- Nov 7 SunRISE in E Paso : 2 minutes LATE (0L)
- This Morning, Friday, 11-07-03, the Sun rose in El Paso at 0629 hrs, MST 118 Degrees E by my compass. Per USNOAAD, sunrise
- Nov 7 NOON in Kansas : 16 minutes LATE (0L)
- READINGS FOR NOVEMBER 7, 2003 Daily Adjusted Magnetic North Marker @ 12:05 Late @ 12:08 = 3 minutes; New Stationary
Marker @ 12:13 Is late: 12:29 16 min However early from previous 3 minutes; Shadow Marker @ 12:05 Is late: 12:47 approximately
42 minutes late. I do have an important note regarding my noon markers. I have trees that cast a shadow that I have watched
regularly. I have spoken of this in the past. I have also kept a battery clock set at old time before the change. Today my old clock
reads 1:47 and the shadows on my trees are just barely past magnetic north. Previously, the 2:00 shadow was much further even
though I have noted a gradual trend of shadow being late. This is getting too weird. My shadow marker is late and the shadow has
changed completely. It doesn't even go the same direction. My shadow marker was a line drawn from SSW to NNE. Now the shadow
is nearly west to east. For me, my tree shadows (these are new trees with small trunks) are the most concerning to me as they should
not have changed as noted above that significantly. Could the 2 suns actually be interferring with accurate readings? Probably my
guess. However, let's hope that the jump in time that we are looking for is clear and obvious.
- Nov 7 NOON in Guyana : 43 minutes LATE [2E]
- My marker for high noon on November 7 was 12:15 pm (10 minutes earlier than my previous reading).
- Nov 7 NOON in El Paso : 95 minutes LATE (0L)
- The Sun was in the noon position at 1324 hrs (old mark) and 1218 using magnetic N. Per USNOAAD, and transit 1149.