- Nov 29 NOON in Virginia : 2 minutes LATE (0)
- The Sun's shadow reached by baseline at 12:02PM on 11/29 in VA - 2 minutes LATE.
- Nov 29 NOON in Kansas : 39 minutes LATE (1L)
- READINGS FOR NOVEMBER 29, 2003 New Stationary Marker @ 12:13 Late @ 12:52: 39 min 1 minutes late from last reading
- Nov 29 SunSET in Boston : 40 minutes EARLY
- I am a cop in the Boston area and my shift starts at exactly 4:10PM. It was black outside just about every single day by that time
the last week and a half. It starts getting really dim out around 3:30 PM or so. Per Navy Sunset 4:14 PM twilight lasting apx 30
- Nov 29 SunSET in Philly : 42 minues EARLY
- I live right outside Philadelphia and recall it being super dark around 3:55-4PM. I know this time because I picked my daughter up
from a sports afterschool thing at that exact time and looked at the clock. That day seemed to be worse. Almost pitch black as you
said. Per Navy Sunset 4:37 PM
- Nov 29 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 37 minutes LATE [14L]
- Nov. 29 the sunset was 37 minutes late in finishing. Large amounts of pink clouds around.Fiery sunset..
- Nov 29 SunSET in Missouri#2 : 55 minutes LATE (2L)
- Missouri #2 Nov 29 The Sunset was 55 minutes LATE! It was SUPPOSE to be at 4:15 and it set at 5:10! THE SKY WAS REALLY
RED, too.
- Nov 29 SunSET in Boston : 40 minutes EARLY
- I am a cop in the Boston area and my shift starts at exactly 4:10PM. It was black outside just about every single day by that time
the last week and a half. It starts getting really dim out around 3:30 PM or so. Per Navy Sunset 4:14 PM twilight lasting apx 30
- Nov 29 SunSET in Philly : 42 minues EARLY
- I live right outside Philadelphia and recall it being super dark around 3:55-4PM. I know this time because I picked my daughter up
from a sports afterschool thing at that exact time and looked at the clock. That day seemed to be worse. Almost pitch black as you
said. Per Navy Sunset 4:37 PM