This past weekend, I was in Ocean City, MD and had a particularly good photographing day on Friday (19th) after hurricane Isabelle cleaned up the sky. I am enclosing 5 pictures that I took from my video footage of the sunset that day. On the video, I was amazed to see a rapidly orbiting light phenomenon, mainly going back and forth from the 9:30 oclock position to the 2:30 oclock position. I made sure that the camera was steady to rule out camera movement causing the motion. Yet the movement was so rapid, I have a hard time attributing it to Planet X. The pictures were taken from video using Adobe Premiere. The footage was shot with a Canon GL2 camcorder, using -11 exposure setting, ND filter on and a ultra-violet filter over the lens. No touch-ups were made, other than to reduce the image size.
- Patrick
- Planet X has been appearing at the location where the Virgo constellation touches the Sun, as seen from the Northern Hemisphere. Note that a white light persona appears here, at the 12 o'clock position, with dual yellow personas on either side at the 9:30 o'clock and 2:30 o'clock positions similar to what has been presented in the Aug 24 Ohio Lotus Flower crop circle.
- Nancy