- Feb 25 SunRISE in Cordoba : 18 minutes LATE [0L]
- I cant understand it... per printed news Local Rising time is 7:02am, acording to the almanac, a year ago.. the sun was rising at6:32am...
today the sun raised at 7:20, somebody is very wrong...!
- Feb 25 NOON in Virginia : 25 minutes LATE [0L]
- The Sun's shadow reached my baseline at 12:25PM on 2/25 in Va - 25 minutes LATE.
- Feb 25 NOON in El Paso : 86 minutes LATE [2E]
- Today, Wednesday,02-25-04, in El Paso the Sun cast a N/S shadow at 1305 hrs MST and lined up with face of bldg mark at 1345 hrs. There
is a dark shadow and a lighter shadow West of the darker one. Only about a two inch wide 2d dim shadow. It was a bright clear sky. Navy
has transit @ 1219, but, to me, transit was about 1250.
- Feb 25 SunSET in El Paso : 27 minutes LATE [0L]
- This evening, Tuesday, 02-25-04, in El Paso, at about 1800 hrs MST the sun went down West of the Franklin Mtns. There were rain squails
all around and the clouds were very red. The Sun was down, but the rain falling from four separate clouds (only one with lightening) was
red almost to the ground. A new view for me. Per Navy, s/b Sunset 5:33 PM.
- Feb 25 SunSET in Wisconsin : 35 minutes LATE [1L]
- Wisco 2/25 Sunset 5:35, per Navy Sunset 5:00 PM.