
compasses daily. There has not been any movement since May. But just this morning [Oct 25], I checked and both of them moved
roughly 20 more degrees West of North! They were steadily at approximately 20 degrees West of North for months. Now today,
they show 40+ degrees West of North. Huge movement. Something changed. As you know, I have never had any electronic devices
in the area to affect them. [and from another] Hallo good morning Nancy, much time silent, so today [Oct 25] I tried as in the
past, confirm object steady, but not always possible to capture. Greetings, Alberto. [and from another] Mystery explosion in
Devon/Cornwall, England [Oct 27] http://www.prisonplanet.com/ 'In Bude (Cornwall, England) today there was the sound of a
huge explosion that caused huge cracks in at least one person's house. The thing is no one knows what caused it -- there is no
obvious explosion site, and the MOD and RAF deny any supersonic planes were flying over that area.' [and from another] Since
the bumping between the planets caught in the cup is happening at the Ecliptic, an obvious outlet is to rise above or sink below the
Ecliptic, which is what Earth is temporarily doing. Will this ease the stress on the Earth, so that quakes and snapping rock settle
down for a time? The Earth changes have been lineal, in the years leading into the pole shift, but when Planet X draws close they
become exponential. Earth cannot escape, as after all, where would she GO? She is already bobbing and weaving to the extent
that she can move out of her orbit. What lies ahead for her is more violence during the sweeps, a stronger wobble, and the
inevitable lean to the left! [Note: new ZetaTalk: Exponential.]

- Signs of the Times #1648
Forward Base Falcon Disaster [Oct 11]
http://www.tbrnews.org/ At the time of the attack, there were
approximately 3000 men inside the camp, which also was
filled with ammunition supplies, fuel, tanks and vehicles. Iraqi
contractors had assisted in the construction of the camp,
which occupied nearly a square mile and was surrounded
with guard tower-studded high concrete walls. An after
action report, issued by the Department of Defense, stated
that: "no injuries were reported." When the flames had been
brought under control on the morning of the 11th of October,
primarily because the entire camp had been gutted, nine large
American military transports with prominent Red Cross
markings were observed by members of the foreign media
taking off, laded with the dead and the wounded. Over 300
American troops, including U.S. Army and Marines, CIA agents and U.S. translators were casualties and there also were 165
seriously injured requiring major medical attention and 39 suffering lesser injuries. [and from another] Insurgents Hit U.S. Base in
Baghdad [Oct 11] http://apnews.myway.com/ Falcon is located in a former commercial trucking depot in a sprawling industrial
area at the southern entrance of Baghdad. It is near the violence-torn district of Dora, where U.S. troops have been focusing in a
2-month-old sweep of the capital neighborhood-by-neighborhood aimed at rooting out militants and weapons. [and from another]
No Additional Troops to Baghdad [Oct 20] http://rawstory.com/ A senior military official told ABC News that any changes agreed
upon would not include more U.S. troops going into violence-torn Baghdad. The White House has already ruled out partitioning
Iraq, as even some prominent Republicans have suggested. And pulling out the troops altogether or on a timetable is a
"nonstarter," according to the Bush administration. So what will Bush do? [and from another] The evacuation in Viet Nam was
done while the US Military was in friendly territory, in South Viet Nam. Here the US Military is in hostile territory where is may
have to evacuate suddenly, or where evacuation may not be possible at all! What would the timing be of such as explosion of
violence, so well placed that guarded munitions depots are easy targets? The question should rather be posed, what is to stop such
an explosion of violence? This is the question being asked in the tents of the militia who have for so long been trying to rid Iraq of
the US occupation. [Note: new ZetaTalk: Falcon Depot.]
- Signs of the Times #1647
- I have been entering some art into the Halloween Splash contest on rense.com. What do you think? I hear you sing and dance in
this one. David Dees. http://www.deesillustration.com

- Signs of the Times #1646
- 6.10.06 Russia Caucasus pm 13/21 [and from another] October 10, 2006, at 1:21 pm in the afternoon. The Ecliptic is more or less
horizontal at noon. Thus Planet X complex to the right of the Sun, along the Ecliptic. An excellent capture.

- Signs of the Times #1645
Another Colorado School Shooting [Sep 28] http://history1900s.about.com/ Less than 40 miles
away from Littleton, Colorado where the Columbine school massacre took place in 1999,
another high school shooting occurred on Sep 27, 2006. This time, an older man attacked a class
at Platte Canyon High School in Bailey, Colorado. The man released all the male students and
kept the female students as hostage, then killed one student and himself as SWAT closed in. [and
from another] Principal killed at Wisconsin school; 9th-grader charged [Sep 30]
http://www.cnn.com/ A teenager who pried open his family's gun cabinet brought two weapons
to his rural school Friday and shot the principal to death after a struggle with adults and other
students, authorities said. the teen had complained about being teased by other students and
decided to confront teachers and the principal using a shotgun and handgun taken from his parents' bedroom. The shooting also
came one day after Weston Schools Principal John Klang gave him a disciplinary warning for having tobacco, according to a
criminal complaint. [and from another] School killer told wife he molested family members [Oct 3] http://www.cnn.com/
Pennsylvania schoolhouse killer Charles Carl Roberts IV told his wife he molested young relatives 20 years ago and was dreaming
about molesting children again. Investigators talked to relatives and analyzed suicide notes as they tried to determine what made
Roberts barricade himself inside the tiny Amish school, tying up girls and shooting them -- five fatally -- before killing himself
Monday. Roberts may have targeted the school for its girl students intended to molest the children. Roberts brought KY Jelly
lubricant to the schoolhouse where the assault occurred. [and from another] Why the molestation of young girls, as part of the
package? Mere murder and terror are not enough, they are raising the bar into pedophilia, and competing with one another!
[Note: new ZetaTalk: Amish Massacre.]