Dec 15 SunRISE in Missouri#2 : 15 minutes LATE [1L]
Dec 15 Mo #2 Before sunrise, the entire horizon was pink for over thirty minutes. no clouds. just pink. Sunrise was at 7:41 AM. and it was suppose to be at 7:26. This is unusual, as recently, sunrise has been on time!
Dec 15 NOON in Virginia : 6 minutes LATE [3E]
The Sun's shadow reached my baseline at 12:06PM on 12/15 in VA.
Dec 15 SunSET in Kansas : 25 minutes LATE [0L]
Based on USNO sunset has jumped from 4:48 to 4:59. Why later? This seems odd that sunset would be later. I was assuming that sunset would be earlier and would thus be reporting a very late sunset. Based on later sunset times, sunset is late 15 minutes. Based on assumed previous times sunset may actually be 25 minutes late?