- Signs of the Times #783
- Montana has been hit again with an unusual 3.4 following a 3.0. Yellowstone has started swarming. There was a 2.5 last night under Mt Rainer
[and from another source] http://forum.dreamexpedition.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=278&PN=1&TPN=1 Increased quake activity in western
Montana. Lucky to see one 3 pointer in 6 months there has now been two in as many days. Yellowstone seems to be swarming in one spot as well
with 21 in the last few days in one spot. [and from another source] Incredible Yellowstone Update As of the 14th of April, the Yellowstone
Volcano Observatory (YVO),reported that during March 2004, 72 earthquakes were located in the Yellowstone region. Earthquake activity in the
Yellowstone region is at background levels. [Note: Under reporting of worrysome quakes under USA West Coast volcanoes continues.]
- Signs of the Times #782
- Comet Bradfield is probably comet Q4 NEAT by a different name! It strikes me as a wonder that this comet was discovered so recently. Here we
were a-waiting for mighty Q4 and T7. [and from another source] http://spaceweather.com/If Comet Bradfield survives and emerges from the
sun´s glare, northern sky watchers can see it beginning April 24th. It will join Comet LINEAR (C/2002 T7) in the constellation Pisces, just above
the eastern horizon at dawn. Both comets could be visible to the unaided eye. [Note: ZetaTalk: Comets Come Early shows that because of our
stalled orbit we encountered Q4 and T7 months early in Feb-Mar and they would not be viewed in the locations expected in Apr-May. To avoid
explaining the stalled orbit and the different view, they renamed the comet!]
- Signs of the Times #781
- SOHO Deception My observations on images SOHO are made in order to know, if possible, the position of the earth. SOHO has a complex orbit
around the point of Lagrange L1, however it must follow the earth and so the background beyond the Sun changes. I find it difficult to think that
SOHO after one year could see the same exact point in space. I printed the images C3 Lasco of days 9-15, April 2004 hours 23:42 and 9-10 April
2003 on a transparent paper. I have then overlapped the sheets and it is possible to see that the movement is approximately 1 cm. between a day
and the other. But also there is the same background in the 10 Apr 2003 and 9 Apr 2004 images [this is the same day due to leap year Feb 29
being inserted] (2 milimeter of difference). I have then superposed the sheets of 9 Apr. 2004 and 10 Apr. 2004: they are similar, but the debris and
noises are much dissimilar, while between the other days they are much similar. I think that the images until 9 Apr. are of a kind [from the
archives], and the ones following are of another kind [current, live]. But the strange thing is that in the 16 Apr. image we can see a comet while it
is not possible to see Mercury in each days (as my almanac SKYGLOBE expects). However the far stars background seems to be correct. [Note:
SOHO has been accused of inserting images from their archives, so as to disguise a stalled Orbit and the Planet X components and dust wafting
about in front of the Sun, problems they struggled with in Fall, 2003.]
- Signs of the Times #780
- It´s all turning to light, all of it! What if SOHO has a bake out? Why is it so overexposed [Apr 16]?... I remember back in 1998/9 we used to see
the whole frame sequence of comets entering frame and making a course all the way to the sun without a frame missing. The SOHO site has
censored the last 6 or so images which showed the comet and a huge, expanding and brightening flare under the occulting disk arm. They are
gone. This is outright censorship. They scrubbed the last 8 images which all of us saw and now they have been erased. ... I can´t say if it´s related,
but the Mauna Loa Observatory hasn´t updated since about 1:06 UTC, either. There may be an embargo on anyone viewing Comet Bradfield.
For the life of me though, I don´t know why. ... Latest I get here is 12 hours old. .... OK, this is strange. Never seen a double post of the same
image on LASCO before. They just posted another 1:12 UTC image, above the blanked out ones. Something is definitely up. If they are trying to
scrub, alter or edit the images. [Note: the need to show current SOHO for comet Bradfield is forcing live feed, which shows Planet X related
objects and dust cloud flares, so a return to the doctoring that occurred last Fall, 2003 is being done.]
