Last evening I drove out to the Bay here on the West Coast of Florida to observe the Sunset from my car. For awhile it seemed as though the Sun was lingering above the ecliptic but then suddenly went below. However, the timing for the sunset was not correct. Sunset is suppose to be at 8:40 PM according to the weather charts here but the Sun actually broke the ecliptic at 8:21 PM or a difference of 19 minutes. On another note of interest it did not get totally dark until 9:20 PM EST. Just a few days ago it was getting totally dark at around 9:00 PM so a differenc of 20 minutes there. Also the sunrise is later then it is suppose to be this time of year. The charts say 6:00 AM EST but the actual time of Sunrise was at 6:18 AM or a difference of 18 minutes there. It seems rather strange to see such a similarity in the differences of timing if in fact something out of the ordinary is occuring.
Given our refusal to give an exacting date for rotation slowing or stopping, or the hour of the
shift itself, many have taken to anxiously checking the rising and setting sun to determine if a
few minutes of slowing has begun. In this, confused results occur. During these last weeks,
Planet X is simultaneously.
What does this do to the light coming from the Sun to Earth? As we have mentioned
repeatedly, light bends, is subject to the influence of gravity or other particles flows, and
exemplified by where your feet are when you stand in water and look down upon them. The Auroras are not magnetic, they are light spreading into color spectrums
based on their sensitivity to gravity, a show that would normally be visible all over the world if the intense sunlight near the Equator were not drowning this out. That
the Auroras moved south during a time when human scientists were scratching their heads over why the Earth seemed to have a fatter middle, per gravity analysis
done by their probes, when no shape change had occurred, proves this. Gravity flow intensified at the Equator, and the Auroras moved south.
The spreading orange of the sunrise and sunset likewise has zero to do with light scattering off dust, a ridiculous human explanation as why would the dust be
present only at those times? Orange is a predominance of a type or red light spectrum wave that bends readily, and continues to bend when other light has moved
on out into space, so reaches your eye predominantly. Planet X, as we have stated, is predominantly in the red light spectrum, appeared orange in early photos,
and thus presented two personas during early imaging, one bending to gravity more than the other, though both are in the red spectrum. But the propensity of light
to bend for many reasons has affected more than where Planet X is appearing, it has and is affecting where the Sun is appearing, particularly during the dawn and
dusk when orange or other red light spectrum rays predominate.
During the last few weeks, when Planet X is coming up between the Earth and Sun, it affects light traveling from the Sun to Earth. The Repulsion Force, as we have
explained, is like a fire hose of gravity particles escaping from a large body such as a planet or sun. When two such large bodies come close, these fire hoses are
pointed at each other and stop the approach, thus large bodies keep their distance from each other. They likewise have a gravity draw upon each other, each
having gravity particles floating back toward their surfaces like a fine net that reaches far into space, so each is trying to draw the other in. There is a push and a
pull, between large bodies. During the sunset and sunrise, where predominately red light spectrum light is arriving at the human viewer, this red light has been
subject to gravity bending, and thus the sunset and sunrise can be an inaccurate gauge of rotation stoppage. What effects might occur?
When Planet X is coming up from its deep 32 degree dive below the Ecliptic, it delivers a broadside to
those light rays in the red light spectrum with the Repulsion Force fire hose, pushing those away such that
they arrive at Earth as though the Sun were further distant. These rays arrive later, and seem to arrive
from a point away from Planet X, almost as though Planet X has pushed the Sun which is of course not
the case, Planet X, with its gravity fire hose broadside, has pushed the red light rays. Many noticed that
the sunset seemed to linger, the evening sky not darkening for hours after the sunset, and this was the
reason. Many noticed that the Sun seemed to rise or set too far north, a similar phenomena where the Sun only appeared to be there.
When Planet X arrives close to the Ecliptic and starts moving between the Earth and Sun, a second
phenomenon occurs. Red light bends toward Planet X as a gravity draw, such that for those in the
Northern Hemisphere the light affecting the sunrise and sunset must come up over more the Earths fat
middle, making the sunrise later and the sunset earlier, a shorter day, the reverse of where it should be
going into the Summer Solstice. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite effect would occur, as they are dealing with less of Earths Fat middle, and
have a longer day potential. Where this phenomena depends upon the time of day and the location of the viewer, who may or may not experience this confusion, it
can confuse the issue of determining just when rotation slowing has started, those days when minutes are lost, clearly, and then hours lost.
How to best measure then, if rotation slowing has started? Use the direct overhead light during high noon, as this light is primarily outside of those spectrums that
bend, and thus will be true. Use a manual clock, as the atomic clocks are automatically set back to obscure the slowing process that has been seconds per day until
lately. The slowing process will be minutes only at first, rapidly building to hours during a day, then rapidly moving to a stoppage. On the day that hours a day are
presenting, the crust and core will be fighting, and this will translate to moaning and heavy earthquake activity, so can hardly be missed. Thus, finding some way to
measure high noon, if only via a tube illuminating an object at the bottom, will be an aid to those wanting that extra day of warning.