- Signs of the Times #894
- These all showing up today [June 8] and we are not even half through the day yet. http://www.emsc-csem.org/ 6.6 South Pacific Ocean, 6.5
Gilbert Islands, 6.0 Vanuatu Islands, 5.0 Santa Cruz Islands, 5.5 Caribbean Sea, 4.4 Banda Sea, 3.5 Sicily Italy. Red Puma also showing
these earthquakes. http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/redpuma/redpuma_ami_list.html Where the hell is USGS and Iris Seismic, which show 4.2
Turkey today, 5.2 Japan today, 5.6 North Pacific Ocean today, but again, nothing updated and showing on USGS or Iris. They are
obviously not reporting for a reason. Mediterranean and Red Puma show these quakes. [and for another day] The USGS
http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/bulletin/ shows 6.9 [Jun 10] , but the Mediterranean http://www.emsc-csem.org/ site shows that as well as 7.2.
[Note: a trend noted by many recently is for the USGS not to report any quakes that occur over a weekend and long delays in any case,
until the quake doctors have a chance to decide what they can dumb down or drop. Doctoring,caught in the act.]
- Signs of the Times #893
Minor Freight Train Derailment Blocks Sounder Trains [June 7]
http://www.komoradio.com/stories/31638.htm A minor derailment has blocked the main rail line between
Seattle and Portland. Burlington Northern Santa Fe spokesman Gus Melonas says Amtrak and Sound
Transit commuter train passengers are taking buses while some freight trains can be rerouted through the
Columbia River Gorge. Two cars of a Union Pacific freight derailed as the train was switching to
Burlington Northern Track just south of Seattle, near Boeing Field. The two cars carrying general freight
remained upright and there was no hazardous material spill. Cause of the derailment is still under
investigation. [and another derailment] Train Derailment Blocks Main Seattle-Portland Line [Jun 7]
http://www.komoradio.com/stories/31614.htm Repair crews worked overnight to reopen the second of two Burlington Northern Santa Fe
rail lines that were closed by a derailment in which some flammable liquid was spilled. Three cars tipped onto their sides and three others
remained upright after jumping the tracks about 3:20 PM Monday, blocking both main lines between Seattle and Portland, Ore., railroad
spokesman Gus Melonas said. The cause of the derailment was under investigation.
- Signs of the Times #892
- The Three of the last Whiplash occurred on June 2 and was accompanied by UK Air Traffic grounding, a California levee break and a
Seattle meteor strike. [and from another source] U.K. Air Traffic Systems Failure Grounds Flights [Jun 3] http://www.foxnews.com/story/
Most flights from airports in the United Kingdom were suspended Thursday after a massive air traffic control systems (search) failure, the
British Broadcasting Corporation reported. All flights from London´s Heathrow Airport (search) were suspended, a Reuters reporter said.
The BBC reported that the computer systems at the Manchester and Bristol airports were operational again. The cause of the failure was
not immediately known. [and from another source] Levee Breaks in California [Jun 4] http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story
Officials hurried to safeguard drinking water for cities as far away as Los Angeles on Thursday after a break in an inland levee allowed
saltwater from the San Francisco Bay to rush into a freshwater delta. It was unclear how much saltwater had passed through the breach,
which grew to 300 feet by late afternoon, or how deep into the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta the saltwater had traveled, officials
said. Drinking water is channeled from the delta to much of California. Officials said it was unclear how the break occurred. [Note: the
next sweep began on June 10, and will be documented as a One/Two/Three series when it completes in a few days.]
- Signs of the Times #891
- Possible Meteorite Reported in Wash [Jun 3] http://www.newsday.com/news/science/wire/sns-ap-meteorite-washington A possible meteorite
may have crashed into Earth about 30 miles south of Olympia early Thursday, an astronomy professor said. Bright flashes and sharp booms
were reported in the skies over the Puget Sound area. Bradley Hammermaster, who teaches at the University of Washington, estimated that
the object was about the size of a small car. He described it as a piece of a larger meteor. [and from another source] Night skies lit up by
likely Meteorite [Jun 3] http://www.canada.com/vancouver/theprovince/news/story.html? [Jun 3] A streaking meteor is believed to be
responsible for bright flashes and loud booms in Puget Sound and B.C.´s Lower Mainland. The event just before 3 AM PDT also lit up radio
station switchboards with callers reporting the sky bursts. No military or civilian aircraft were reported in trouble. In the Vancouver area, a
Delta woman told a radio station the sky was unbelievable and beautiful -- like a big bolt of lightning or a transformer blowing. [and from
another source] http://vancouver.cbc.ca/regional/servlet/View? Prince George is a 500 mile drive from Vancouver, another 200+ from
Seattle, and the flash was seen there.
