- June 23 SunRISE in Wisconsin : 0 minutes LATE
- Wisco 5:22 manual time. (on time)
- June 23 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 0 minutes LATE
- Sunrise - as per sunrise/sunset charts. GPS working perfectly (which depends on atomic clocks). No changes noted in Naval/NIST
time signals (compared to a relatively accurate quartz watch with a known 1 to 3 second inaccuracy). No earth rotation slowdown
noted (based on observations of Jupiter and Mars from data obtained from Cartes du Ciel). Tulsa, Oklahoma.
- June 23 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 18 minutes LATE
- The sun was supposed to rise at 6:07am and did not peek until 6:25am. I am the in Central timezone.
- Jun 23 NOON in Poland : 25 minutes EARLY
- Shadow check Krakow, Poland * time the shadow arrive same position JUN 23 - 11:37 * shadow of Krakow moving distance(for
30 minute) JUN23 - 25 mm ( 11:30-12:00) Sun transit 12:02 BASELINE is 11:37 for this position
- June23 NOON in Indiana : 0 minutes
- Northern Indiana 0 minutes late High Noon with marker. I think it seems to make sense that the high noon times are normal. Only
until just prior to the "long day" will the time be late, giving everyone an early clue. So I think the late "high noon" reports might
be a bit off. The late sunrise/sunsets make sense because of the bent light.
- June 23 NOON in Oklahoma : 17 minutes LATE
- The shadow did not cross over to the other side until 1:15 PM-1:20 PM. So I guess we can say the slowing is 15-20 minutes.
- June 23 NOON in Florida : 33 minutes LATE
- We had a fairly nice day here in Florida and so I was able to get an accurate midday reading. The sun was directly overhead at
1:33PM ET. This reading was steady from the one I got on June 21.
- June 23 SunSET in Oklahoma : 0 minutes EARLY
- Sunset - as per sunrise/sunset charts. GPS working perfectly (which depends on atomic clocks). No changes noted in Naval/NIST
time signals (compared to a relatively accurate quartz watch with a known 1 to 3 second inaccuracy). No earth rotation slowdown
noted (based on observations of Jupiter and Mars from data obtained from Cartes du Ciel). Tulsa, Oklahoma
- June 23 SunSET in Santorini : 3 minutes LATE
- I also noticed that the Sunset was late having come sometime after 8:42PM. The actual time of sunset for Santorini is 8:39PM.
- June 23 SunSET in California : 6 minutes LATE
- Sunset Late-Sacramento CA June 23rd, sunset reported to be at 8:32 now 8:38 and sun still up. Reddish haze also in sky.
- June 23 SunSET in Virginia : 10 minutes EARLY
- The Sun set in Richmond, VA, at least 10 minutes early (there are trees behind which it goes before it reaches the horizon). Official
time, according to the Navel Observatory, was to be 8:35PM. I arrived at 8:25 and there was no sign of the Sun.