- Dec 7 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 5 minutes EARLY [0]
- Dec. 7 the sun rose 5minutes early.
- Dec 7 NOON in Kansas : 43 minutes LATE [1L]
- READINGS FOR DECEMBER 7, 2003 New Stationary Marker @ 12:13 @ 12:56: 43 min 1 minutes late from last reading I
have noted that all my clocks are off. Usually, they all read the same except for my battery clock that I use to calculate noon
marker, and it was always a few minutes slow by comparrison to my other clocks. Now they are all different by minutes from
one another. Also, I have noted over the last few weeks that shows on my cable are not starting on time. Certain channels
are worse than others. I'll turn to a station and Sponge Bob is supposed to start at 12 and it's 10 til noon and it's already on.
Even more noticable over the last few days.
- Dec 7 SunSET in El Paso : 39 minutes LATE [2E]
- Yesterday, Sunday, 12-07-3, in El Paso, the Sun went below the crest of Ranger Peak, perhaps the highest Franklin Mtn, at
1639 hrs, MST. I watched the decent from 1600 hrs until it was gone down below the crest. Per Navy Sunset 5:02 PM but
this view is early, normally has been 1600 hrs.
- Dec 7 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 45 minutes LATE [5L]
- The sunset was 45 minutes late in finishing. Also saw this weekend with my own eyes the fire dragon which was a pink spot
to the left of a cloudy sun. This evening, Dec.8, the sun was very occulted and lumpy when I could see it through the cloud