- Signs of the Times #1331
- Strong Quake hits Southern Philippines [Feb 5] http://www.terradaily.com/ A strong earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale hit the
southern Philippines late Saturday. Earlier, the Hong Kong Observatory said the quake measured 7.1 on the Richter scale. [and from another
source] Note the depth of these quakes, in kilometers. Feb 1 Fiji 559 km 5.0 mag quake and 600 km 5.3 mag quake. Feb 2 Philiphines 486.3 km
7.1 mag quake. Feb 2 Mariana 492.3 km 5.2 mag quake. Feb 4 Mariana 648 km 5.2 mag quake. Feb 4 Mariana 550 km 5.4 mag quake. Feb 5
Philippine 540 km 5.9 mag quake. Feb 5 Philippine 510 km 7.0 mag quake. Feb 5 Philippine 486 km 7.1 mag quake. Feb 5 Philippine 494 km 6.9
mag quake. [Note: deep quakes, 300 miles or greater below the surface, are breaking the plates apart, the losening that occurred during the
Sumatra 9.2 continuing in the neighboring Philippine and Pacific plates to the East.]
- Signs of the Times #1330
Nancy has described this as a stick in the river where you can see the water flow around it on either side, creating a
little ridge, a cup in the water in front of that stick. And sometimes youll have something bobbling in the water in
that cup, it doesnt go down the river, its stuck in that cup. This is where the Earth is, stuck in the cup, and Planet X
is that stick, causing ripples in the particle flows that create the cup. Currently, Planet X is not quite at the mid-point
between the Earth and the Sun, very close to the Ecliptic or the Suns middle, and consequently you cannot see it
because its like a dull fuzz ball in front of the Sun and reflects back the light that hits the dust cloud so intensely that
its a terrific glare. If you were on the Suns side, looking at it, youd be blinded, but if youre on the Earth side, looking at it, it looks like a gray
fuzz ball. So thats where it is, and it has progressed from being below the Ecliptic in December of 2003 and down near the Suns South Pole, to
rising up to the Ecliptic, from the right to the left as we have described in its retrograde orbit. This may seem slow, but its only been a year. And
whos to say, among human cultures, how fast a large planet, 23 times the mass of Earth, a big magnet who roars into the Sun and comes to a
screeching halt as it skids around the Sun because of the Repulsion Force, the anti-gravity force, and gets ready to take off as it punches its way
through the Ecliptic which is very crowded with particles going in and out of the Sun. This is something man does not have knowledge of.
Numerous prophecies say look at the constellations and the Book of Enoch states, the constellations will not be right for the seasons. They
knew this was not going to be a fast process, not this time. [Note: new ZetaTalk: Where is Planet X?]
- Signs of the Times #1329
http://www.garabandal.com/ One of the more startling prophecies of Garabandal concerns the three popes who have
followed Blessed Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), and especially the last of the three: our current pontiff, John Paul II
(1978-present). The end of his reign supposedly will usher in the end of the times. On 3 June 1963 the day of the
passing of Pope John XXIII after learning that the village bells were tolling for the pope, Conchita made a startling
remark to her mother Aniceta: For sure, now there remain no more than three!. Specifically, the Virgin mentioned that
there would be two more popes after the then-current pontiff (Paul VI, 1963-1978), and then the end of the times. [and
from another source] Pope in hospital after 'breathing crisis' [Feb 1] http://breakingnews.iol.ie/ Pope John Paul II,
suffering from breathing problems and the flu, was rushed to the hospital tonight, Vatican officials said. The 84-year-old
pope has been suffering from the flu since Sunday and apparently suffered a breathing crisis, a Vatican official told The
Associated Press. It was not known whether the pontiff had a flu shot. [and from another source] Pope Assassin speaks [Feb 3]
http://www.turkishpress.com/news.asp?ID=36845 The Turk who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981 issued a message from jail here
Thursday, containing a wish of speedy recovery for the ailing pontiff and a bizarre call on him to acknowledge that the world has come close to
an end.