- Signs of the Times #779
- I have been checking the HAARP site which records the movement of the earth's magnetic poles. For not quite 24 hrs, the earth's magnetic poles
have stood still so to speak. Is this also an indication of the effect of the sweeping arms/tilt and backup of the the earth's orbit? [Note in contrast
to normal times, there is No Data being recorded during the anticipated Apr 11-12 Sweep. Note also the strong Global Quakes that occured,
another signature of a Sweep.]
- Signs of the Times #778
- Power failure disrupts flights in L.A. [Apr 12] http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4723808/ A brief electrical outage ... knocked out electricity to the
Los Angeles International Airport control tower and disrupted air traffic Monday morning. Eighty to 100 flights had to hold in the air, circle or
stay on the ground at other airports, Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Donn Walker said. A 34.5-kilovolt supply line went out for 10
seconds at 9:38 AM. All radar, radios and telephones - essentially everything that controllers use to communicate with aircraft and other control
facilities - were hit by the outage. Most functions came back quickly, but some important equipment remained out, including critical switching
equipment. The airport's ground radar also did not immediately work properly after the blackout. [Note: caused, supposedly, by a bird sitting on
this 34.5 KV line, hardly believable, especially given other problems in Las Vegas and SF Bay. The is an electromagnetic power surge
accompanying the Apr 11-12 Sweep]
- Signs of the Times #777
Bay area, all networks are offline [Apr 12]. AM, FM, TV, everything. I
can pull up some radio, but nothing like normal. Only 2 TV stations work
and all the others are black with static sound. [and from another source]
We have predicted that satellites will malfunction in the year before the
shift. Satellites have already been misbehaving, by early 2002, but the
public is not informed anymore as they were in 1999 or thereabouts.
ZetaTalk: Accuracy [and from another source] NEXRAD down in SF
http://www.wunderground.com/radar/station.asp? Message Date: Apr
12 2004 14:17:00 San Francisco Weather Radar KMUX will be out of
service today 12 April 2004. [and from another source] Power remains
out at top Las Vegas Strip hotel-casino [Apr 12]
http://www.lasvegassun.com/drudged/ One of the biggest hotel-casinos
on the Las Vegas Strip closed Monday after a main power line failed,
forcing the property to relocate thousands of guests. The Bellagio lost partial power about 2 AM. Sunday when the line coming into the
3,000-room property failed. Thousands of feet of cable would have to be replaced before the posh hotel could reopen Tuesday morning at the
earliest. [Note: accompanies, again, the LA blackout and HAARP monitors offline and Global Quakes.]
- Signs of the Times #776
- Crews search for Mexico restaurant blast survivors [Apr 11] http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/04/11/mexico Mexican authorities said
a gas leak Saturday triggered an explosion at about 8:30 a.m. that leveled a two-story cement building containing a restaurant and clothing
stores. The blast also flattened a neighboring three-level shopping center where a dentist office, pharmacy and souvenir shops were located.
Witnesses said the ground shook and a thick cloud of dust filled the air in the shopping district located about two blocks from the international
bridge over the Rio Grande that connects Mexico and the United States. [Note: this area is on the Gulf near the Texas border, in the stretch
zone. Note the time relationship to the Apr 11-12 Sweep]
- Signs of the Times #775
- Crosstown Expressway pillar sinks [Apr 13] http://www.baynews9.com/content/74/2004/4/13/38523.html A pillar on the Crosstown Expressway
in Hillsborough County has collapsed, causing it to sink 20 feet into the ground. The eastbound and westbound lanes are closed at 39th and 50th.
[and from another source] Miners trapped as a result of methane explosion [Apr 10] http://english.pravda.ru/accidents/21/97/384/12473
Massive methane explosion took place at 650 meters in the Taijina mine in Kemerov region, reported ITAR-TASS. The last similar incident took
place in Taijina in 2002. [Note: relationship to the Apr 11-12 Sweep and to fractured (methane gas) and sinking ground.]