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ZetaTalk: Hazelwood Killer
written Mar 11, 2004
- Someone here in Wisconsin measured Orion at 240° in the SW and 50° up on Mar 8 at 8:45 PM, and this is pretty close to what SkyMap
shows should be there, 225° in the SW and 45° up. The Dipper (Ursa Major) overhead to the NNE, likewise. If 2.5 months have passed
since Dec 25, how can the constellations appear so close to the expected date, and not out of alignment?
- Nancy (not wanting to be jerked around) Lieder
The establishment desires to have anyone but Nancy lead the populace, in preference to their own well controlled spokes personas who like a Pied Piper would
lead the populace into work camps, termed special work assignments during disaster or terror threat times, or to linger in river basin or coastal cities too long
where they could be trapped into drowning, thereby reducing those not selected for work camps as so many unwanted mouths demanding to be fed. The
establishment knows that we have warned of this, recommended self reliance instead or reliance on government directives, recommended watching for signs such
as slowing to determine when to move to safety, and gone to great lengths with an elaborate White Lie specifically designed to cause them to show their hand and
reveal their agendas to the world. Anyone but Nancy, despite our remarkable track record on predicting what has come about:
- the lineal increase in Earthquakes, the coverup of this increase, the rapid reaction around the world, termed Domino Quakes, which in essence is what the
Global Quakes that set in starting in March, 2003 are, and the effect of Earth Movements on gas lines and structures, which no one else predicted and
which has come about, starting in 2003, with astonishing accuracy.
- the Weather changes, with increasing droughts and deluges, intermixed, and their effect on crop production and consequent Starvation round the world,
which no one else predicted in 1995 where we predicted the year Crops would fail, worldwide, with precise accuracy.
- erratic Ocean curents and unexpected high tides, the precipitor of erratic hurricane seasons.
- increasing Illness in both human and animal populations, likewise a first prediction of this sort before copycat predictions by others.
- economic Depression worldwide, in fact and reflected in the Markets, with sabre rattling by many countries to silence their populace with the threat that the
wolf was at the border.
- increasing failure of Satellites and the Internet, which has recently proven so very accurate, predicted by no one but ourselves.
- the arrival of the Second Sun in 2003, sightings at our Coordiantes since 2001, arriving on March 3, 2003 at a coordinate point we predicted in 1997, an
astonishing prediction accuracy ignored by the establishment controlled talk show circuits like the plague.
- our ZetaTalk Triangle predicted in 1997 to represent the position of the Earth vs a vs the Sun and Planet X, appearing in dual crop circles in Nancys home
state of Wisconsin, both on July 4, both examined by crop circle experts and one witnessed as it was laid down by the astonished farmer, who was
interviewed by the talk radio circuit where Nancy and our ZetaTalk triangle were ignored.
Individuals with no prediction track record whatsoever are raised up as experts. Anyone with a dream, a hunch, a theory or an opinon is given the stage, but not
Nancy. Going into 2003, the establishment wished to replace Nancy with others supposedly having her vision, plagarists who it was hoped would prove to be the
Pied Piper desired. Hazelwood did so, well backed and funded, including the 2003 date predictions which he adopted as his own, and has suffered from this ever
since. If the White Lie caused the establishment to stumble, it also was a Hazelwood killer. So how to prevent such takeover attempts in the future? We knew,
from our calculations, that the halted and reversed orbit would be difficult to prove, outright, as the Lean and Tilt toward Planet X, in the arrangement laid out in the
ZetaTalk Triangle, would disguise this. Slowing counters the time change expected. The lean counters the view of the constellations expected. And as anyone
claiming this would be subject to demands to prove it and the establishment is stubbornly silent on the matter, none save the brash ZetaTalk is making the claim.
Thus, we arrive at a point where this will become obvious, with none but ZetaTalk having made the claim.
- Assume looking out into the night sky at 20:45 PM on Dec 25. Two hours must be added each month to the clock time in order to have have the viewer
continue to turn so as to look out into the night sky at midnight. This equates to clock time adjustments of 2 hours / month from Dec 25 to Mar 8, or 4 hours
and 24 minutes, or a 1:10 AM view on Dec 25.
- Assume slowing of 1 hour 43 minutes to date since Dec 25, relatively unnoticed as just over an hour in increased daylight is expected, so that as earlier
sunrises and later sunsets have been experienced, though amiss from the the Almanac times, Sun times have been close enough that demands for an
explanation can be evaded. This equates to 1:10 AM minus 1 hour 43 minutes, or a 23:23 PM view on Dec 25.
- Assume a lean of 23° eastward, the ZetaTalk triangle position. This is equivalent to moving from West to East more rapidly, a jump in time. This equates to
1.5 hours of time when a full circle is 24 hours, so later in the evening, a jump in time, or 00:53 AM on Dec 25.
- Assume a tilt in toward the Sun of the N Pole some 20° also, as Planet X lies between the Earth and Sun and the Earth has dropped in her Ecliptic by
several degrees, Planet X now slightly above her in her normal plane. This equates to East appearing to shift West by this amount, equivalent to a shift in
constellations by two weeks to Jan 10 at 0:53 AM.