- Signs of the Times #655
- Gas Fear Shuts Sydney Subway, Thousands Evacuated [Feb 5] http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/reuters20040205_35.html A gas leak forced
the shutdown of the underground rail network in Sydney's central business district Thursday, crippling the entire rail system and spurring
thousands to walk out of the city. A major natural gas leak at the Town Hall Station around lunchtime forced police to close all four underground
stations, for fear the gas could spread throughout the subway.
- Signs of the Times #654
- Ten-Story Building Collapses in Turkey [Feb 2] http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/ap20040202_1209.html A 10-story building collapsed in
central Turkey on Monday and an unknown number of people were believed trapped inside, television news channels reported. One station said
an explosion in the building's heater may have caused the collapse in the central city of Konya. The broadcaster said "many people" were
believed trapped in the rubble. On Saturday in Istanbul, two wooden buildings collapsed, killing six people and injuring one other. In June, a
dormitory housing high school students collapsed after what appeared to be a gas explosion, killing 10 students.
- Signs of the Times #653
- Richmond Derailment [Feb 3] http://www.timesdispatch.com/ The derailment of a CSX Corp. freight train north of Emporia early yesterday
delayed Amtrak passenger service through Richmond, rail officials said. CSX spokesman David Hall said a single tanker car carrying molten
sulfur left the tracks at 1:55 AM, tearing up a short section of rail. The cause of the accident was unknown. On Dec. 18, a 19-car derailment of a
CSX train near Alexandria halted most passenger train service in Virginia. On Jan. 23, CSX and Amtrak halted trains through Charleston, S.C.,
after three cars filled with munitions on a CSX train derailed. Between 2000 and 2001, CSX spent a year operating under a special
safety-compliance agreement because of poor track conditions found by federal rail inspectors. The special oversight ended after the railroad
agency said CSX had made necessary improvements in track maintenance and safety procedures.
- Signs of the Times #652
- On Feb. 2 that bridge near Easton PA was sinking. It has since collapsed and they heard on the news that other area bridges are crumbling. This
is about 50 miles north of Philadelphia. [and from another source] From Scottsdale AZ. Today [Feb 6] as I was driving to work they announced
on the news a huge sink hole had appeared on a freeway in the Phoenix East Valley, big enough to swallow up a car. They were detouring traffic.
[and from another source] Jamaican Derailment [Feb 2] http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-derail0203,0,7818491.story? The
12-car train came partially off Track 1 in Jamaica at around 4:10 p.m. in route to Penn Station, where it was scheduled to pick up passengers
headed out of the city, Dolan said. Two cars were tilted and slightly jackknifed.
- Signs of the Times #651
- On Feb 6-7, the anticipated Sweeping Arm of the Sun came days early, with Dark Side quakes. [and from another source]
http://aslwww.cr.usgs.gov/Seismic_Data/heli2.shtml On this USGS site, at least 21 sites are closed sorry telemetry for this station unavailable
that is a bit extreme to say the least. This happened to me at 10:34 AM, PST here in California [Feb. 4]. And, the site Red Puma is now being
affected by the censure/lack of reporting problem. The 6.0 earthquake in Indonesia yesterday was not reported until today, and then downgraded
to a 5.9 on the USGS system, but a 6.0 on the Red Puma site. [and from another source] A 5.3 earthquake has just hit near Yellowstone Park
[Feb 7] The USGS must have NEVER expected the ESMC http://www.emsc-csem.org/cgi-bin/CsemAdmin/ALERT_datafile.sh?S2235&NEIA to
pick up this quake and list it on their site! What else is the USGS not telling us about Yellowstone? 2004/02/06 19:03:33.3 43.5N 105.1W 264
- Signs of the Times #650
- CIA Chief: Saddam Wasn´t Imminent Threat [Feb 5] Intelligence analysts never told President Bush before the invasion of Iraq that Saddam
Hussein´s rule posed an imminent threat, CIADirector George Tenet said Thursday in a heated defense of agency findings central to the decision
to go to war. The urgency of the Iraqi threat was Bush´s main argument for the war. Tenet´s remarks hit back at his former special adviser on
Iraqi weapons, David Kay, who said last month "we were almost all wrong" about Iraq´s weapons of mass destruction. Before the war, Bush and
his senior advisers made clear they viewed the threat from Saddam as urgent. [Note: but the war on Iraq was about oil, of course.]
- Signs of the Times #649
- I have been an amateur astronomer since I was about 8 years old so I know which stars/planets are where and so on. I could walk out on any
given night (in the northern hemisphere anyway) and rattle-off to you the names of most of the brighter stars and almost all the constellations.