- Signs of the Times #890
- These are not any plane. [Jun 7] I just caught a fireball coming from the skies, some days ago! They are falling more and more frequently
than ever here in Poland.

- Signs of the Times #889
- 5.0 earthquake in Taiwan on June 6, but not showing on USGS, nor is anything else since June 4. What is going on? [and from another
source] Earthquake jolts Taiwan [June 6] http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/ An earthquake measuring 5.0 on
the Richter scale jolted Taiwan today. The tremor struck at 8.09 AM local time with an epicenter around 21 kilometers northeast of Taitung,
a costal town in the southeast of Taiwan, the Seismology Center said. [and from another source] USGS shows nothing for the 5th or 6th so
far [Jun 6] http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/bulletin/ Worldwide Earthquake Activity in the Last Seven Days, Current Time: Sun, 6 Jun 2004
12:55:10 UTC, Updated as of Sun Jun 6 10:35:19 UTC 2004 The last recorded quake is 2004/06/04 18:00:01 [and from another source]
Nor does the IRIS show any current info. http://www.iris.edu/seismon/last30days.phtml The last reported quake again is 04-JUN-2004
18:00:01 So what other quakes are happening that they are hiding? [Note: they must get approval from the USGS, who delete quakes not
in populated areas or noted in the news, dumb down the Richter, and do not automatically update their databases as they say with raw data.
The cover-up, in action. June 6 was a weekend date in the US, thus, no one available to authorize and process the quake data.]
- Signs of the Times #888
- Over the last 3 days Colorado has been in turmoil weather wise. Monday: Denver 98 Colo Springs 96, Pueblo 101, Tuesday: Hail storm
unleashes on Colorado Springs, torrential downpour for 5 minutes then sprinkles here and there. Wednesday: Wintry Weather w/Tornado
Warning. Denver residents brought to their knees by very high winds, hail (sleet in some spots). http://www.weather.com pinned local
weather in the area at 3 PM as wintry mix-hail/sleet. Now Wintry mix is a term used in the winter. A tornado warning was issued for
Denver, from Park meadowns South Denver to Downtown along I-25. This is unheard of. Tornado warnings usually occur further east.
Never over the main metropolis. [and from another source] Tornado Causes Heavy Damage, Injures Two [Jun 10]
http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/ At least two other tornadoes touched down near the towns of Strasburg and Bennett, about 40
miles east of Denver. Heavy hail fell across the Denver area, snapping tree limbs and breaking windshields in the southern suburb of
Littleton. Piles of hailstones resembled snow in the western suburb of Lakewood. [and from another source] Record Event Report,
National Weather Service, Denver CO 4:24 PM MDT, Mon Jun 7, 2004: Record high temperature set in Denver. At 3:36 PM MDT the high
temperature at Denver International Airport reached 98 degrees. [Note: winter and summer, within days.]
- Signs of the Times #887
- How Big Brother Is Watching, Listening and Misusing Information About You [Jun 8] http://www.capitolhillblue.com/ Youre on your way
to work in the morning and place a call on your wireless phone. As your call is relayed by the wireless tower, it is also relayed by another
series of towers ... where it is recorded on a computer hard drive. The computer also records you phone digital serial number, which is used
to identify you through your wireless company phone bill that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency already has on record as
part of your permanent file. A series of sophisticated computer programs listens to your phone conversation and looks for keywords that
suggest suspicious activity. If it picks up those words, an investigative file is opened and sent to the Department of Homeland Security.
