Mirror Sites

ZetaTalk now resides on several sites, which mirror each other. Please make a note of it for future reference. Trouble with downtime or response time? Switch to one of the other mirror sites. So that tearing of internet cables in the Atlantic, major quakes along the San Andreas or New Madrid, or a roll of the S American Plate makes the main site inaccessible:

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These sites have also been structured such that if the primary site is down or extremely busy, the public can use a logical schema to locate a site that might be accessible. The zetatalk.com site has mirror sites that are zetatalk2.com, zetatalk3.com, zetatalk4.com, zetatalk5.com, etc. They are also known as www.zetatalk.com, www2.zetatalk.com, www3.zetatalk.com, www4.zetatalk.com, www5.zetatalk.com, etc. Remember this schema. In the worst case scenario, where the domain name servers (DNS) themselves might be down, using a static IP will reach that mirror site. Please note that we have a static IP on almost all sites as well as for most of the PS-Survival information.

http://www.zetatalk.com - Primary site, hosted by Network Solutions
Hosted by Nancy Lieder
http://www.zetatalk2.com - hosted in Windhoek, Namibia
Hosted by a concerned citizen of Namibia.
http://www.zetatalk3.com (is also http://www3.zetatalk.com) - hosted in Moscow, Russia
Hosted by Sergey Anfelso, in the Murmansk region of Russia is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk4.com (is also http://www4.zetatalk.com) - hosted in Argentina
Hosted by the Mirror Site Team donations is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk5.com (is also http://www5.zetatalk.com) - hosted in Scottsdale, AZ
Hosted by Steve is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk6.com (is also http://www6.zetatalk.com) - hosted in Strasbourg, France
Hosted by Guido Krohnke in Magdeburg, Germany is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk7.com - hosted in Auckland, New Zealand
Hosted by Bill Wong in New Zealand
http://www.zetatalk8.com (is also http://www8.zetatalk.com) - hosted in Johannesburg, S Africa
Hosted by the Mirror Site Team donations is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk9.com (is also http://www9.zetatalk.com) - hosted in Jaipur, India
Hosted by the Mirror Site Team, Sponsored by Tere` from Bayside Investment Group LLC is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk10.com (is also http://www10.zetatalk.com) - hosted in Sydney, Australia
Hosted by Matt Bowen, in Australia is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk11.com (is also http://www11.zetatalk.com) - hosted in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Hosted by the Mirror Site Team, Sponsored by Tere` from Bayside Investment Group LLC is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk12.com - hosted in Kyoto, Japan
Hosted by Shuichi Inoue in Japan
http://www.zetatalk13.com - hosted in Istanbul, Turkey
Hosted by Sergey Anfelso, in the Murmansk region of Russia
http://www.zetatalk14.com - hosted in Medellín, Colombia
Hosted by the Mirror Site Team, Sponsored by two Canadians - Carlos Villa and another, anonymous.
http://www.zetatalk15.com - hosted in Casablanca, Morocco
Hosted by the Sergey Anfelso, in the Murmansk region of Russia
http://www.nepanewsletter.com/zetatalk/ - Yahoo mirror
Hosted by a fan from Scranton, Pennsylvania

The Pole Shift Survival material also has a number of mirrors. Note the ending on almost all mirror sites (/docs) for locating alternate sites. Remember this schema.

http://www.pssurvival.com - hosted in Arizona, USA
Hosted by and authored by an anonymous individual.
http://www.ps-survival.com - hosted in Chicago, USA
Hosted by and authored by this same anonymous individual.
http://www.zetatalk3.com/docs (also www3.zetatalk.com/docs) - hosted in Moscow, Russia
Hosted by Sergey Anfelso, in the Murmansk region of Russia is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk4.com/docs (also www4.zetatalk.com/docs) - hosted in Argentina
Hosted by the Mirror Site Team donations is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk5.com/docs (also www5.zetatalk.com/docs) - hosted in Scottsdale, USA
Hosted by Steve is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down.
http://www.zetatalk6.com/docs (also www6.zetatalk.com/docs) - hosted in Strasbourg, France
Hosted by Guido Krohnke in Magdeburg, Germany is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk8.com/docs (also www8.zetatalk.com/docs) - hosted in Johannesburg, S Africa
Hosted by the Mirror Site Team donations is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk10.com/docs (also www10.zetatalk.com/docs) - hosted in Sydney, Australia
Hosted by Matt Bowen, in Australia is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk11.com/docs (also http://www11.zetatalk.com/docs) - hosted in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Hosted by the Mirror Site Team, Sponsored by Tere` from Bayside Investment Group LLC is a static IP that also reaches this site, should the domain nameservers (DNS) be down
http://www.zetatalk13.com/docs - hosted in Istanbul, Turkey
Hosted by Sergey Anfelso, in the Murmansk region of Russia

ZetaTalk Translations also have mirror sites.

http://poleshift.web.fc2.com/ - hosted in Japan, in Japanese, by Shuichi Inoue

http://zetastalk.ru - hosted in Russian, by Oleg

ZIP Instructions

The ZetaTalk website, including all Troubled Times data, up until the date of March 30, 2011 is available in a 354 MB ZIP file. This is available from the following mirror sites or their static IP addresses - Argentina, India, Moscow, and Germany.




ZetaTalk on Google

ZetaTalk is now on Google, supported by an anonymous volunteer from Russia! The Google Mirror Site can be viewed directly. Your mobile device can also have the Mirror Site installed. Follow these Installation Instructions. Your mobile device can also be set for Automatic Update, so that it is instantly updated automatically.