Since a bit of time I am tracking this forum (.....), I found that via an astronomical-forum. at first I was skeptic to the PX-theme. thus I decided to try to find them in space. I own a 8" (20cm) reflector-telescope, with which this should be possible. Since some days here in north-Germany we have fine weather, sky's clear but pretty thick fog soup sometimes. Yesterday (28.03) a light, foggy object hit my eye. First I thought a galaxy or comet - but my starmap-programme didn't showed me in anything in this area. I wondered if this could be PX in fact some people argued to see it with eye's only. I pulled my webcam and adapted it to my scope and got a AVI-movie with 900 pictures. I added those pictures with astrostack together (summary process to increase brightness and contrast) finally removed with Corel-Photopaint the noise. The picture below is the result. What are you guessing? I can't believe this is PX but I found no other coincedence. Will look next days again.
- Germany