What's New

Hot link below to what's new (or expanded) within ZetaTalk as of 15-Mar-99. Next update, 15-Apr-99. Last update was 15-Feb-99.

A Safe Structure the Zetas have always recommended has returned to the web, this time with details as the designer now has a patent pending on the interlock method. Biodome 3 is in the Shelter section of Troubled Times.

Nancy, the Zetan emissary, was again be the featured guest on Jeff Rence's Sightings show on Friday night, March 5 1999. The RealAudio of past broadcasts can be heard on the Sightings web site archives, and audio tapes purchased there also. Zetatalk emerging from that session will be appearing on this page for 15-Apr-99, transcribed from the Sightings tapes.