- Signs of the Times #1328
- The Marduk Connection http://burakeldem.com/en/?q=node/6 In Ancient Egypt, there came a time when the central authority weakened and led
to a turmoil which somehow resulted with the so-called "Hyksos Years" along the Nile delta. The time was around 1650 BC. This "obscured era"
lasted for almost a hundred years and the order finally restored in Egypt around 1550 BC. But interestingly, no historical documents from the
later years of the New Kingdom in Egypt ever mentioned the Hyksos disaster and the turmoil of the period. What kind of "opportunity", had these
nomadic plunderers got just after 1650 BC, to get the Egyptians down on their knees? In Indus Valley, the Harappans, had had their all
sophisticated city forms, writing system and literature which seem as advanced as Sumerians' and Egyptians'. But, strangely again, around 1650
BC something caused a "blackout" in history and the Harappan cities were destroyed, abandoned and finally invaded by a less civilized nomadic
people. The blurred era of 1650 BC was widely believed as the "Arian Invasion" period in ancient India. In Asia Minor, another mysterious
nomadic people which is believed to be of Indo-European origin, experienced a sudden rise around 1650 BC and dominated almost all the eastern
and central parts of the peninsula, including the famous ancient city of Hattusa. [Note: the Zetas say the passage occurred every 3,657 years, on
average. Mad Max gangs taking advantage of the choas, apparently.]
- Signs of the Times #1327
The concept of dust preventing sunlight, and to some extent the heat from a sun, from reaching a planet is not
foreign to man. This dust cloud likewise prevents the heat and light from Planet X, which as a smoldering
brown dwarf it generates, from escaping when it is out in cold space afar from the Sun. Indeed, there is a
temperature rise during its passage of the Sun, which takes some centuries to dissipate until its normal
equilibrium is re-established. But as this planet has much less land surface, and deeper oceans, it has a natural
heat sink in its oceans. The hominoids there do not see the stars, as do Earthlings. To see where they planet is
heading, or where it currently is located, they must send aloft probes, and these well aloft to escape the fog of
dust that only gradually dissipates as distance from this giant magnet planet is attained. [Note: new ZetaTalk:
Beneath the Dust] Well, I think I finally saw Planet X with my own eyes on Saturday Jan 29, about 2:30 pm.
The sky was very hazy due to the chemtrail spraying that is incessant over the New York City area. However, to the left of the sun was a
noticeable bright spot that didn't go away for a good hour or so that I was watching. Oddly enough, the chemtrail spraying may have helped by
subduing the direct sunlight. About the only other thing that bright in the sky is the moon, but the Naval Observatory says that moonrise for that
day wasn't until after 9pm. The bright area was farther away from the sun than recent photos suggest--I would say at least a full fifteen degrees of
arc. [Note: these are the Moon Swirls, being illuminated around their edges with refracted light bending back toward the viewer.]
- Signs of the Times #1326
Two Alaska Volcanoes Show Signs Of Eruption [Feb 1] Mount Veniaminof on the Alaska Peninsula began spitting out
ash earlier this month, and the volcano could be on the verge of a larger blowout. The other stirring volcano is Mount
Spurr, an 11,070-foot peak about 80 miles west of Anchorage. Spurr last erupted in 1992, but that and other recorded
eruptions came from a cone on the south flank of the mountain, slightly below the summit. The current activity is directly
beneath the summit, which has not erupted for 5,000 years, according to the Alaska Volcano Observatory. [and from
another source] Volcanos in Japan heating up too http://www.jma.go.jp/JMA_HP/jp/volcano/ Beside the Mt.Asama,
Mt.Kirishima and Miyakejima, several volcanos start heating up -Mt.Asama, Mt.Kirishima, Miyakejima, Mt.Azuma,
Mt.Kusatsu-Shirone, Mt.Kuji, Mt.Aso, Unzendake, Sakurajima, Satsuma-iojima, Kuchinagarabejima, and Suwanosejima
[and from another source] Ecuador Quake Fears After Hundreds of Tremors Hit [Jan 31] http://news.yahoo.com/news? Hundreds of earth
tremors off the coast of Ecuador in the past 11 days have sparked fears that a bigger quake could strike soon. About 320 tremors of more than
4.0 on the Richter scale have shaken the Pacific Ocean off the port of Manta since Jan. 20. [and from another source] 6.2 Marianna Islands
today [Feb 2] http://earthquake.usgs.gov/ Look how deep this EQ was, as in splitting the plates like the one in Sumatra which did so much
damage to the crust. Depth 153.9 km (95.6 miles) [and from another source] Another quake shocks the lower North Island, NZ [Feb 1] Heres a
very interesting anecdote. I have a workmate who is a keen diver. He was in the local diveshop when a Geologist/diver was there yesterday. This
Geologist said he was part of a research team that was going out to observe the Waiarapa fault that starts offshore. This Geologist said he
believed that that fault is about to pop bigtime and he believed it could be in the order of 8.0+! He said the indications are that this could happen
within a month or two!
