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ZetaTalk: Conflict Zones
written Nov 25, 2003
The situation in Iraq has become obvious, where citizens now drag US Military from their vehicles and kill them with their bare hands. Such is the
degree to which the Bush/Blair coalition have won the hearts and minds of the people there. How might this conflict zone, and others around the
world, move as the pole shift precursors overtake them, quakes tumbling the cities and tearing up the roadways, gas and oil lines rupturing and
becoming infernos, and communications virtually worthless with satellites lost and sudden power outages?
- Where conflict zones are composed of a strong arm repressing a restless people, the results are predictable. The people will take advantage
of a disrupted and confused strong arm to tear their oppressor to bits. In the case such as Iraq or Palestine, where the people are enraged
and brutalized, it is likely that when the dust from an earthquake settles, only bloody bodies of the oppressors will be found, killed to the last
one. Because pole shift precursor quakes and damage are likely to be widespread in an area, this is likely to become a wildfire, with a whole
occupation, an entire city and its environs, savaged in this manner. Human history has these stories among its tales.
- Where conflict zones have been imposed by the leadership of bordering countries, such as in North and South Korea or Tibet and China, the
people simply stop listening to the blustering leaders demanding subservience despite catastrophe, and become neighbors again. Leadership
that demands only that it be served, in times when it cannot provide for the people, is ignored, and this is assisted when roadways and
communications are inoperable, the military so disoriented they no longer respond to commands, and the political leadership merely a red
faced blustering has-been.
- Where conflict exists because of cultural differences, such as religion or race or culture from differing backgrounds, the resolution is not
violence but indifference. India has this conflict within it and along its borders, the Americas between the original peoples and the many
immigrants that settled these lands en mass centuries ago, Africa between its people and those who came to plunder its resources, and cities
around the world rivaling the United Nations in their diversity. In times of hardship, people cling to the known, ignoring others, in the main, so
those outside the group are left injured and starving, as though not of the same human race.