- June24 NOON in Ontario : 2 minutes LATE
- From Ontario Canada, readings from my newly built sun dial (built on the 21st) are as follows: 10 to 12 = 2 min late
- June 24 NOON in France : 0 minutes
- I took this measures at high noon, at the meridian of Paris, thanks to a highly precise device: 0 minutes late. Remember the issue of solar time /
mean time / official time, is quite complex. The Equation of Time must not be forgotten: for the moment, the sun passes at high noon actually
later and later, and this will be going on till the end of July, but this is predicted by the equation of time!
http://www.astronomynotes.com/nakedeye/s9.htm, http://www.ipp.mpg.de/~awc/sundial.html,
- June 24 SunSET in Missouri : 15 minutes EARLY
- Sunset on June 24th over 15 minutes early again, with Pink Haze sky a long time afterward.
- June 24 SunSET in Ontario : 3 minutes EARLY
- From Ontario Canada, readings from my newly built sun dial (built on the 21st) are as follows: 1 PM to 2 PM = 2 min early (note: mid point is at
1:38 PM) 3 PM to 6 PM = 2 min late. The length of the shadow cast at 6 PM is 3 min. longer, meaning the sun is setting early. 7min. must be
added or subtracted to the above, ref jun 18-20 report.