- Oct 17 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 2 minutes EARLY
- Oct. 17 the sun again rose 2 minutes early.
- Oct 17 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 8 minutes LATE
- Actual sunrise 7:40am for 10/17/2003 U.S. Naval Observatory The following information is provided for Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
(longitude W95.9, latitude N36.1): Friday 17 October 2003 Central Daylight Time Sunrise 7:32 a.m.
- Oct 17 NOON in Virginia : 1 minutes LATE
- The Sun's shadow reached my baseline at 1:01PM on 10/17 in VA - 1 minute LATE. True noon via compass occurred at 12:29PM.VA appears to
be sitting still ... it has varied very little since 10/9.
- Oct 17 NOON in Seattle : 81 minutes LATE
- Seattle. I lucked out and the sun came out for about 15 minutes at the right time. It actually disappeared about a minute before the shadow would
have left the mark so my recording is accurate enough. 10/17 Actual Reading: 2:15 Chart: 12:54 81 minutes late
- Oct 17 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 32 minutes LATE
- Oct. 17 the sunset was 32 minutes late in finishing. Much more pink in the sky, and not just a narrow strip around the horizon. Massive red-pink
clouds that lasted through and beyond the sunset.