Apr 13 SunRISE in Missouri#2 : 24 minutes LATE [0L]
I heard the weather man one day announce the sunrise time. It was NOT what the 2004 almanac said! But what I had been using, the ADJUSTED 2003 almanac by 15 minutes! Which was much closer to the actual sunrise that day. From Missouri on April 13th, the sunrise was in the NE at 6:50 AM when it was suppose to be at 6:26, much earlier this late in the Spring. So, the sunrise was 24 minutes LATE.
Apr 13 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 11 minutes LATE [1E]
April 13 the sunset was 11 minutes late in finishing. This morning the poor moon was low in the southeast, near the sun. It has been quite cloudy recently.