Oct 12 NOON in Virginia : 4 minutes LATE
The Sun's shadow reached my baseline at 1:04PM on 10/12 in VA - 4 minutes LATE. True noon via the compass occurred at 12:29PM.
Oct 12 NOON in El Paso : 80 minutes LATE
Today, Sunday, 10-12-03, in El Paso, on the Rio Grande (in Far West Texas), the Sun reached the Noon position @ 1412 hrs MDT (Transit time 1352). So, A big leap in late - 80 - minutes.
Oct 12 NOON in Kansas : 45 minutes LATE (estm)
The few times the Sun has broke my marker seemed off by at least an hour. Now this is not exact, however at 3:00 it was in the direction of 1-1:30 which usually appears around 2:00 here. Sorry I can't confirm this due to the icky weather.