- Signs of the Times #1325
Can Zetas provide answer as to what this is? See the image at 2005/02/02 15:18. Exposure time was 19.1 seconds
according to NASA. [and from another source] Debris from Planet X has been increasingly entering Earths
atmosphere in the form of meteors or fireballs, once rare but now reported almost weekly in the news, when they are
given media attention at all. Exploding with a bang, turning the night sky bright, rattling windows, thudding to Earth
next to startled humans. Was this the usual rate just a few years ago? For every fireball not captured by Earths
atmosphere, there are dozens outside her atmosphere, whizzing about, one of the reasons we have warned that
Satellites will not function well in the months leading into the pole shift, and that the Space Station and those riding
her are doomed. It is only a matter of time, for mans technology, aloft. While the SOHO still functions, these fireballs
at times make a graceful pass past the camera, moving in waves. We have, in the early days of ZetaTalk, described
why a Wave Action exists for sub-atomic particles on the move. The moons of Planet X likewise Dance with each other
in what we have described as Moon Swirls. The same mechanism applies, for minor debris dancing within the fringes
of the massive tail of Planet X. [Note: new ZetaTalk: Bigger and Closer.]
- Signs of the Times #1324
- Heaviest Snowfall Ever Hits Moscow [Jan 31] http://www.themoscowtimes.com/ powerful snowstorm that raged in Moscow on Friday was the
heaviest day's snowfall since weather records began. Winter's return came with a vengeance after some of the mildest January temperatures on
record, which recalled weather more like that experienced in April. Thursday was also the coldest day this winter, with the air temperature
plunging to minus 17.6 degrees Celsius -- 2.4 degrees colder than the average for this time of year. [and from another source] A summer day of
dust, thunder and freezing rain [Feb 3] http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/ Freak weather brought a dust storm to Brisbane, heavy rain and
hail to Sydney, and gave Melbourne its coldest February day on record yesterday. Lashing rain caused flight delays at Sydney airport after an
electrical storm ripped through the city, bringing down power lines and trees and tearing roofs off buildings in the inner-west suburb of
Gladesville. Hailstones the size of golf balls were reported in Sydney and the Blue Mountains, and wind gusts of 50 knots were recorded at
Richmond in the west. [and from another source] Today - in Feburary - our hottest month, it is snowing on the Brindabella ranges around
Canberra. We´re lucky if it snows on them in the middle of winter, yet alone the middle of summer. I don´t think that has ever happened before.
[and from another source] Earthquake ruled out as cause of tremors http://abc.net.au/victoria/news/200502/s1294175.htm Lightning and
thunder are being blamed for earth tremors reported in Melbourne and Victoria´s central and north-west regions overnight. Seismologists have
ruled out an earthquake. Callers from Melbourne suburbs including Werribee, Caroline Springs, and Campbellfield told ABC radio they felt the
tremor shortly after 3:00am AEDT. Others have reported a mystery rumble in areas around Bendigo and Swan Hill. Gary Gibson, from the
Seismology Centre, says instruments did pick up some activity, but not enough for an earthquake. Other explanations forwarded for the tremor
include a power pole that exploded after being hit by lightning at Melton or a meteor entering low into the earth´s atmosphere.
- Signs of the Times #1323
- Conn. Evacuation Message Was Mistake [Feb 1] http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6895593/ The state of Connecticut was not under an evacuation
order Tuesday, state officials said, despite a message that was broadcast on radio and television stations. During a weekly test, an erroneous
message was sent at 2:10 p.m., Feb. 1, 2005. There is NO emergency situation requiring an evacuation or any other protective measure. This was
due to an error and was not a malicious act, a message on the state's Web site said. State emergency management officials believe someone
pressed the wrong button, and instead of running a test of the emergency broadcast system, midday television viewers and radio listeners were
told the evacuate the state. State Office of Emergency Management Director Kerry Flaherty said the state is investigating to see how it
happened. [Note: the State of Connecticut is prepared to evacuate, completely? Where to, the highlands of Vermont?]
- Signs of the Times #1322
- Bush to Feed YUKOS Shareholders [Feb 3] http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=544061 Kommersant has learned that Mikhail Brudno
and Vladimir Dubov entered the United States yesterday from Israel. They are co-owners of Group MENATEP, the main shareholder of YUKOS,
and are wanted both by Russian law enforcement and Interpol. Today they will take part in a breakfast with U.S. President George W. Bush. In
addition, Brudno and Dubov are planning to hold a series of meetings with American congressmen and senators. It is possible that they will stay in
the United States until the end of a Houston court hearing that will decide on February 16-17 whether the YUKOS bankrupt case is under the
jurisdiction of the American courts. [and from another source] YUKOS Oil Company, the largest Russian company by market capitalization; the
largest fully privatized Russian oil company. YUKOS is in the process of merging with Sibneft to form the largest private oil company in the world
ranked No. 1 by proven reserves (19.4 billion bbl) and No. 4 by production volume (2.3 mmbopd).
http://www.groupmenatep.com/investments.cfm [Note: once again, Bush up snug with criminal elements.]
