icon Spiritual Preparations

Copyright 1997-99 Educate-Yourself, (cont.)

This material is a work in progress and is incomplete. It may be copied, reproduced, and distributed in any manner provided that 1) It is not edited or abridged in any way; 2) That credit is given to the author, Ken Adachi; and 3) It is not sold for profit.

Spiritual Preparation

Spiritual preparation should be addressed-even before physical preparations. Spiritual growth comes with the recognition that love and compassion for others (as well as yourself) is the most important thing in life. Following the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".) and developing greater consciousness through meditation can open the door for spiritual awakening and permit contact with higher beings who will help guide you in the work that will be most beneficial to yourself and others during the difficult times ahead.

Marian Messages

For the past 200 years, The Virgin Mary has appeared to many individuals with warnings and predictions of future events. These apparitions have increased dramatically in the past few decades. While the catholic church has only officially recognized 7 visitations, there have been literally hundreds of multible visits all over the world, many unreported by the media. The Blessed Virgin has specifically spelled out the increasing weather problems, upheavals, cataclysms, and pole shift with the resultant lost of life of the vast majority of the world's population in the very near future. She asks for everyone to pray and meditate for at least an hour each day. She promises that God will aid those who ask for His Help and spiritually prepare for the earth's cleansing. Annie Kirkwood, an unassuming housewife, has been receiving regular visits from The Virgin Mary since 1985. The Blessed Virgin asked Annie to tell the world her messages of the coming changes. I strongly urge you to read her book: Mary's Message to the World. It only costs $10. and is available in most bookstores. Brad Steiger has also recently published an excellent book on the Marian Apparitions. It's called: Mother Mary Speaks to Us.

Copyright Educate-Yourself, Inc. 1997, 1998, 1999
For more information, contact:

Ken Adachi@
PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
949-726-5098 voice mail
Internet: http://educate-yourself.org
E-Mail: Educate-Yourself
