We have detailed how the N. American plate is put under pressure during the Earth Torque. Put one hand on New England and twist it East (during the daily
rotation of the Earth) but hold Mexico back, pulling back toward the West (as the magnetic S Pole of Earth is tugged back by the grip of Planet X). What does this
do to the N. American plate? It pulls it at a diagonal, ripping the rock fingers along the New Madrid fault such that the land to the East of the Mississippi moves up
and to the East, toward New England, and the land to the West of the Mississippi moves down and to the West. This does more than tear most of the bridges
along the Mississippi, it weakens the land to the West of the Mississippi, causing it to drop. The land to the East of the Mississippi is rock, the bluffs of Memphis
and underlying rock where the Appalachian Mountains curl through Tennessee and Alabama toward the Mississippi river. But the land south of the Ozarks is not
solid rock, and when stretched will drop in elevation. This is already occurring.
What is the relationship between quake swarms in Oklahoma, sinkholes in Missouri, and a water tree in Texas? The rock underlying this area is being stretched,
fingers pulling apart so support of the ground is lacking, and the ground sinks. As we have stated, stretch zones do not experience large quakes, but the trauma is
just as great as in compression areas. Thus, the fact that this stretching and sinking is occurring is missed until something dramatic occurs to hit the news. What has
caused an oak tree in the middle of a drought area to ooze water? What happens to water under pressure? It seeks to escape, moving up when that is the only
avenue it can move. Tidal bore, where water rushes up a ravine well above sea level because the pressure from the sea behind the tide is intense, shows this to be
the case. Water spews above ground when geysers blow because of pressure, alone. Stretch zones experience a release of pressure in places where the rock
fingers slip apart, but there are likewise areas where pressure is increased. For the N American plate, to the West of the Mississippi, land released from its
attachment to the Eastern land springs West, causing pressure toward the West. Water in aquifers react to this quickly, along the entire area affected by the aquifer.
- Signs of the Times #1631
Sinkhole draining Longstreet Road lake [Aug 14] 'A 12-foot sinkhole has developed at the edge of a lake on Longstreet Road on the north side of Marion. The sinkhole has caused about a four-foot drop in the water level, which is causing confusion to the birds and wildlife that call the lake home.' [and from another] [Aug 14] 'As Norm Scrivener finished the front section of his Sunday paper, a mammoth sinkhole swallowed his garage and the 2001 Chevy Cavalier inside. The crater was 75 feet deep and 50 to 60 feet in diameter. Sinkholes are common in the Ozarks, but the size of this hole is not.' [and from another] Within past two weeks, 3 reported Sink Holes (and most are not reported to the public) - Galena, Kansas; Quapaw, Okla; Telequiah, Okla. All these were at least 10 ft across and very deep. Last night's near Quapaw's highway was very scary, because 15 ft away it could have caused truck accidents in the dark. The Galena one sank a historical building. That one was blamed on an old 'mine'--their usual excuse. I bet the area has had 100 sinkholes in the past 3 years! [and from another] http://www.kfor.com/ Garvin County residents are getting all shook up this week. The Oklahoma Geological Survey says an earthquake registering 2.9 on the Richter scale was recorded in the county. It was the fourth earthquake recorded in Garvin County since Friday. Yesterday's quake was the largest to hit the county so far. [and from another] This East Side tree does its own watering [Aug 10] http://www.mysanantonio.com/ 'The knotted, towering tree, more than 100 years old, has become the root of scrutiny in the East Side San Antonio, TX neighborhood. The tree has gurgled water from its trunk for the past three months. Answers have been sought from several specialists - the Texas Forest Service, the Edwards Aquifer Authority and nurseries. The water is cool, like it came from a faucet. The flow is at a 10th or 20th of a gallon every minute. Compared to Edwards Aquifer water, it the same as what comes out of the tap. It could be a spring, but would be rare with the drought conditions this summer. A science team member researched the elevation of the area and said that it's unlikely that the water from the tree is from aquifer springflow. The source of the mysterious water flow could be an artesian spring, a broken water pipe or an abandoned well. Or possibly something else.'