Sunrise Sun Photos
Greece, on May 2, 2003

Anyone debunkers or not... have a look at my pix. Look at 9 o-clock left of sun same alt.. the second difuse sun.. Suppose to be not stable as it is bending. Those photos are genuine 100%. Taken today [May 2] morning with Olympus c-2020 Z camedia, zoom 6.5-19.5. The photos are taken from Athens Greece, location : Varibobi, time around 6:25. I changed location at the 3 last photos [below]. The first 2 was taken from ground level. I moved more high and right. I walk up the stairs of a building under construction. I couldn´t see well the left area.. where supose to be the planet.. was the wide trees, thats why I moved more right to get the view clear. Then I took the 3 next pictures. I could barely see it with naked eyes. So I zoomed and snap the area. I didn´t expect to be so clear in camera.
Sotos, on Godlike Message Board