June 27 SunRISE in Florida : 15 minutes LATE
This mornings sunrise was 15 minutes late at 6:52 ET instead of 6:37 the scheduled time.
June 27 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 27 minutes LATE
Sunrise was stated to be @ 6:08am and did not rise until 6:35am.
Jun 27 NOON in Seattle : 0 minutes
6/27 my recording 1:12 (13:12) chart 1:12
June 27 NOON in Wisconsin : 6 minutes LATE
Our 12:00 Marker, set on May 15 when the noon whistle blew, is 6 minutes late, an increase of 1 minute since yesterday, which had an increase of 1 minute from the preceding day. Late. Due to DST this is actually 11:00, but cloud cover prevented a high noon reading.
June 27 NOON in Oklahoma : 38 minutes LATE
June 27, 2003: 1:06 pm Shadow; 1:15 pm Shadow; 1:22 pm Shadow; 1:31 pm Still a sliver of a shadow; 1:38 pm Shadow crosses over to the other side of dial.
June 27 NOON in Missouri : 6 minutes LATE
Nancy, in Missouri, the Noon sun was 2 to 6 minutes late.
June 27 SunSET in Missouri : 15 minutes EARLY
The Sunset was early, but maybe not as early as before. (I was not at my regular markers.) At least 15 minutes early. Sky stayed rather pink a long time.