July 6 SunRISE in Ontario : 3 minutes LATE
Readings from Ontario on a clear day: sunrise=3 min. late
July 6 NOON in Ontario : 3 minutes LATE
Readings from Ontario on a clear day: noon = 3 min. late
July 6 NOON in Virginia : 11 minutes LATE
The Sun was 11 and 1/2 minutes LATE today, 7/6/03 in VA.
July 6 SunSET in Missouri : 7 minutes EARLY
Sunset here in mid Missouri was 7 minutes early, with the sun going down very fast and moving to the right. Sun was fairly yellow, with only a pinkish cast as it set.
July 6 SunSET in Ontario : 7 minutes LATE
Readings from Ontario on a clear day: sunset 7 min late!!!
July 6 SunSET in Missouri : 9 minutes EARLY
July 6 Sunset was 9 minutes LATE in Missouri. There was a red haze in the sky, but it was much different than previous RED skies (last night there was no red.)
July 6 SunSET in Montreal : 16 minutes LATE
In Montreal, I was going to watch sunset with a friend. According to stats, the sun was suppose to set at 8:44 P.M. At 8:40 we watched the sun setting, and the sky was awesome: red, orange, very bright light. Then the light faded somehow, but aroung 9:00 it became again very orange, very very bright, reddish color, and it was like the sun was setting again. Up until 9:15 it was really clear outside, which is a bit unusual.