We have often stated that the war in Iraq was part of a larger plan to commandeer the oil fields of the Middle East, to expand into Saudi Arabia and Iran, and thence up into the oil field of Russia via Pakistan. The stage for the current military action was set in the past, with the friendship of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, who were considered allies by George Bush Sr. By allowing Saddam to remain in power at the end of the first Gulf War, the stage was set for George Bush Jr. to insist on finishing his father's work. Of course, seeing the junior Bush into the Presidency at this time, when the pole shift was anticipated, was in the plan. Thus we had Dubya inserted into the White House by Supreme Court fiat in 2000, and by voter fraud in 2004. The group who took the White House by coup in 2000 are marching to the original plan, regardless of setbacks, but are seeing their course changed by opposition, and have become desperate.
One option is to give up the plan, resign to being ousted from the Presidency and control of the Executive Branch, and go quietly into the night to prepare as any
other wealthy citizen might for the pole shift, with a well stocked and guarded bunker. Does this sound like the arrogant Bush crowd? They hope, as we stated, to
create terrorism attacks in the US, via the UAE port deal, which will allow Martial Law to be called in the US with a mandatory call to service, a draft, imposed.
With Bush as President for life, the plan would have new life, or so goes the thinking. Why else is Bush so adamant about pushing the UAE deal forward, despite
opposition on all sides and a drop in the polls? They are taking desperate measures! Does this include inciting civil war in Iraq? What would the Bush crowd stand
to gain, by increased violence in the Middle East? Note the odd timing of a supposed Al Qaeda attack on a Saudi oil refinery, the first ever of this scope to be
attempted, with civil war in Iraq. Why would one incident incite the other? Al Qaeda does not identify with the Shia or Sunni, nor would the Saudi attack help either
party. But there is a nexus in the interests of Bush and company.
The only way for the US to incite war with Iran is for the chaos in Iraq to spill over the borders. This would include the border with Saudi Arabia, who would
require US forces to defend their oil reserves, so the story would go, and thus an occupation there would result. Will this play out as Bush hopes, forcing the US
Military to support an increased presence in the Middle East, an increased scope in the operation? This would be placed in the context of a need to have a victory,
to stay the course. Should this meet opposition, America's dependence on oil from the region would be emphasized. Will these desperate measures go as planned?
One should bear in mind that these affairs are in the hands of man, and a cornered animal will jump in many directions. Our analysis of the outcome does not include
a war with Iran, nor an occupation of Saudi Arabia, but a gradual and secretive withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, which will split into factions as a result of their
civil war. We predicted that there would be no regime change in Iraq and indeed the Sunni hold the military might during the civil war. Saddam's guard was Sunni,
the expertise of war is the Sunni hands, and the man on trial as Saddam is not he, but his cousin, one of his doubles. In the end, the Bush crowd will be required to
go quietly into the night, but not before some dramatic games are played within the US itself. That, my friends, is another day's ZetaTalk!
- Signs of the Times #1556
- Iran-USA, Beginning of a Major World Crisis [Feb 25] http://newropeans-magazine.org/ 'An Alarm based on 2 verifiable events. On the one hand there is the Iranian decision of opening the first oil bourse priced in Euros on March 20th, 2006 in Teheran, available to all oil producers of the region. On the other hand, there is the decision of the American Federal Reserve to stop publishing M3 figures (the most reliable indicator on the amount of dollars circulating in the world) from March 23, 2006 onward. Iran's opening of an Oil Bourse priced in Euros at the end of March 2006 will be the end of the monopoly of the Dollar on the global oil market. The immediate result is likely to upset the international currency market as producing countries will be able to charge their production in Euros also. A strong fall of the Dollar would probably result in a massive sale of the US Treasury Bonds held in Asia, in Europe and in the oil-producing countries. For some months already, M3 has significantly increased, indicating that money printing has already speeded up in Washington, knowing that the new President of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, is a self-acknowledged fan of money printing.'
- Signs of the Times #1555
Gates of Hell are Open [Feb 25] 'When the giant dome of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, the holiest Shia shrine in the country, fell, the inter-Islamic battles in Iraq reached a new nadir. When the dictator Saddam strode the land, the Sunni minority walked with him, enjoying power and spoils that far outweighed their numbers. Iraq's new constitution provides for a federal system to rule over three distinct ethnic minorities that would prefer not to co-exist. Partitioning would confine the Shias to their homelands in the south and the Kurds to the north. Neither group would have cause to complain because they would then be sitting atop the vast subterranean oil reserves at either end of the country. An entrenched civil war is precisely what US military planners wanted to avoid. If, as expected, ethnic cleansing takes further hold, it will be very difficult for the 160,000 troops to stick to the mooted wind-back later this year. Capitol Hill legislators face elections in November and some have already publicly said a protracted campaign is an increasingly difficult sell to voters.' [and from another source] Saudi oil facility evades attack [Feb 25] 'Suicide bombers tried to blow up the world's largest oil-processing plant in Saudi Arabia on Friday. A Saudi statement said the attack caused only a minor fire, which was immediately extinguished and didn't disrupt oil or gas production. But the assault on the Abqaiq compound near the Persian Gulf, through which two-thirds of Saudi oil exports pass, was the first on a significant Saudi oil facility. Oil experts warned that other attacks are likely.'