- Jan 14 SunRISE in Argentina : 11 minutes LATE [1E]
- Sunrise was at 6:14 , late 6:25 Jan 10
- Jan 14 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 14 minutes EARLY [0L]
- Jan. the sun rose 14 minutes early today. Sun was a deep orange apricot.
- Jan 14 NOON in Missouri #2 : 22 minutes LATE
- 1/14/2004: Mo#2 From NOON MARKER several weeks ago, there has not been a noticable change. {0} "Noon" appears to be at 12:50 pm
(according to my stove clock) in Missouri. If the definition of "noon" is the shadow falls straight NORTH of my marker. (Didn't Noon use to be
when there was no shadow at all, because the Sun was so much over head? Or was that only part of the year, like summertime in the northern
hemisphere?) Per Navy Sun transit 12:28 p.m.
- Jan 14 NOON in Virginia : 25 minutes LATE [1L]
- The Sun's shadow reached my baseline at approximately 12:25PM on 1/14 in VA - 25 minutes LATE.
- Jan 14 SunSET in Missouri #2 : 35 minutes LATE [6L]
- Mo#2 On 1/14/04 Sunset was late. TV said it would happen at 5:15. Computer: 5:13 Wall Clock 5:20 Stove Clock 5:15 Adjust Almanac
Predicted: 4:36 pm So TV is saying that Sunset is 35 minutes late!