July 7 SunRISE in Florida : 20 minutes LATE
First: sunrises have been late 20 minutes for days now, but no changes as of yet midday or sunset in Florida
July 7 SunRISE in Missouri : 44 minutes LATE
July 7 Sunrise was 44 minutes LATE. But at the correct time, the clouds in the South were RED. 44 minutes later, the red globe raised in the SW, But by then the clouds were no longer RED in the South. They were white and normal colour. This was in Missouri.
July 7 NOON in Virginia : 12 minutes LATE
7/7 Noon - 12 minutes LATE in VA.
July 7 NOON in Missouri : 16 minutes LATE
Shocking lateness of Noon Sun today! 16 minutes late! After being 7 minutes late two days ago, and I was not at my markers yesterday, it was amazing to see how slow the Noon Sun was today! In Missouri. Fast Change!
July 7 SunSET in Missouri : 5 minutes EARLY
July 7 In Missouri - surprised by appearing only 5 minutes early! So that is a big difference from a week ago, when it appeared over 20 minutes early. This after the large lateness of the Noon Sun!