- This morning at approx. 5:47 CDT [Jun 5], I watched the Sun rise here in eastern Missouri. There was a thin haze or cloud cover that allowed the Sun to shine through, but not very brightly. I was able to view the entire disk of the Sun with my 8x binocs. I saw three very dark spots, two horizontally opposed at about the 7-8 o´clock position and another slightly smaller dot at about the 1-2 o´clock position. These were very small, yet perfectly round, and completly black. What the hell were they?
- from godlikeproductions Message Board
This black spot is nothing new, other people have been capturing it since before: this one is from 2002:
http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=11373 I also have seen photos of the sun having that black spot from years ago. I have to say that I disagree with the mothership statement. Its just an Effect made by the camera lens. http://www.webzar.com/webcam/index.shtml explains the black spot on the sun phenomenon. [Quote from that site "At first, the displayed image will show the sun with a black spot in its middle. Next, the sun will be get lost within a dark background. The camera recovers about three minutes after the sun slips below the horizon." Note: no black background has been reported recently, but the Element of Doubt may be in effect.]- via email to Nancy