Sunrise Sun
Colorado, on May 12, 2003
- I took 5 photos this morning [May 12] at sunrise at my home North of Denver. Weve had cloudy skies since the Golden sighting.
The time was about 5:50 AM and I took all the photos approximately 2 minutes apart (I dont wear a watch). I didnt allow the
camera enough time to automatically adjust for the first 3 photos and they are pretty washed out so I didnt send them. The
camera is a Concord EyeQ Duo 2000 with 2.0 mega pixel, I used the 1600 x 1200 resolution. I did not see anything while I took the
photos, however it is a bit difficult to stare at the sun too long. I also did not originally see anything when I first loaded the photos
on the computer. But, when I adjusted the midtones on these two photos to the lower end of the scale an image (second sun)
popped out at me. I was using PhotoImpression 2000 to enhance the photos. The image is to the left of the sun and about 60
degrees toward the vertical. In my midtone adjusted photos the second sun is almost the diameter of the sun and is
approximately 10 sun diameters away for the sun. The image also moved slightly between the 2 pictures. Please take a look at
these two photos and let me know what you think.
- Mark, in Colorado

- I adjusted the contrast and bias on your image to really bring out the spot you are talking about and I have to say it looks pretty
impressive. Does not appear to be a sundog or a reflection poking through any clouds as the sky appears to be very clear. I can't
say for sure that it is not a lens reflection but does not really seem to fit that bill.
- Steve