- Site: www.Itogi.ru
Number: 11 (405), March 04
Section: Paradox / Space / Hypothesis
Author: Dmitri Serkov
- The 10th Planet
- Why do the Planets in the Solar System have ellipsoide orbits? Breaking news coclusions by Vladimir Phadeev (Fadeev) & Grigory Pavlov: Either
the Sun has its own rotary orbit, or... the Solar System is visited periodically by a giant body that has influence on the 9 Planets. Phadeev &
Pavlov worked for a long time in the military sector, in practical investigations (astrophysics, quantic mechanics, thermodynamics), having access
to a good deal of updated astronomical data. It occured to them that the Solar System can be looked at as an autonomous mechanical circuit. The
resulting conclusions are striking. The planetary orbits indicate by themselves that either the Sun has its own orbit (which hasn't been
demonstrated yet), or periodically another, the 10th Planet, a giant, comes here to influence the others.
- Doubts about Mechanisist Criteria
- Iohann Kepler made his calculations assuming that the Sun is inmovil as the center. This is wrong, according to Phadeev/Pavlov: why are the
planetary orbits elliptic? The answer is that the Sun also moves around an inertional center. The Sun is considered to fly at 19 kms per second
towards a point in the Hercules constallation, named the Sun motion apex. Such an apex might exist into the Solar System itself. The supposed
radius for the Sun orbit is of 965 kms, with 15537 kms per second for its rotary velocity (according to the Phadeev/Pavlov's calculations). If the
conclusions prove to be right, all the cosmogonic theories might go down. The thing is that the scientific community isn't able to explain the
distribution of the movement quantity momentum between the Sun and the planets, a notion most important for every isolated mechanical system.
The involved energy reserve, taken for the 9 planets, always results some 35000 times bigger than that one for the Sun. This fact contradicts
every know theory of mechanics.
- A Vagabound Planet
- Phadeev/Pavlov have considered another explanation: the Marduk planet, which is well described in the ancient Shumerian texts, and studied by
Zacharia Sitchin (The Marduk hit once a planet named Tiamat, and after that cosmic catastrophe, one of the satelites of the former came to be
the Earth, and a part of the latter, the Moon.) The Marduk has a very very long orbit, far away the Solar System, and makes its passage every
3600 Earth years. The Phadeev/Pavlos hypothesis states that the Marduk modifies the planets' orbits with its not frequent visits, because it has a
strong gravitational field. That's why the other planets' orbits are elliptical. The Delivium (the Flood) took place during one of the Passages,
probably, as all the planets have repulsion forces (the positive energy which every particle contains). So, the Marduk, during its last passage,
forced a tremendous disturbance of the World Ocean. Multikilometrical tildal waves covered the terra, and those inundations could last from one
to six months. When the Marduk had gone relatively far away, the elements turned back to normality. The Marduk path passes between the Mars
and the Jupiter. Phadeev/Pavlov beleive that the mentioned collision between the Marduk and the Tiamat wasn't just due to a single visit of the
former. "It's quite possible, says Grigory Pavlov, "that tha Bethlem Star was in fact the Marduk passing near the Earth." So, the next visit is to
be expected into 1600 years from now.
- Critics
- Nikolai Botchkariov, an academic from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: "Actually, the planets can modify their Kepler orbits because
of the gravitational influence by one or several celestial objects. Such phenomenon takes place once 100000 years. But it could be explained by an
external body factor only on the basis of astronomical observations, which haven't proved the existance of such planet." Alexandr Bagrov, from
the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences: "There do exist some hypothesis that the planets move not around the Sun, but
around another shared inertional center for the Solar System, but I found them inconsistent. My opinion is that there is a baricenter into the Solar
System, and as for the Sun, it doesn't rotate but just oscilates, tilting from one planet to another." Andrei Phinkelstein, director of the Institute for
Applyed Astronomy: "Nowdays, science is able to satisfy people's hunger for knowledge at 100%. Unfortunately, theories like this one stay far
away from real scientific studies."