- Signs of the Times #1321
- During the last week of January, observers all over the world noted a visually obvious wobble in the Earth. [and from another source] El Paso,
Jan 22-23 Six hours and a 45 degree shift in the Moon. Apparently, the wobble is taking place from 22:00 to 24:00. [and from another source]
Australia, Jan 23: It looks as if the earths rotation stalled for a while on Sunday evening whilst Alt continued to decrease. Did it tip at this point
whilst being held in position? [and from another source] Mississippi, Jan 25: The moon Friday and Saturday night stood still directly overhead
for an hour. Last night (Sunday) it slowed but kept moving. [and from another source] Arkansas, Jan 25-26: On Jan 24, 2005, first light was
around 5:30 AM and on Jan 26, 2005 first light was around 6:30 AM. I would say the wobble is getting worse. [and from another source]
Australia, Jan 27: This morning Sigma Octantis appeared ten degrees left of a terrestrial target suggesting Earth´s South Pole axis was moved to
the right away from the rising Sun. [and from another source] New York, Jan 27: I was staring at the night sky straight at the moon. I could
swear that I saw the moon quickly shift to the left and back to its original position. My heart skipped a beat. [and from another source] Italy, Jan
23: I have scientific evidence of the tilt and wobble of the Earth's axis. I cut a slice of one spot in the images of Big Bear each hour. I put them in
the exact position and we can see that the line from a spot and next is not linear .As the scope has a linear movement this line is the wobble of the
axis. In the other side I take the same spot in different day from SOHO and an Earth observer. We can see that the angle is different by 6 degree.
SOHO is correct. [Note: SOHO is not the Earth, and is not wobbling! Earth is wobbling.]

- Signs of the Times #1320
Another 5.6 Richter earthquake in Tsunami hit Nicobar Island [Jan 27]
http://www.indiadaily.com/ The bizarre pattern of aftershocks ranging between 5.2 and 6.2
Richter continues in the Tsunami hit Nicobar island of India. The tribal people are saying that
many miles below the earths surface, something is happening they never experienced before.
[and from another source] Indias Andaman islands shaken by 28 aftershocks in 24 hours [Jan
28] http://www.keralanext.com/ At least 28 tremors have rattled Indias tsunami-lashed
Andaman and Nicobar Islands over the past 24 hours. The shocks ranged between 5.0 and 5.8
on the Richter scale. The latest quakes took the number of aftershocks felt in the tropical
paradise to 166 since December 26 when the huge undersea earthquake off the Indonesian
island of Sumatra triggered tidal waves that left more than 283,000 dead throughout Asia.
[and from another source] Andaman quakes leave seismologists worried [Jan 28]
http://sify.com/news/fullstory.php?id=13658319 Whether these events are foreshocks or
aftershocks - it is not clear. Both `strike slip and `dip slip are taking place simultaneously and
these factors have to be taken very seriously both by scientists and authorities. [and from another source]
http://www.thejakartapost.com/detailnational.asp? [Jan 29] According to Danny Hilman Natawidjaya of the Indonesian Institute of Science's
(LIPI) Geotechnology Center, the northern part of Ache is some 1.3 meters above sea level, while the southern part is now below sea level. Some
islands in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, have been elevated to two meters to three meters above sea level, which has also expanded their
surface area. The coastlines of Meulaboh and Banda Aceh had sunk by about one meter, causing the disappearance of a number of beaches. The
coastline of the northern part of Simelue island is about 300 meters from where it was previously and coral reefs that had been visible in shallow
waters, are now part of the island.
- Signs of the Times #1319
Another Cut at the Data
http://urbansurvival.com/week.htm A concerned reader
wrote to me this morning and asked what I thought of the
earthquake data which USGS puts up on its site at
http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/eqlists/eqstats.html. The data made
things look something like "normal" over a long period.
But was it? Specifically, the data includes "no magnitude"
events. I figure if a quake is a real quake, the experts would
have assigned a magnitude to the event. So when you take
the otherwise innocent-looking data, and then back out "no
magnitude events" I still come up with quakes that were
down around 12,000 a year in 1990 and are now running at
more than twice that number today. [Note: the 7 years of
tribulation starting in 1997, apparently.]