- Signs of the Times #886
- UFO Puts Portugal on Military Alert [Jun 4] http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/?id=3845 The Portuguese press has announced that
the airforce is on alert since dozens of people saw a UFO on Tuesday. The Portuguese UFO is described as a silent, luminous object, giving
off white smoke. Paulo Lagarto, of the national air traffic control authority, Navegacao Aerea de Portugal (NAV), says, "The control tower
in Oporto (north) detected a flying object which had been observed 25 minutes earlier in Montijo and Beja (south)." Geologist José
Fernando Monteiro says the UFO wasn't a meteorite, since a meteorite would have moved much faster and made a lot of noise. The
European Space Agency says it wasn't a satellite. [and for another country] In South Devon, in the U.K., the switchboard at the Herald
Express was swamped with calls from people who saw a cigar- shaped UFO. Retired British Aerospace engineer Roy Dutton tracked the
object for 20 minutes through a high-powered telescope. There were no features whatsoever. It was jet black. It was just like a great big
party balloon. It was flying at about 10,000 ft and it was very big, at least the size of a Jumbo jet. [and from another source] Multicolored
UFO Photographed Over Hugo, OK [Jun 4] http://www.rense.com/general53/mutli.htm [Note: the trend for more mass sightings, more
camera and video recordings, continues. The Awakening the Zetas stated would occur.]
- Signs of the Times #885
There are three anomalous objects in this one.
http://webcast3.uio.no/trheim3/trheim3_webcam_Jun8_10:18:15.jpg One
at 11 o clock, One at 2 o clock, One at 7 o clock, I see two objects and
they are moving! I save the pictures, and then changed them to reflect like
a negative, and there is indeed something there. [and from another
source] Did Venus transit? What does the word transit mean? It means a
concluded and completed passage, in one side, entirely out the other, and
nothing half way about it. Venus went half way, and is not proceeding past
the Sun on its orbit. How do we know? We and others pushed it there, into
position despite its reluctance, and properly so as to be viewed from
Earth. But why? Because we wanted the public to see it, wanted the
observation of other anomalies around the Sun to become the buzz of
amateurs. Like the Moon off orbit, and the Second Sun dramatically
confusing those viewing it with the real Sun they see moments later, this
phenomena will not go away, nor will the attention it gains diminish
because the establishment ignores it. The tail of Planet X, the moon swirls,
the increasing fireballs streaking through the atmosphere, all are here to
stay while the situation only worsens. Those with scopes and solar filters,
seeing what puzzled them on June 8, will go back for another peek. [Note:
new ZetaTalk: Bait and Switch.]
- Signs of the Times #884
But how many Venuses are transiting in front
of the Sun? [and from another source] Thus
armed with data on the rate at which Planet X is
moving past the Sun in its virtual straight line
trajectory, its sling orbit, man could compute
the likely arrival of the dust cloud with all its
many moons and debris. During a recent
Interview we were asked about the June 8
transit of Venus, which did not occur, though by
the planet jam-up in front of Planet X it has pushed alongside the Earth due to the crowding the Dark Twin coming up behind the Earth in
their shared orbit has created. We stated we were holding in abeyance our comments on the transit, so that the government would proceed
with their plan to make much of this transit, and have the world look. And what did they see? Certainly something in front of the Sun.
Certainly many things in front of the Sun, and moving. Is this Venus, or Venus clones? They are not as large as Venus, but are closer. And
the drama is only beginning. [Note: new ZetaTalk: June Incoming.]
- Signs of the Times #883
http://www.prophecykeepers.com/3p.html A lone ham radio
operator digitally recorded an intercept of a U.S. military SSB
(Single Side Band) radio transmission (before the transmission was
suddenly shutdown because they mistakenly broadcast "in the
clear" or non-encrypted) on 26 January of this year referring to a
mysterious "countdown" to an unnamed event which (by the
countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20 of this year. In the past
few weeks, however, naval units worldwide have been putting to
sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to revisit the original
message to assess movements and adopt a watch mode going
forward into the June 19-20 date area. [and from another source]
Snowball net comms check. All stations, clock sync, impact at
minus 146 days, 5 hours UTC. Standby for ACC link. [Response]
Snowball this is burrow. You are not secure. Repeat, you are not secure. Go green, go green. [and from another source]
- Retired Scientist's ID Stolen in End of World Hoax http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=50159