The greatest fear a cover-up has is an uncontrolled unraveling. Spin control, as it is often called. There was a reason for the Planet X cover-up, a valid reason, a
reason that took into consideration saving lives and looking after the public good, concern about damping panic that would have cost lives and dollars and done no
one any good, and thus those perpetrating the cover-up were exemplary citizens, leaders with great foresight, and should be thanked for keeping the truth from the
public all these years. What they hope will be over looked are the real reasons for the cover-up in the first place, primarily a desire to use the passage of Planet X
as an opportunity to come out on top of the pile when the dust settles, to control of people and assets, to destroy opposition and seize control, to place a restless
public into a slave labor status during the turmoil, and thus, emerge as kings. At best, perpetrating the cover-up was an inability to simply admit their inability to deal
with the situation, to retain perks and status and pay for as long as possible. For many, especially as evidence of Planet X exploded on the scene, participation in
the cover-up was a demand, expressed as a national security issue to damp panic and protect the public safety.
Caught in this group were many with good hearts, who longed to let the public know what they were privy to, so they could understand the current weather and
earthquakes and volcanic restlessness in a proper perspective. Did their neighbors and friends not deserve to know? Did they not have plans to make and issues to
settle ahead of time? If those in the know, the elite, were not in a state of panic, then would not the common man, who deals with such stress in their everyday lives,
not be able to cope with this information just as effectively? These feelings, contrary to the purposes of those demanding the cover-up be maintained at all costs
until the bitter end, are often noted at the workplace or elsewhere, or when resentful participants might express their feelings over a beer at a bar or during a
commute. A second class of participants in the cover-up are those who were promised safety, security, a place in well stocked bunkers and a job working for
those who would be kings after the pole shift. Go along, and well reward you as a faithful servant, was the message. But as the cataclysm precursors heat
up, and those promised safety make inquiries, it is apparent that no such inclusion has been planned. Thanks for your help, sucker, now go stand in the cold
rain and grub for bugs to eat, is the implicit message.
Both these groups are a concern for those at the helm of the cover-up as it is about to unravel. The temptation is to eliminate them or at least send a message. Will
this suppression succeed? In part, but not for long. When the real Earth changes begin, the admissions and hysteria and frantic ad hoc discussions will be like a
flood of emotion, uncontrollable, among those who knew of the cover-up and those only suddenly realizing it. Will spin control work, for those who were at the
helm all along and trying to maintain control when it is unraveling? Hardly, or will they kill all concerned, leaving NASA without staff, the observatories without staff,
as a message to the concerned public trying to sort it all out. We did this for the public good, and thats why we killed all who had knowledge. Hardly
credible. Those in the White House, in control of NASA, in control of time keepers in the Navy, rallying heads of state around the world to participate in the
cover-up, withholding funds from observatories that do not keep their astronomers in line, cannot run from their liability. They can run from their roles, deny, but
they cannot hide from the public, who will recognize them wherever they are found in the aftermath of the pole shift, vulnerable, out among those they lied to all
these years. True karma, pending.
- Signs of the Times #1255
- Caught in this group were many with good hearts, who longed to let the public know what they were privy to, so they could understand the current weather and earthquakes and volcanic restlessness in a proper perspective. These feelings, contrary to the purposes of those demanding the cover-up be maintained at all costs until the bitter end, are often noted at the workplace or elsewhere, or when resentful participants might express their feelings over a beer at a bar or during a commute. A second class of participants in the cover-up are those who were promised safety, security, a place in well stocked bunkers and a job working for those who would be kings after the pole shift. But as the cataclysm precursors heat up, and those promised safety make inquiries, it is apparent that no such inclusion has been planned. Both these groups are a concern for those at the helm of the cover-up as it is about to unravel. Those in the White House, in control of NASA, in control of time keepers in the Navy, rallying heads of state around the world to participate in the cover-up, withholding funds from observatories that do not keep their astronomers in line, cannot run from their liability. They can run from their roles, deny, but they cannot hide from the public, who will recognize them wherever they are found in the aftermath of the pole shift, vulnerable, out among those they lied to all these years. True karma, pending. [Note: new ZetaTalk: Dead Astronomers.] In the Photos section, Mt Wilson photo on May 26, 2003, and on May 28.
- Signs of the Times #1254
Three killed in NASA van plunge [Dec 8] A commuter van from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory tumbled 200 feet off a twisting mountain. The van was carrying six employees of the lab in Pasadena, two contractors and two NASA employees. The cause of the accident was not immediately known. Clouds and fog shrouded the site, at an altitude of about 1,500 feet. Snow dotted flanks of the mountain, but the road itself was clear. [and from another source] The Angeles Crest Highway is a two-lane road, with many sharp curves and very steep drop-offs (although there are guardrails). There is an obervatory, Mt. Wilson, up at the top. [and from another source] There have been quit a few scientist killed over the last 10 years. In fact the odds of so many of them being killed by accident within such a small time frame is extremely remote. [and from another source] French cable car crash kills 20 [Jul 1, 1999] The car detached itself from the cable, but the cable did not snap. Most of the victims were reported to be employees of the observatory, which is run by French, German and Spanish scientists. The cable car was used only for the observatory and no tourists were believed to be on board. The chief representative of the cable car union said the cable car was built in the 1980s and had recently passed a safety inspection.