icon Genetic Engineering

Copyright 1997-99 Educate-Yourself, (cont.)

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Genetic Engineering of Homo Sapiens

According to Sitchin, while the Anunnaki production of gold was increased by mining in South Africa, so was the physical effort to extract it. After continuous day and night gold mining for a period of 150,000 years (450,000-300,000BC), the South African Anunnaki mine workers revolted. The mutiny was resolved through the intercession of the brother/sister gods of the Anunnaki named Enki and Ninharsag by genetically engineering an African apewoman to create a replacement laborer. After considerable trial and error, according to the Summerian story, a suitable hybrid worker was developed. Capable of gene manipulation technology, the Anunnaki implanted the apewoman's egg into surrogate Anunnaki maidens. This early hybrid could not sexually reproduce, but at a later time, some of these hybrids (referred to as black heads in Sumerian tablets) were moved from Africa to a place the Sumerians called E.DIN in Mesopotamia and further engineered to be able to sexually reproduce. Some considerable time later, some of the Anunnaki (including royalty ) began to mate with human females. It's noted in the Bible: "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." Genesis 6:2. Offspring of this union were referred to as Men of Renown or Demigods (.Biblical ref.: "when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:4).

The Zetas, on the other hand, have indicated that the Anunnaki genetic contribution to the human gene pool was a minor one at best. They state that man was gentically 'upgraded' at different times by different aliens groups and that while the Anunnaki genetically 'tinkered' with man, they were not the creators of homo sapiens per se. The physical effect of these upgrades is most obvious in the appearance of the human brain which has 3 discreet sections or regions: the lower reptilian brain (Medulla), the middle brain (Cerebellum) the upper brain (Cortex). Other mammals have a single, unified brain design. In addition, the anthropological evidence of the sudden flourishing of advanced civilizations such as Sumeria which followed a long period of decline can only be rationally reconciled by the recognition of some sort of 'boost' that placed man back on the right track. Most historians (including Sitchin) and anthropologists agree with this conclusion.

According to the Zetas, man as a species already existed when the Anunnaki performed their genetic adjustments to create their hybrid workers. The Zetas further point out that the principal extraterrestrial genetic contributions to the human gene pool came from the Pleiadians, Sirians, and Lyrians {Greys}. Due to that genetic ancestry, it is these alien groups that are having the greatest interactions with humans at this time. It's interesting to note that many human contactees or abductees (E.g. Travis Walton) have reported seeing at least one group of aliens, known as Nordics, that look exactly like humans. They are blond, blue eyed and about 7 feet tall.

The Giza Plateau

Edgar Cayce predicted in 1934 that a Hall of Records (which contained details about earlier high technology civilizations such as Atlantis & Limuria) would be unearthed in ** Asia, South America, and Egypt. He specifically predicted that in 1996, chambers buried beneath the left paw of the Sphinx would be discovered and would eventually reveal such a Hall of Records. These chambers were indeed discovered in 1996, but the Egyptian director in charge of the Giza plateau, Zahi Hawass, prefers the world to accept the orthodox view that the Sphinx was built by human slaves in 1250 B.C. and that the Great Pyramid was a tomb/monument built by the Pharaoh Khufu. Hawass is now denying access to the Sphinx and Great Pyramid to the very archaeological groups ( the Shore Group, John Anthony West, Robert Bauvall and who were responsible for the discovery of the buried chambers. Richard Hoagland has presented credible evidence on the radio that Zahi is in bed with NASA and other New World Order people who want to keep the lid on information about the revelations of former advanced civilizations.

A documentary shown on public TV in the early 90's called The Mystery of The Sphinx with Charlton Heston, demonstrated that long-term water erosion evidence on the Sphinx pushed the date of its construction to beyond 11,000BC; when the Egyptian climate permitted long periods of rain. That date matches up closely to the time of the Great Flood. Sitchin points out in his book, The Wars of Gods and Men, that numerous Egyptian texts discuss a period after the Great Flood when "gods" helped the Egyptians construct canals, drainage systems, dikes, etc. to reclaim the flooded Egyptian plain. The gods were the Anunnaki.

**Asian Hall of Records

Tibetan monk, physician, and writer T. Lobsang Rampa, reports on pages 88-97 in his 1963 book The Cave of The Ancients that while still a young boy and trainee, he was taken by a group of monks to a highly concealed crevice entrance far up in the Tibetan mountains. The entrance led to a huge, cavernous interior. The interior was illuminated with artificial lighting in which the "bulbs" were ice cold to the touch. Spread throughout the smooth-walled rooms were many strange machines that seemed to be in working condition, but the monks could not understand their function or purpose. One oval shaped device allowed the viewer to place his head within its shell, whereby he could both hear and see different animals, music, etc.; a sort of visual encyclopedia of Earthly life (some alien contactees have reported being taken into such cavernous locations deep within the Earth and shown similar Halls of Remembrances). Later, they entered another room with a machine that allowed them to view a holographic "movie" with sound and narration explaining that the machines were working models left as part of a time capsule/hall of records explaining the history of these pre-diluvian advanced civilization which spiritually declined, misused their technology and brought about their demise. The holograph revealed cities and forests disappearing in a twinkling of an eye due to massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, atmospheric fire storms, tidal waves, etc. While Rampa did not mention any knowledge of Nibiru, the Anunnaki, or Cayce's predictions, it is my opinion that this Tibetan time capsule/mountain location discovered by these monks is probably one of the Asian Hall of Records cited by Cayce. Cayce also wrote of other Halls of Records and of a Golden City, yet to be unearthed (or perhaps undisclosed by the Chinese), in the Gobi Desert.

In Rampa's first book, The Third Eye (1956), he lends corroboration to physical evidence of the Anunnaki themselves. On pages 210-214, he describes being taken down into a chamber deep below the Lamasery in Lhasa, Tibet. There, at the beginning of a 3 day long initiate ritual in which Rampa was expected to travel out of body and "walk among the dead", Rampa was first shown 3 uncovered black stone coffins. When he peered into the coffins, Rampa was startled to see the bodies of 2 men and one women; nude, and completely covered in gold leaf (the final step in the Tibetan mummification process). The woman was 10 feet tall and the larger of the 2 men was 15 feet. The elderly monk who escorted Rampa to this location said: "My son, look upon these. They were gods in our land in the days before the mountains came. They walked our country when seas washed our shores., and when different stars were in the sky. Look, for none but initiates have seen these."

Copyright Educate-Yourself, Inc. 1997, 1998, 1999
For more information, contact:

Ken Adachi@
PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
949-726-5098 voice mail
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