Aug 10 SunRISE in Missouri#2 : 6 minutes LATE
Aug 10 in Missouri Sunrise very late.
Aug 10 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 14 minutes LATE
Sunrise stated 6:38AM/Sunrise actual 06:52AM
Aug 10 NOON in Texas : 14 minutes LATE
Today 10AUG03 the High Noon Marks were passed at 14 minutes 5 seconds late. This represents a slowdown of 50 seconds in 1 day. It appears that we made up for the surging of yesterday. Very interesting to watch, but not a good sign!
Aug 10 NOON in Virginia : 14 minutes LATE
The noon shadow measured at 14 minutes LATE on 8/10 in VA. The Earth appeared to sway while I was measuring!
Aug 10 SunSET in Missouri#2 : 6 minutes LATE
Sunset 6 minutes late.
Aug 10 SunSET in Warsaw : 7 minutes LATE
[GMT is +01:00 for Warsaw] The first time is hour, when the sun should be down behind the horizon and the second hour - when it really was. 20:13 - was down 20:20 10.08.03y.
Aug 10 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 22 minutes LATE
August 10 the sunset was 22 minutes late. Pink all around at sunset. The moon seems to be inconsistent with its placement in the sky. There seem to be 2 sunsets, the light goes down, then comes back up for another round, this has happened for 3 days now.