Hundreds of nights lying on my back looking at the stars and years of looking through a modest 3" refractor will do that for you. I just took a
bearing on Sirius with a good quality compass and it read app. 118-120 degrees. Problem is, Skymap says it should be at 140 degrees right now. I
mean, if it were a few degrees either way I could blame it on 1. me, 2. the compass, etc but 20 degrees is no small discrepency. It is a whole
'nother part of the sky. [Note: An orbit that halted around Dec 25 and then reversed, due to the Sweeping Arm of the Sun, would show the
Constellations out of place, increasingly, as time passed. Since Sirius was located at 140° when expecting this to be at 120°, for the time entered
into his Skymap, Earth has not difted back in her orbit that far, or slowing has occurred, or both.].
- Signs of the Times #648
- I just took a compass reading on the rising sun [Feb 1] here in Edmonton. Skymap says that the sun should be rising at 118 degrees. Well, the
sunrise is on-time but when I read my compass it said 100 degrees, not 118 which is far too east from what its supposed to be. [Note: Edmonton,
AL found the sunrise too for North on Feb 1, appropriate for a Siberia N Pole, the current geological N Pole.]
- Signs of the Times #647
- Gas Main Fire Closes Bethpage Parkway NY [Feb 2] A gas main break in Bethpage this afternoon caused a dramatic fire and led to the closure
of both the Bethpage State Parkway and Central Avenue, but no one has been injured, said a KeySpan spokeswoman. Flames from the fire were
shooting about 30 feet straight up in the air, higher than the surrounding trees, said Debbie Cichon, who lives about a block from the fire. The
break occurred at around 4 p.m. in one of two gas mains running along the Bethpage State Parkway, though KeySpan spokeswoman Diana Parisi
said it was unclear which of the pipes had ruptured. Parisi said that the cause of the break was unknown. [Note: New York in the stretch zone.]
- Signs of the Times #646
- Fort Worth, TX [Jan 31] http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/news/local/7843328.htm 20 of the 96 cars of a Union Pacific Railroad train derailed
about 7:20 AM Friday. The cause of the derailment was under investigation Friday. John Bromley, a Union Pacific Railroad spokesman, said the
train was en route from Dallas to Long Beach, Calif., and was switching from one main track to another when 20 of its 96 cars derailed near a
bridge over Forest Park Boulevard just south of West Vickery Boulevard. [and from another source] My daughter lives north of Easton PA.
Bridge near her is closed because it is sinking rapidly [Feb 2]; over a foot in the past two weeks. They were told that the entire road may need to
be closed as they suspect sinkholes are emerging along it. [Note: Texas and Pennsylvania in the stretch zone.]
- Signs of the Times #645
- Mysterious Shudder in Kauaii [Feb 2] http://www.rense.com/general48/sdhak.htm The earth shook on Kaua'i Thursday night, but no one is sure
what caused it. Residents reported an extended shudder several seconds long that shook windows, walls and beds shortly before 8 PM. Calls
poured in to news media offices, police, civil defense and other county offices, the Navy at the Pacific Missile Range Facility and other agencies. It
could have been a small local earthquake, said Stuart Weinstein, geophysicist with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center on O'ahu, but he said the
center has no sensors on Kaua'i and could not detect any temblor from its O'ahu equipment. [Note: Hawaii Islands lifting as plates fold under
each other, compression zone.]
- Signs of the Times #644
- On NBC10´s local news [Feb 1], they were showing the sun rising and the weather guy made a comment about how ´odd´ the sun looked. "Looks
there´s two suns rising there. " and chuckles. It was pretty obvious it was not a flare either. [and from another source] Our local paper here in
Connecticut mentioned the odd brightness of the sun lately and the displacement. [and from another source] For those who still doubt, just take a
video camera at sunrise on a clear morning and shoot the sun, magnify the picture. At 16x, the 2nd object is quite clear at this point in Michigan,
to the left and almost fully visible. [and from another source] I went outside around 10 AM [Jan 31] to view the Nibiru complex with my air lens
here in Texas. Wow! Much bigger now. There are three separate sections to the complex. The center section is a large circular cluster and to each
side is an oblong cluster. These clusters are between Sun and Planet Earth. I could not distinguish Nibiru separately, so I assume it is the dark
spot on the Sun surface. [and from another source] My location is Roraima State in the Amazon River area. We are watching [Jan 31] a monster
object about the size of full moon setting before the Sun. Its red tail is very impressive, with a big dust cloud around it. Native people are
migrating for high areas on Guianas area located near Bolivian territory.