icon Pole Shift & Earth Changes

Copyright 1997-99 Educate-Yourself, (cont.)

This material is a work in progress and is incomplete. It may be copied, reproduced, and distributed in any manner provided that 1) It is not edited or abridged in any way; 2) That credit is given to the author, Ken Adachi; and 3) It is not sold for profit.

Pole Shift & Earth Changes

The most dramatic earth movements/cataclysms will occur in late Spring or early Summer of 2003. The North and South Poles will shift from their *current location. The 12th Planet will pass between the earth and the sun, approaching from below the elliptic (from the direction of the South Pole) and move in a trajectory towards the North Pole. As the 12th Planet passes by the central portion of the earth, the magnetic influence of the 12th Planet will be so great that its North Pole's magnetic field will cause the Earth's North pole to deflect away about 90 degrees. This rapid movement of the Earth's molten interior core will pull the Earth's crust along with it. The resultant earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mountain building, mega winds, and tidal waves will be on a scale beyond normal reference or imagination. The Zetas report that new land masses will rise in the Pacific Ocean, reducing its overall area; while land will sink in the Atlantic, expanding its current dimensions. Vast areas of both the East and West coasts, as well as the Mississippi valley of the United States will be inundated by tidal forces and permanently flooded. A large section of northern Europe, the western half of Australia, and most of Japan will go under water as well (as predicted by Edgar Cayce).

During the period of non-rotation, obviously half of the earth will be exposed to the sun while the other side of the earth experiences darkness. This scenario corroborates with the biblical revelation and Hopi Prophecies concerning 3 days of darkness (Sitchin also points to many historical texts by ancient historians describing events from both the dark side and the illuminated side of the planet during past visits by the 12th Planet).

After the 12th Planet moves beyond its obstructing position vis a vis the sun, its gravitational grip will lessen and allow the Earth to again respond to the influences of the sun and other planetary bodies in our solar system. This lessening gravitational influence will permit the Earth to begin rotating again; slowly at first; but gradually returning to its normal speed as the 12th Planet pulls away from us. Due to the enormously long, debris-filled tail of the red giant, the close passage of the 12th planet will cause a tearing away of a portion of the earth's atmosphere as well as raining down of a great deal of chunky debris and red dust into our atmosphere. Oxygen in the atmosphere will burn with this inbound debris and ignite superheated atmospheric firestorms that will consume much oxygen. Continuous volcanic eruptions will throw up massive amounts of smoke & ash. The large amounts of sulfur and lead in this ash will poison most sources of surface drinking water such as lakes and rivers, and possibly contaminate some underground water sources as well. The Zetas report that it will take a few years for the atmospheric pressure to rebuild to former levels. During this period, clouds and wind currents (the jet stream), which normally blow aloft, will occur at the surface. This atmospheric change will translate into an almost constant rain and drizzle and very high surface winds. Therefore, it will not be possible to grow food unprotected or live above the surface for a few years. Underground protected environments will be a necessity for survival.

*New Polar Regions

After the North and South Poles shift, they will permanently assume this new position and not return to their former positions. Present day India, as well as the mid-ridge of the Atlantic off the eastern tip of Brazil will be near the center of these new polar regions and will flash freeze within a matter of hours (Z). This will obviously change the location of the Equator, the Tropical and Temperate Zones, etc. The Zetas report that Nibiru has passed close enough to Earth to have caused Pole Shifts many times before. Today, there are many books which discuss the ample physical evidence of former Pole shifts, but Immanuel Velikovsky was one of the earlier authors to thoroughly document the evidence and make the case for Pole shifts in the early 1950's. John White's contemporary book Pole Shift is also well done.

Safe Areas

The Zetatalk (http://www.zetatalk.com) web site discusses safe areas in depth. You should read these files carefully and study the attached maps (if you can't get the information from the internet, write me for copies). There are too many details to consider in choosing a safe area to include in this synopsis, but it should be borne in mind that the climate in your chosen safe area will change immediately following the pole shift. Southern Canada, for example, will assume the temperature range of present-day southern California. More detail on safe areas can be found at:

  1. TroubledTimes... (http://www.zetatalk.com/thub.htm), an independent survival information site working in tandem with the Zetas towards similar goals.
  2. Lori Toye's site (http://www.iamamerica.com) also includes post-cataclysm maps of the United States and other parts of the world which indicate safe areas for relocation.
    Call 1-800-930-1341 or write to:
    PO Box 2511, Payson, AZ 85547.
  3. Gordon-Michael Scallion (http://www.matrixinstitute.com), a modern seer/futurist in the tradition of Edgar Cayce, provides port-cataclysym maps of the United States and the rest of the world.
    1-800-628-7493/ Matrix Institute, PO Box 367, Chesterfield, NH 03466.
    Fax (603)256-6614/ Voice (603) 256-6520

Copyright Educate-Yourself, Inc. 1997, 1998, 1999
For more information, contact:

Ken Adachi@
PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
949-726-5098 voice mail
Internet: http://educate-yourself.org
E-Mail: Educate-Yourself
