- Aug 1 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 14 minutes LATE
- 08/01/2003 Stated sunrise 06:31AM Actual sunrise 6:45AM
- Aug 1 NOON in Ontario : 4 minutes EARLY
- From Toronto canada, 8/1/03, cloudy AM, sunny PM. 12pm = 8E, 1 pm = 4E
- Aug 1 NOON in Texas : 12 minutes LATE
- The sun passed the High Noon Mark in Houston, Tx today (1 Aug 03) 12 minutes 27 seconds late.
- Aug 1 NOON in Ohio : 12 minutes LATE
- The noon sun transit I measured from Ohio occurred at 1:42pm EDT. That is 12 minutes late from the average sun transit time for my
longitude which is 1:30pm EDT. The sun transit time is reported by the U.S. Naval Observatory as being 1:37pm EDT, but is moving a little
closer each day at this time of the year to the 1:30pm EDT average time for my longitude which should be factored in from the analemma
- Aug 1 NOON in Virginia : 15 minutes LATE
- The Noon sun reached my baseline at 1:15PM on 8/1/03 in VA - 15 minutes LATE.
- Aug 1 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 4 minutes LATE
- August 1 the sunset was 4 minutes late. Like last night, it looked like it was going to be later and at the last moment the sun just sank. Sun
is hard to look at, quite glary. Pink all around the horizon at sunset.
- Aug 1 SunSET in Ontario : 33 minutes LATE
- From Toronto canada, 8/1/03, cloudy AM, sunny PM. 2 pm = 10L, 3 pm = 20L, 4 pm = 30L, 6 pm = 33L