- July 11 SunRISE in Minnesota : 7 minutes LATE
- It was The Weather Channel (TWC)) which posted sunrise for 5:37 am CDT When the sun rose, I looked at the time posted on TWC and it was
5:44 am CDT. The sun then, using this source, was 7 minutes late in rising.
- July 11 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 19 minutes LATE
- 7/11/2003 sunrise stated 6:15AM, sunrise actual 6:34AM
- July 11 NOON in Virginia : 11 minutes LATE
- It is safe to say the Noon shadow was 11 minutes LATE. I saw a 2nd shadow at the 4 o'clock position, which may have been Planet X - this at
1:12PM. OR, the shadow could have been a triangulated reflection from the Sun. Planet X was visible at the 4 o'clock position this morning about
- July 11 NOON in Oklahoma : 36 minutes LATE
- 7/11/2003 Noon shadow crossed over @ 1:36pm
- July 11 SunSET in Virginia : 18 minutes EARLY
- The Sun set at 8:15PM - 18 minutes EARLY - in VA on 9/11. The western sky remained brilliantly lit until 8:53PM. At one point during the Sunset,
the entire 360 degree circle of the heavens was pink. The overhead canopy was also pink. Clouds in the West became a deep rose pink,
shimmering with light. Immediately after the Sun went below the tree line, I could see its reflection on three small moons (with my naked eyes).
Planet X has to be very close to put on such an extraordinary show!
- July 11 SunSET in Missouri : 4 minutes EARLY
- Pink orange color started early today, July 11, about 45 minutes before sundown. Sun went down 4 minutes early with resulting pinkish cast
around almost all of the horizon. Noticed that pinkish hues had been showing up in the clouds during the day.