Throughout the early years of ZetaTalk, the Point of Passage, where Planet X pierces the Ecliptic, was
described as aligning with the ZetaTalk Triangle, which would place Planet X approximately midway between
the Earth and the Sun. It was likewise described as being at its closest point some 14 million miles from the
Earth. This obvious Conflict was explained at that time as the distance major debris in the tail would be from
Earth, fogging the issue to maintain the White Lie posture, as clarity at that time would reveal that the passage
was not to occur when the planets were positioned as they were on or shortly after May 15, 2003. During the
2002 Sighting TEAM analysis of CCD images we explained that the moons of Planet X would range no further
than 5 million miles from Planet X. Given that Planet X entered the inner solar system from the direction of Orion,
at a 32° angle to the Sun and from beneath the Ecliptic, and is literally slinging through the solar system in a
straight line orbit with only a slight Retrograde motion around the Side of the Sun, what would the trajectory past
Earth be? As we have explained, the Earth is stalled in her orbit, cannot rise or drop to any great extent, can
reverse in her orbit but is swept toward Planet X by the Sweeping Arms of the Sun, and is held at a distance
from Planet X by the normal Repulsion Force that exists between bodies this size.
The 32° angle persists. As Planet X neared the Sun it was glancing around the
S. Pole on the side of the Sun facing Orion. We have explained that Planet X,
aligned with magnetic flow lines, first slung its S. Pole away from the Suns S.
Pole and pointed its N. Pole toward the Suns S. Pole as it moved along. This
is of record as the Earths geological N. Pole was temporarily Iceland, then
Siberia, as it wobbled to adjust to the changing magnetic influences caused by
Planet X. At present, the Earth is tilting its N. Pole toward the S. Pole of Planet
X, and leaning toward the right-hand side where Planet X is passing the Sun.
This simulates a Summer for the northern hemisphere, but puts the
Constellations askew for the seasons and Hudson Bay as the global cold spot, a clue for the observant that the orbit is not
normal. Planet X is now moving away from the Sun, approaching the point where it will pierce the Ecliptic, and thus from
the viewpoint from Earth, the Moon Swirls have been around the Sun. Given the 32° angle, Planet X pierces the Ecliptic in
accordance with the ZetaTalk Triangle and continues its climb, over the top of the Earth, bringing its complex, the corpus
and moons, within 14 million miles of the distressed Earth. This close pass allows debris in the tail, by that time streaming
toward Earth due not only to the solar wind blowing it there but also the magnetic interplay between the Earth and Planet X. The tail, composed of oxidized
iron particles, participates. This debris is already arriving.
The point where rotation slows to a stop occurs, as we have mentioned, when Planet X is positioned to supplant the Sun as the dominant magnetic voice the Earth hears. Counting backward from the point where Planet X slings over the top of the Earth, and assuming this to be a rapid transit as Planet X has pierced the Ecliptic and can now Buzz on Out, we can see that the week of rotation stoppage occurs at the point where Planet X is piercing the Ecliptic. Twists and turns for both planets leading into this point are not addressed in this description, nor the length of time any point may takes, nor any pause points that might occur, nor any start date for any part of the action. As we have repeatedly stated, until the populace in general is receiving our message simultaneously with the elite, in a setting similar to live TV or radio, we will not be providing specifics on the dance between Planet X and Earth, nor any 270° Roll, nor any odd reverse transit Venus might take, nor any astonishing displays the tail might present, nor any atmospheric conditions the magnetic lineup of the planets might create, nor any gradual slowing or extreme wobble the Earth might assume. Our message is not for the elite, to entrap and enslave and selectively glean out workers from the populace, it is for those in the populace who practice the Golden Rule and care for one another. If the elite wish to avoid surprises, and want guidelines so they can plan for themselves and their possessions, then they had better expedite plans to educate the public. This is the only way they will have access to the ZetaTalk messages they seek, which has been accurate on all matters save the date, which as we have stated in abundance, was a deliberate White Lie.
- At this time we estimate that the giant comet will come to within 14 million miles of the Earth.
- ZetaTalk: Pole Shift, written 1995
- How does a lightning bolt pass some 14 million miles across space?
- ZetaTalk: Lightning Bolts, written 1995
- This pole shift is a particularly severe one, but Planet X will come no closer than 14 million miles to the Earth.
- ZetaTalk: Close Pass, written 2001
- Where dust in the tail, and some debris the size of gravel and boulders, reach the Earth during this passage some 14 million miles from the earth, the Moons stay closer to Planet X. You can consider the Moons to be within 5 million miles of Planet X, as the maximum distance they will stray.
- ZetaTalk: Tail/Moon Range, written Dec 2002
- A tail swirl, moving like a slow moving tornado, approaches Earth which has magnetic as well as gravity attraction. Thus, it is not simply a head-on hit, tail to Earth, as it is also a sideways hit from swirling matter coming from this or that side. Then there is the motion of a tail swirl being curled toward Earth, continuing the curl. Like a whip that curls around what it is thrown against, the tail can warp all around the Earth during such a lick. Debris, as with red dust, may have a slight weight to the sides of the Earth facing the approaching Planet X complex.
- ZetaTalk: Red Dust, written Jan 11, 2003
- What does this triangle say about a drama about to occur? We have stated variously that Planet X would come to within 14 million miles of Earth during its passage, and elsewhere that it would pierce the Ecliptic approximately mid-way between Earth and the Sun, and recently, that the Earth would draw nearer the Sun during this drama, both because of increased gravity giants on one side and because of the magnetic grip of Planet X upon the hapless Earth. Thus, the ZetaTalk triangle shows Planet X closer to the Earth than a mid-way point, as the Earth will move in.
- ZetaTalk: Tilting, Leaning, and Dropping, written Feb 29, 2004